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経済一般 General Economics in 2013
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元のページへ戻る ►2013-08-13 ArtNo.44558(1/45)
 中央銀行インド準備銀行(RBI:Reserve Bank of India)ムンバイ本店でパワフルな2委員会の会合が開かれた日、ディーラーらは、資金の流入を促し、落ち込んだルピー相場を立ち直らせるようなポリシー・メーカーの発言を期待し見守っていたが、ルピーの対米ドル相場は再度底値を更新した。(...続きを読む)
◆Govt, RBI weigh steps to boost capital inflows
On a day when two high-powered committees met at the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) headquarters in Mumbai, the rupee fell to a new low against the dollar, as dealers waited for a word from policymakers on steps to boost inflows and prop up the battered currency.
2013-08-13 ArtNo.44573(2/45)
◆Moody's revises Asian steel outlook to negative
Mumbai, Aug 8: Rating agency Moody’s has revised the outlook for the Asian steel industry to ‘negative’ from ‘stable’ as it expects profits of steel firms in this region to decline in the second half of 2013 on the back of slow demand growth, oversupply coupled with destocking.
2013-08-13 ArtNo.44559(3/45)
◆Govt, RBI weigh steps to boost capital inflows
On a day when two high-powered committees met at the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) headquarters in Mumbai, the rupee fell to a new low against the dollar, as dealers waited for a word from policymakers on steps to boost inflows and prop up the battered currency.
2013-08-13 ArtNo.44574(4/45)
◆Moody's revises Asian steel outlook to negative
Mumbai, Aug 8: Rating agency Moody’s has revised the outlook for the Asian steel industry to ‘negative’ from ‘stable’ as it expects profits of steel firms in this region to decline in the second half of 2013 on the back of slow demand growth, oversupply coupled with destocking.
2013-08-13 ArtNo.44560(5/45)
◆Govt, RBI weigh steps to boost capital inflows
On a day when two high-powered committees met at the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) headquarters in Mumbai, the rupee fell to a new low against the dollar, as dealers waited for a word from policymakers on steps to boost inflows and prop up the battered currency.(...続きを読む)
2013-08-13 ArtNo.44575(6/45)
◆Moody's revises Asian steel outlook to negative
Mumbai, Aug 8: Rating agency Moody’s has revised the outlook for the Asian steel industry to ‘negative’ from ‘stable’ as it expects profits of steel firms in this region to decline in the second half of 2013 on the back of slow demand growth, oversupply coupled with destocking.(...続きを読む)
2013-08-16 ArtNo.44591(7/45)
◆Editorial: Vaccinating policy
While the industry ministry is yet to come up with a final policy on whether foreign pharmaceuticals firms are to be allowed to buy existing pharmaceutical producers (brownfield acquisition, in jargon), the case for not doing so is getting weaker by the day—and, by continuing to defer the $1.6 billion takeover of Strides Arcolab’s injectables unit by the US Mylan, the FIPB is sending out the wrong signal to potential investors waiting to bring in money into the country.
2013-08-16 ArtNo.44594(8/45)
【ニューデリー】P. Chidambaram財務相は7日、国会下院にインド証券取引局(SEBI:Securities and Exchange Board of India)法修正案の取り下げを提議した。(...続きを読む)
◆Govt withdraws Bill to amend SEBI Act
New Delhi, Aug 8: The Government today withdrew a Bill to amend the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act ahead of introduction of a new Bill that would give more powers to capital market regulator SEBI.
2013-08-16 ArtNo.44600(9/45)
◆Indian tax laws are a source of frustration for US companies: Nancy J Powell
The complexities of Indian taxation system has become a sore point with American firms, says US Ambassador to India Nancy J Powell.
2013-08-16 ArtNo.44592(10/45)
◆Editorial: Vaccinating policy
While the industry ministry is yet to come up with a final policy on whether foreign pharmaceuticals firms are to be allowed to buy existing pharmaceutical producers (brownfield acquisition, in jargon), the case for not doing so is getting weaker by the day—and, by continuing to defer the $1.6 billion takeover of Strides Arcolab’s injectables unit by the US Mylan, the FIPB is sending out the wrong signal to potential investors waiting to bring in money into the country.
