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”An Epic Tale of the People of the Covenant” slide show:A thread of fate binding between Israel's Lost Tribes and Japanese imperial family
<Episode 2>
According to Israeli research agency Amishav, organisation aimed at seeking the Lost Tribes of Israel, the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh have the Y chromosome gene D, which is characteristic of Paleo-Mongoloids such as Jomon people (縄文人), indigenous people of the Japanese archipelago and Tibetans, thus they were genetically different from the descendants of the twelve sons of Jacob (also known as Israel), including Joseph (their father)'s tribe.
Interestingly, it seems that both tribes came to 'Toyohashihara no Mizuho no kuni (豊葦原の瑞穂の国),' that is, Japan, after the destruction of the northern kingdom of Israel and contributed to the establishment of the Yamato dynasty (大和王朝).
I published the 6th edition of my book "The Origin of Christianity" with the subtitle "An Epic Tale of the People of the Covenant," paying attention to the fact that Christianity was born from the "church movement" that had occurred in the process of the people of the Covenant scattered all over the world after they had migrated from the Fertile Crescent at the mouths of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers to the Promised Land Canaan. However, later, it became clear that the Ephraim and Manasseh, only who possess the genetic characteristics of Paleo-Mongoloid among the twelve tribes of Israel, played an important role not only in the conquest of Canaan but also in the eastern transmission of Christianity. Thus, this time, I delivered the 7th edition with the main title of "An Epic Tale of the People of the Covenant."
This slideshow will focus on the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh and the Japanese imperial family, and delve into the relation between Japan and the People of the Covenant.
Hebrew genes in Japanese
Mr. Ben-Ami Shillony, an emeritus professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, who is also the Honorary President of the Israeli Association for Japanese Studies, points out that there are many vocabularies similar pronunciation and meaning with Hebrew in Japanese words.
The examples in the attached table are just a few and say that counting down is not less than 500. At first glance it covers various areas of everyday life. And this seems to be the proof that a large number of Jews continued to visit the Japanese archipelago for a long time probably since the ancient times, dating back to the Jomon period, and had a mass-level exchange with the indigenous people of Japan but not only the imperial family.
Jerusalem Temple and Suwa Taisha Shrine
The Suwa Shrine (諏訪神社), that is located at the foot of Mt. Moriya (守屋山), which is on the border between Suwa City (諏訪市) and Ina City (伊那市) in Nagano Prefecture (長野県) and an altitude of 1651 meters, was built and has been enshrined by the Moriya clan, the descendants of Mononobe no Moriya (物部守屋), who had been defeated by the Soga clan (蘇我氏) during the Teibi Incident (丁未の乱).
According to Protestant Bible commentator Mr. Arimasa Kubo (久保有政), who was the first pastor of the Ikebukuro-Nishi Church, the temple of ancient Israel was also built on the hill called Mount Moriah in Jerusalem, and Yahweh was called the "God of Moriah."
Origin of Mononobe clan
The founder of Mononobe clan (物部氏), Umashimaji Mikoto (宇摩志麻遅命) was born between Tenson Nigihayahi Mikoto (天孫饒速日尊), who had built the first Yamato dynasty (第一次大和王朝) in the Kinki region before Tenson Ninigi no Mikoto (天孫瓊瓊杵尊) descended to Mt. Takachiho in Tsukushi, Kitakyushu, and Tomiyabime (登美夜毘売). Mononobe clan became a powerful military clan in charge of manufacturing and managing ironware and weapons after Emperor Jimmu, the General of the Eastern expedition of Kitakyushu based Korean Peninsula-linked clan (Iwai磐井?) had annexed the first Yamato Kingdom and had established the second Yamato Kingdom.
The etymology of Yamato is ’Yehoamato (Yahweh's people)’!?
According to Mr. Kubo, Nigihayahinomikoto (饒速日尊) founded his kingdom with the cooperation of the Ephraim, one of the ten lost tribes of Israel and called his country Yamato kingdom (大和王国) based on the Aramaic word 'Yehoamato', which means 'Yahweh's people' in order to show themselves as the tribe of Tenson (天孫族Imperial ancestors descended from Heaven).
