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India Front Line Report
SEAnews Issue:monthly
2014-03-07 ArtNo.44881
◆Oppo N1 phablet: Style meets substance
【New Delhi】The personal technology market, especially smartphones, has become so lucrative that everyone wants to have its piece of the pie. Everyday, we hear about some new company joining the fray.
 One such is the Chinese firm Oppo, which recently launched their flagship product, the Oppo N1 phablet, in India with much glamour and blitz. Oppo claims the N1 is the first smartphone with a rotating camera. So irrespective of whether you use the primary camera for clicking pictures or want to video chat, just rotate the 13 MP camera grid to get high-quality pictures or videos.
【News source】

Oppo N1 phablet: Style meets substance

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