2013-08-16 ArtNo.44595(11/45)
◆Govt withdraws Bill to amend SEBI Act
New Delhi, Aug 8: The Government today withdrew a Bill to amend the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act ahead of introduction of a new Bill that would give more powers to capital market regulator SEBI.
2013-08-16 ArtNo.44601(12/45)
◆Indian tax laws are a source of frustration for US companies: Nancy J Powell
The complexities of Indian taxation system has become a sore point with American firms, says US Ambassador to India Nancy J Powell.
2013-08-16 ArtNo.44593(13/45)
◆Editorial: Vaccinating policy
While the industry ministry is yet to come up with a final policy on whether foreign pharmaceuticals firms are to be allowed to buy existing pharmaceutical producers (brownfield acquisition, in jargon), the case for not doing so is getting weaker by the day—and, by continuing to defer the $1.6 billion takeover of Strides Arcolab’s injectables unit by the US Mylan, the FIPB is sending out the wrong signal to potential investors waiting to bring in money into the country.(...続きを読む)
2013-08-16 ArtNo.44596(14/45)
◆Govt withdraws Bill to amend SEBI Act
New Delhi, Aug 8: The Government today withdrew a Bill to amend the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act ahead of introduction of a new Bill that would give more powers to capital market regulator SEBI.(...続きを読む)
2013-08-16 ArtNo.44602(15/45)
◆Indian tax laws are a source of frustration for US companies: Nancy J Powell
The complexities of Indian taxation system has become a sore point with American firms, says US Ambassador to India Nancy J Powell. (...続きを読む)
2013-11-05 ArtNo.44603(16/45)
 中央銀行(RBI:Reserve Bank of India)は火曜(10/29)、短期貸出金利(repo rate)を7.5%から7.75%に25ベイシス・ポイント(bps)引き上げる一方、地場銀行が政府証券を担保に純需要有期負債(NDTL:net demand and time liabilities)の最大1%まで翌日物短期資金を中央銀行から借り入れることができるMSFレート(Marginal Standing Facility Rate)を8.75%に引き下げた。(...続きを読む)
2013-11-05 ArtNo.44604(17/45)
 印度储备银行(RBI )周二上调关键政策利率25个基点,从7.5%至7.75%,同时把边际贷款工具利率(印度国内银行在整个银行体系中净需求和定期流动性(NDTL)的1%限制内可以以政府证券作抵押从印度央行借出隔夜贷款的利率)降低到8.75% 。(...続きを読む)
2013-11-05 ArtNo.44605(18/45)
◆RBI raised the key policy rate while lowering the MSF rate
 The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on Tuesday raised the key policy rate by 25 bps from 7.5% to 7.75% while lowering the MSF rate (under which scheduled banks could borrow up to 1 % of their respective Net Demand and time Liabilities funds overnight from RBI against approved government securities) to 8.75%. (...続きを読む)
2013-11-05 ArtNo.44606(19/45)
2013-11-05 ArtNo.44607(20/45)
2013-11-05 ArtNo.44608(21/45)
◆RBI surveyors lower GDP forecast to 4.8%
 The Reserve Bank of India (RBI)-sponsored professional forecasters on Monday scaled down India's growth projection to 4.8 per cent for the current fiscal from 5.7 per cent estimated earlier.(...続きを読む)
2013-11-05 ArtNo.44624(22/45)
【ムンバイ】低調な労働市場環境は、ビジネス・スクールにおける就職斡旋前の事前内示(PPOs:preplacement offers)、いわゆる青田買い活動にも影響を及ぼすものと予想されたが、インド経営管理学院(IIM:Indian Institute of Management)傘下の各分校以外でさえ、PPOが活況を呈している。(...続きを読む)
2013-11-05 ArtNo.44625(23/45)
【孟买】一个冷淡就业市场理应对商业学校的PPOs(preplacement offers:在毕业前与学生预订雇用合同)活动有一个连锁效应。不过,实际上印度管理学院旗下的分校之外的诸多商业学校的PPOs也显示活跃景象。(...続きを読む)
2013-11-05 ArtNo.44626(24/45)
◆Citibank, Wipro, M&M, Philips, others use the PPO route to pick candidates
MUMBAI: A poor job market should logically have had a knock-on effect on B-school preplacement offers (PPOs). But no, these are actually thriving, even at non-IIMs(Indian Institute of Management). (...続きを読む)
2013-12-20 ArtNo.44651(25/45)
【コルカタ】インド準備銀行(RBI:Reserve Bank of India)は、来年初から新規銀行ライセンスの発行を開始する。(...続きを読む)
2013-12-20 ArtNo.44652(26/45)
2013-12-20 ArtNo.44653(27/45)
◆RBI on course to issue new bank licences, says Rajan
【Kolkata】The Reserve Bank of India will start issuing new banking licences from early next year.
RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan said the apex bank is "rimarily on course' to hand over the licences. "We are largely in line with our target date, may be a few weeks this way or that way. We hope to start handing out the licences by early next year," Rajan told reporters here.(...続きを読む)
2013-12-24 ArtNo.44672(28/45)
【ニューデリー】米国連邦準備制度理事会(FRB:Federal Reserve Board)が量的緩和政策を段階的に縮小する方針を明らかにしたのを受けて、外国機関投資家がインド市場からその資金を引き揚げるのではないかとの懸念が高まり、インドの株価とルピー相場は19日、そろって下落した。(...続きを読む)
2013-12-24 ArtNo.44673(29/45)
2013-12-24 ArtNo.44674(30/45)
◆Fed taper has little impact on India
【New Delhi】Indian shares and the rupee dropped on Thursday after the US Federal Reserve announced the start of its stimulus withdrawal the previous night, sparking concerns the foreign institutional inflows might recede. (...続きを読む)
2013-12-31 ArtNo.44717(31/45)
4州における州議会選挙においてその失敗に対するつけを支払わされた統一進歩連合(UPA:United Progressive Alliance)政府は、もしインフレを抑制できないなら、来年の国会下院の総選挙においても、高い代償を支払うことになりそうだ。(...続きを読む)
2013-12-31 ArtNo.44718(32/45)
2013-12-31 ArtNo.44719(33/45)
◆Inflation remained a big challenge for govt, RBI in 2013
【New Delhi】A surge in food prices ripped common man's pockets. As the result, UPA government paid for its failure in the assembly polls in four states and may feel the heat in next year's general elections as well if it is not controlled.(...続きを読む)
2013-12-31 ArtNo.44720(34/45)
2013-12-31 ArtNo.44721(35/45)
2013-12-31 ArtNo.44722(36/45)
◆Easing of FDI norms in construction sector to be discussed soon: Sharma
【New Delhi】Finance, Commerce and Urban Development ministers will meet soon to sort out the differences over relaxation of FDI norms for the construction sector.(...続きを読む)
2013-12-31 ArtNo.44726(37/45)
【ニューデリー】Mヴィーラッパ・モイリー(M Veerappa Moily)石油天然ガス相はこのほど、第10次新探査ライセンス政策(Nelp X)では、収益分与方式が採用されると語った。(...続きを読む)
2013-12-31 ArtNo.44727(38/45)
2013-12-31 ArtNo.44728(39/45)
◆Nelp X will be under revenue-sharing model
【NEW DELHI】Petroleum minister M Veerappa Moily said "The New Exploration Licencing Policy X round will be under the revenue-sharing model."(...続きを読む)
2013-12-31 ArtNo.44729(40/45)
2013-12-31 ArtNo.44730(41/45)
2013-12-31 ArtNo.44731(42/45)
◆New patenting norms may put India's software innovation into sleep mode
【New Delhi】Patenting of software applications could virtually become impossible in the country if the draft guidelines on computer-related innovation come into force.(...続きを読む)
2013-12-31 ArtNo.44732(43/45)
【ニューデリー】統計計画施行省(Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation)傘下の国立標本調査事務所(NSSO:National Sample Survey Office)がこのほど発表した最新統計によれば、農村世帯の59.4%と、都市世帯の8.8%に依然としてトイレがない。(...続きを読む)
2013-12-31 ArtNo.44733(44/45)
2013-12-31 ArtNo.44734(45/45)
◆80% rural households have electricity, 59% no toilets
【New Delhi】Data released by the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO), under the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, showed "59.4 percent and 8.8 percent households in rural India and urban India, respectively, had no latrine facilities".(...続きを読む)
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