Emperor Jimmu (神武天皇) after he had vanquished the Kinki region (近畿地方), inherited the country name of Yamato kingdom (大和王国) and called himself Kamu-yamato-iware-hiko no Mikoto (神日本磐余彦尊), which is derived from the Hebrew-Aramaic words 'Kam Yamato Ephraim Peko Shmelon Makto' and can be interpreted as 'The king of Samaria, the noble founder of the Ephraim tribe of Yahweh.'
If so, it also seems to be coherent that the ancient Israeli temple built on the hill called Mount Moriah in Jerusalem is the origin of Suwa Shrine located at the foot of Mt. Moriya, which is on the border between Suwa City and Ina City in Japan.
Jomon people and ’Y chromosome gene’
By the way, it seems that the indigenous Paleolithic culture already existed in the Japanese archipelago 40,000 years ago.
According to recent genetic studies, Buryats and another Paleo-Mongoloid population, which were carrying the "Y chromosome C3 gene" and the "Y chromosome D2 gene" respectively, came to the Japanese archipelago via Saharin, by around 18,000 years ago and by about 16,500 years ago respectiveluy and the Jomon culture characterized by Jomon pottery was formed.
The Ephraim tribe came to Japan as early as during the Jomon period !?
Since about 3000 years ago, a massive population of neo-Mongoloid tribes, such as Siberian, Mongolian, Chinese and Korean have flowed into the Japanese archipelago through the Korean Peninsula and maritime routes and brought agricultural lifestyle to the Japanese archipelago. Thus there seems to have been a gradual transition from the Jomon period, of which main lifestyle was hunting and gathering, to the Yayoi period, which is characterized by Yayoi-style pottery.
If Mr. Kubo's theory is correct, it is believed that the Ephraim tribe came to Wakoku before the Jinmu's Eastern Expedition and contributed to the establishment of the first Yamato kingship of Nigihayahi. It seems to go back to early Yayoi period or as early as the latter period of the Jomon era. Perhaps, Paleo-Mongoloid groups who reached Honshu (本州: the main island of Japan.) via Sakhalin to the south to Hokkaido (北海道) may include a group that has a common ancestor with Aramaic-speaking nomads. Thus Jomon people may have been interacting with Aramaic-speaking nomads for hundreds or even thousands of years.
The mystery of the Jewish Haniwa
Professor Emeritus of Tohoku University, Mr. Hidemichi Tanaka (田中英道1942-), a historian and art historian who also served as a visiting professor at the University of Rome and Bologna University, has pointed out that Humanoid Haniwas (埴輪clay images) with a long beard and a long sideburns, wearing a peculiar hat, which were excavated from many ancient burial mounds in Chiba (千葉), Ibaraki (茨城), Gunma (群馬), and Saitama (埼玉) prefectures, are very similar to Jews in formal wear described in the Old Testament Levi, and has claimed that it is evidence of Jewish arrival in Japan during the Kofun period (古墳時代). And according to him, the area where such haniwa are excavated is limited to the Kanto region (関東地方). Now, these areas seem to overlap with the sphere of influence of Mononobe clan (物部氏), which had a bloodline of Nigihayahi (饒速日尊). If so, it seems that these Humanoid Haniwas reflect the appearance of the Ephraim tribe, who cooperated with Nigihayahi to have established the first Yamato administration (大和朝廷), which seems to have existed in the Kinki region (近畿地方) before Jinmu's Eastern Expedition (神武東征).
Manasseh came to the Great Burial Period
On the other hand, the Manasseh tribe is believed to have arrived after the Yayoi period and when the Japanese archipelago experienced a boom in the construction of ancient burial mounds (古墳), that is, from the time of Emperor Ojin (応神天皇) to the reign of Emperor Keitai (継体天皇).
