SEAnews SEA Research, BLK 758 Yishun Street 72 #09-444 Singapore 760758
India Front Line Report
SEAnews Issue:monthly
2013-12-24 ArtNo.44707
◆Special Offer Advertising - on an occasion of SEAnews’ resumption of operation
【Sponsored Story】Your picture and/or text banners can be displayed on over 174,390 newsletters that we publish, "The India Front Line Report", and more than 44,900 web pages.
 Our mail readers and visitors to our website will be able to view your company's produces, services and other details that you have on your own websites when they click on the advertisement banners.
 "The India Front Line Report" which provides readers the highlights of major news in India, is issued in English, Chinese and Japanese once a week and sent to 40 000 addresses per day on average. Readers will get more details and up to date news sources from our website clicking the highlights.
 Current readers of the English, Chinese and Japanese news highlights are 141,112, 16,934 and 1,6344 respectively (as of March, 2014). We intend to expand the total circulation to one million readers for 2014.
○WEB Picture Ad: S$80/- per three months
[01] The size of "WEB Picture banner Ad" is 150w×38h px and the data volume is maximum 24KB. As for the image formats, you can use jpg, gif and png. 35 banners are placed vertically on the conspicuous left side of each page of the SEAnews website.
[02] The unit price of WEB Picture banner Ad, advertising on about 44,600 web pages in one term (three months), is 80 Singapore Dollars. These 35 banner ad spaces are contracted by advertisers every three months on a first come first served basis.
[03] Please provide the HTML source code of the Banner Ad and the URL of the web page to which the Picture Burner Ad should be linked.
○Mail Picture Ad: S$100/- per three months
[04] The size of "Picture Banner Ad" is 150w×38h px and the data volume is maximum 24KB. As for the image formats, you can use jpg, gif and png. The 35 Banner Ads are placed vertically on the conspicuous left side of the mail.
[05] The unit price of mail picture banner is 100 Singapore Dollars. The mail is issued twice a week and the period of advertising is three months in one term. These 35 banner ad spaces are contracted by advertisers every three months on a first come first served basis.
[06] Please provide the HTML source code of the Banner Ad and the URL of the web page to which the Picture Burner Ad should be linked.
○WEB Text Ad: S$100/- per three months
[07] WEB Text Banner Ad (maximum 40 letters in Japanese or Chinese or 20 words in English) is placed on the most conspicuous location of upper part of about 44,600 pages using marquee tags. Only 1 unit is available.
[08] The advertising fee per three months (1 term) for one unit's ad is 100 Singapore dollars. The ad space is contracted by advertisers every three months on a first come first served basis.
[09] The "Text Ad" is put up on our website in Japanese, Chinese or English. Please fill the text into the Text Ad column at "Banner Ad Order Form".
[10] Please provide the URL of the web page to which the Text Ad should be linked.
○Mail Text Ad: S$100/- per three months
[11]Mail Text Banner Ad (maximum of 40 letters in Japanese or Chinese or 20 words in English) is placed on the most conspicuous location of upper part of emails using marquee tags. Only 1 unit is available.
[12]The advertising fee per three months for one unit of Mail Text Banner Ad is 100 Singapore dollars. The ad space is contracted by advertisers every three months on a first come first served basis.
[13]The "Text Ad" will be put up on our mail in Japanese, Chinese or English. Please fill the text into the Text Ad column at "Banner Ad Order Form".
[14]Please provide the URL of the web page to which the Text Ad should be linked.
○Sponsored Story: S$30/- per publishing
[15]You can put the informations regarding your company's products, services and events etc. on our newsletter and website as "Sponsored Story" in English, Chinese and Japanese.
[16]The advertising fee is 30 Singpore dollars per delivery. We do not provide "free of charge grace period (shown as below)" for it.
[17]As many as 15 digests of Sponsored Story can be displayed on each issue of our newsletter. Recipients of the newsletters will be able to read the full text of Sponsored Stories on our website clicking the links at the end of the digests. These stories will be kept on our website until the next issue of our newsletter and then deleted. If you provide another link to your own website in the digest, they can continue to read the story on your website after being deleted from our website.
[18]Please provide manuscript of the article in English, Chinese or Japanese according to the specifications of SEAnews shown as below.

Please put "◆" at beginning of the headline with maximum 30 letters in Japanese and Chinese or 15 words in English. Example:◆Special sale for Restarting delivery:Free of charge until the end of September, 2014

Please put【Sponsored Story】at beginning of the text for its lead which consists of maximum 240 letters in Japanese and Chinese or 120 words in English

Maximum 1600 letters for Japanese and Chinese manuscripts or 800 words for English manuscript.

Please put "○" at beginning of the subheads as follows.
○Free for WEB Text Ad in 3 months from the 1st Octoberl 2014
Example for inserting link code:

Now, please fill in <a href=” https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dHJwYjIwTkVaa2RqNEhhZlYyTzFnVlE6MA#gid=0”>"the form" </a>and apply for our banner ads.
[19]If you want to deliver the same manuscript five times in a row, please order 5 units. If there are enough advertising spaces, we will put your Sponsored Story on five issues of our newsletter in a row, immediately after receiving the advertising fee. If there are not enough advertising spaces, we will deliver your Sponsored Story later.
[20]You can not specify particular date for publication of your sponsored story.
[21] If you wish to deliver more than one different Sponsored Stories, please apply separately.

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