SEAnews SEA Research, BLK 758 Yishun Street 72 #09-444 Singapore 760758
India Front Line Report
SEAnews Issue:monthly
2018-12-07 ArtNo.46468
◆Government to implement social security code in three phases

【New Delhi】Labour ministry has proposed a comprehensive social security system to provide retirement, health, old-age, disability, unemployment and maternity benefits to 50 crore workers in the country, in yet another populist measure ahead of the general elections next year.
 The labour ministry has decided to implement the much-awaited social security code in phases after fears emerged that some of the controversial proposals in the comprehensive draft legislation could delay the entire reform process. The proposal includes vesting all powers of Employees' Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) and Employees' State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) in state social security boards while converting the two central organisations into fund managers, which the ministry feels, could ignite controversy. Instead, the ministry will now go ahead with the launch of a nationwide mandatory social security scheme while putting on hold the other debatable proposals, a senior government official told ET. According to the official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, the idea is to unveil the social security scheme before general elections next year.
 The social security scheme envisaged by the government will provide social security cover to 50 crore workers against 10 crore now. The beneficiaries would be classified into four tiers.

【News source】

Priests: Rahul belongs to Kaul Dattatreya lineage

Government to implement social security code in three phases

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