It seems that there were several possible routes, some of which came from the Korean Peninsula (朝鮮半島) to Kitakyushu (北九州), and some of which came from Primorskaya(沿海州) to the Hokuriku (北陸) and Sanin (山陰) regions via the maritime route.
The mystery of Huge burial mounds
The Japanese archipelago experienced a 400-year boom in the construction of burial mounds from the latter half of the 3rd century to the end of the 7th century, and more than 160,000 burial mounds were built nationwide. In particular, the Daisenryo (大仙陵) Kofun (古墳: Ancient Tomb), which is located in Daisen-cho, Sakai-ku, Sakai-shi, Osaka and is said to be the tomb of the 16th Emperor Nintoku (仁徳天皇) and has the largest scale not only in Japan but also in the world, is believed to have been built over 15 years and 8 months with an average of 2000 workers per day and the total construction cost is estimated to be 79,677 million yen (725,060,000 US dollars).
There are various types of tumuli such as "Zenpokoenfun (前方後円墳tomb of circular shape with a rectangular frontage)", "Zenpokohofun (前方後方墳 a front and rear rectangular shaped tomb), "Enpun(円墳circle tumulus)", "Hofun (方墳square tumulus)" and so on. It seems that the construction of "Zenpokoenfun" was only permitted to the clans participating in the Yamato coalition government. But what on earth was such huge burial mounds made for?
Relation with the situation on the Korean Peninsula
A large influx of immigrants during the Kofun period seems to have been closely related to the situation on the Korean Peninsula. However, when Silla established a unified nation in the 7th century, the influx of immigrants and the building activities of burial mounds were drastically reduced.
It seems that the Yamato administration imported iron raw materials from the Korean Peninsula semi-exclusively and distributed them to the clans under the allied government. Not a few Korean Peninsula-linked clans also obtained iron raw materials directly from Korea, but other local clans who do not have linkages with the Peninsula can not only receive distribution of iron raw materials by joining the Yamato administration, but also increase their prestige in the region. For this reason, Zenpokoenfun (前方後円墳) widespread throughout the country, and the number has reached about 5,200.
Huge burial mounds have been built along the route from Osaka Bay to the location of the Yamato administration, so there seems to have had aims to show off not only to domestic clans but also to missions and the migrants from Korean countries such as Goguryeo (高句麗), Silla (新羅), Baekje (百済) and Kaya (伽耶).
However, in addition to the fact that thanks to the introduction of tatara ironmaking technology, domestic procurement of iron raw materials has become possible, it became difficult to import from the Korean Peninsula due to the birth of the unified kingdom of Silla, the Yamato court transformed from a coalition of clans centered on Okimi (大王Great King) to a centralized nation with the emperor at the top and the Yamato administration banned the construction of large-scale burial mounds, so the tumulus boom quickly cooled and ended.
Qin Shi Huang's great-grandson King of Yuzuki arrives
In the eighth year (197 C.E.) of Emperor Chuai (仲哀天皇), who was the 14th Emperor counting from the first Emperor Jinmu (神武天皇), King Koman (功満) of the Christian nation of Yuzuki (弓月), who is said to have been the 3rd (Shinsen Shojiroku新撰姓氏録) or 14th (Ozake Shrine History Book大酒神社由緒書) generation grandson of Qin Shi Huang (秦始皇) came to Japan with his servants. Afterwards the son of King Koman led 18,670 people and came to the country during the reign of the 15th Emperor Ojin (応神天皇). This is thought to be the origin of Christians called Hata clan came to Japan in large sums.
The late Professor Yoshiro Saeki of Waseda University, who is said to have been the world leader in Keikyo(景教Jingjiao: Luminous Religion) research, said, "As far as we can know from historical documents, Christianity was introduced to Japan in 198/199 C.E." However, modern scholars see it as an event in the second half of the fourth century. According to the Chinese history book ZizhiTongjian (資治通鑑), there was a country called Gongyue (弓月:Yuzuki) built by a nomad named Qin (秦:Hata) near Lake Balkhash in Central Asia. In addition, a Jew named Joseph Eidelberg (1916-1985), author of 'The Biblical Hebrew Origin of the Japanese People,' states that there was a place named Yehoamato near the Lake Balkash and says that this might be the etymology of Yamato.
