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India Front Line Report
SEAnews Issue:monthly
2013-12-24 ArtNo.44701
◆AAP's Yadav says B'lore biggest donor, cadres deny
【Bangalore】Aam Aadmi party leader Yogendra Yadav on Thursday credited Bangaloreans with shaping Delhi's political contours by being the most generous donors to the party's coffers.
 However, the psephologist was contradicted by his colleagues in the City. At a press conference here, Yadav said Bangaloreans made the highest donation for the Delhi elections, which was later contradicted by his party workers in Karnataka, who said Bangalore was in the third position after Delhi and Mumbai. Delhi had contributed about Rs 4 crore and Mumbai Rs 1.47 crore.
 Bangalore's share in the Rs 20-crore donation was Rs 1.35 crore. However, overall donation the party received from Karnataka was a whopping Rs 2.5 crore.
【News source】

AAP's Yadav says B'lore biggest donor, cadres deny

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