The current imperial family is a descendant of the Manasseh?
The approximately 20,000 Hata clan (秦氏), who came to Japan, were engaged in the sericulture and silk business and contributed to the construction of Heiankyo (平安京, that is, Kyoto) and the flood control of the Yodo River (淀川) in the Osaka Plain, the Kamo River (鴨川) and the Katsura River (桂川) in Kyoto. Hata clan's chief, Hata Kawakatsu (秦河勝), was an aide to Prince Shotoku (聖徳太子) and in 603 built a building, which was later called Koryuji Temple (広隆寺), in Kadono (葛野), Kyoto, in order to house the statue of Maitreya Bodhisattva sitting contemplatively in the half-lotus position (弥勒菩薩半跏思惟像) with the shape of hand symbolized the doctrine of Keikyo(景教Jingjiao: Luminous Religion) and the Eastern Church's 'Three-One mysterious substance (三一妙身) that was given by Shilla to Japan.
According to the book Honchokouinjohunroku (本朝皇胤紹運録), which was compiled in the early days of Muromachi era (室町時代), Emperor Ankan had a prince called Toyohikomiko (豊彦王), and Toyohikomiko and Hata Kawakatsu (秦河勝) were the same person. If this is the case, then Emperor Keitai would also be a member of the Hata clan, who came from Korea and who is said to be a descendant of the first Emperor of Qin. Furthermore, it is possible that Qin Shi Huang (BC259-BC210) itself was a descendant of the tribe of Manasseh, Aramaic-speaking herders.
Mystery of 'Yata no Kagami'
In the era of Japanese Emperor Meiji, Minister of Education Arinori Mori (森有礼1847-1889) said, "I saw the words 'I AM WHO I AM (Ex. 3:14)' in Hebrew behind the mirror of Yata no Kagami (八咫鏡)," according to Mr. Kubo. Incidentally, 'Yata no Kagami' means 'eight-ta (94.16 cm) circumference mirror' and is one of the Three Imperial Regalia.
Around 1952, 'Japan-Judah Society (日猶懇話会)' was formed, with the former Navy Colonel Koreshige Inuzuka (犬塚惟重 1890-1965) as chairman. The regular meeting on January 25, 1953 was held at a Jew called Mikhail Kogan's residence in Minato-ku of Tokyo. His Highness Takahito Mikasa (三笠宮崇仁 1915-2016) was also present at this meeting. On that opportunity, Rev. Kyoichi Ozaki (尾崎喬一牧師), founder of the Toyo Mission Church Kiyome Church (東洋宣教会きよめ教会), spoke about mystery of 'Yata no Kagami' in Japanese Palace. Then, Prince Mikasa said, "I shall investigate the truth." The next day, Tokyo Evening News reported, "Prince Mikasa will investigate the Hebrew source theory of the regalia mirror!" Prince Mikasa said to the newspaper, "I can't see the mirror on my own, because even today, the Three Imperial Regalia, the mirror, the 'Yasakani no magatama (a comma-shaped jewel)' and the 'Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi (the sacred sword)' are considered too afraid to be taken out of the deep sanctuary inside the Imperial Palace. It is unlikely that even the emperor has ever seen the mirror, so I will create my own survey based on the Imperial Household Agency's statement or dictation. ... " However, it has not been told that Prince Mikasa then announced the findings.
According to Mr. Wado Kosaka (高坂和導)'s "Super Illustration: Takeuchi Document II (超図解・竹内文書II), " Shinto priest Yutaro Yano (矢野祐太朗) went over to Ise Shrine (伊勢神宮) and asked the chief priest to show him 'Yata no Kagami' in secret, and transcribed the pattern on the back.
A famous shintoist, Professor Chikao Fujisawa (藤沢親雄1893-1962), who taught at Nihon University and Kokushikan University, also believed that the roots of the Three Imperial Regalia were ancient Israel.
Circumcision tradition passed down in Japanese Emperor family
Emperor Meiji's daughter Princess Shinobu (仁内親王) told her son, Mr. Takatoshi Kobayashi (小林隆利), "My father (Emperor Meiji) said, 'I examined the history of Japan with the emperor's authority and found that Shinto (神道: a religion originating from Japan) had originally been a Jewish religion and later integrated into primitive Christianity." Mr. Kobayashi said, "The Imperial Family has been circumcised on the eighth day of one's birth. I myself also was circumcised." Emperor Meiji's grandson Mr. Kaoru Nakamaru (中丸薫) also testified, "The Emperor's family has been circumcised on the eighth day of one's birth."
Meiji Emperor said to Princess Shinobu, "Shinto had originally been a Jewish religion and later integrated into primitive Christianity." So the Japanese imperial family may have converted from Judaism to primitive Christianity at that time. And 'primitive Christianity' may have referred to the Jacobite which was faithful to the Mosaic Law, including 'circumcision.'
By the way, 'Yata no Kagami,' one of 'Three Sacred Treasures,' may have been created in Japan through imitating the copper mirror which had been made in China. If Hebrew and Greek words were to have been written, it was likely that those who understood these words were involved, and that the period would coincide with the time when Jingjiao (景教) was introduced to Japan.
Now, even assuming that Tenson Tribe (天孫族) were descendants of Ephraim and Manasseh, why did the royal family hide it for more than two thousand and a few hundred years? And why was that possible? The imperial family had marital relationships with not only Soga family (蘇我氏) and Fujiwara family (藤原氏) but also many other clans. More over Genji (源氏) and Heishi (平氏), the two major sources of Samurai (侍warriors), are both originally branches of the royal family. Thus, Toyotomi Hideyoshi (豊臣秀吉), who had enforced nationwide ban on Chrisitianity, and Tokugawa Ieyasu (徳川家康), who had inherited the ban, both, too, must have known that the members of Imperial Family had been circumcised on the eighth day of one's birth. Indeed, facts are stranger than novels.
Japan and Korea are next to each other: Emperor Heisei
On 18 December 2001, during his annual birthday meeting with reporters, Emperor Heisei (平成天皇) regarding the Japan and Korea co-hosted the World Cup soccer tournament scheduled for the following year, said, "I, on my part, feel a certain kinship with Korea, given the fact that it is recorded in the Shoku Nihongi (続日本紀: the Chronicles of Japan) that Niigasa (新笠), the mother of Emperor Kammu (桓武天皇), was of the line of King Muryong (武寧王) of Baekje. King Muryong had a strong relationship with Japan, and since then, Gokyo Hakase (the expert of Five Classics of China) had been invited to Japan for generations. In addition, King Seimei (聖明王), the son of King Muryong, is known for introducing Buddhism to Japan."
This statement received a great deal of attention in South Korea, and it was reported that "The Imperial Family of Japan draws Korean bloodline," "The theory of Japanese Imperial family's Baekje roots," "King of Japan revealed the hidden facts," and President Kim Dae Jung (金大中), too, welcomed at the 2002 New Year press conference.
Emperor Heisei made a similar statement regarding the relationship with Baekje in the 1,300th anniversary of the establishment of Japan's old capital, Nara Heijo-kyo.<To be cntinued>
What is "Baptism with The Holy Spirit"?
According to the dialectic of the Gospel of John,
【Thesis】"A man can possess eternal life through accepting testimony of the Son of man and being baptized by him." (John 5:24)
【Anti-thesis】But "The one who comes from the earth cannot accept the testimony by one from heaven." (John 3:32)
How then can a man possess eternal life?
【Synthesis】"If you want to be baptized with the Holy Spirit, you can just go back to the word which was with God in the beginning (John 1:1) and certify that God is truthful. (John 3:33)"
When he said, "You are Huichao," Zen Master Fayan thrusted vivid Self in Huichao in front of his eyes.
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