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労働 Labour in 2007
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元のページへ戻る ►2007-01-24 ArtNo.38974(1/38)
【ティルバナンタプラム】ケララ州Thiruvananthapuramを拠点にするArackal Digital Solutions Pvt Ltd(ADS)の情報技術(IT)学習解法部(IT Learning Solutions Division)は、NEC International Training Ltd(NITL)と提携し、IT訓練サービスをアジア各国に輸出している。(...続きを読む)
◆Arackal to export IT training service with NEC
【Thiruvananthapuram】Arackal Digital Solutions, based in Thiruvananthapuram, has exported IT training service to various Asian countries through its IT Learning Solutions Division in association with NEC International Training Ltd.
【特里凡得琅】以喀啦啦州特里凡得琅基地的Arackal Digital Solutions私人有限公司跟NEC International Training Ltd合作把信息科技训练服务输出到亚洲各国。
2007-03-02 ArtNo.39145(2/38)
【ムンバイ】インド工科大学(IIT:Indian Institute of Technology)ボンベイ校Shailesh J Mehta経営学部新卒者の平均国内初任給は昨年度の78万3000ルピー(US$1.7775万)から97万1000ルピー(US$2.19819万)に24%上昇した。(...続きを読む)
◆IIT Bombay B-school salaries up 24% this year
【MUMBAI】The average domestic salary for new graduates in Shailesh J Mehta School of Management, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay rose by 24% to Rs 9.71 lakh this year from Rs 7.83 lakh last year.
【孟买】孟买印度理工学院Shailesh J Mehta工商管理系应届毕业生的平均年薪从去年的78万3000卢比到今年的97万1000卢比上升24%。
2007-03-05 ArtNo.39155(3/38)
【ニューデリー】コンピュータソフトウェアの業界団体、ソフトウェア・サービス会社全国協会(NASSCOM:National Association of Software and Service Companies)のB. Ramalinga Raju会長は「優遇税制が事実上廃止されることを意味する最低選択税(MAT:minimum alternative tax)の導入、従業員持ち株計画(ESOP: Employees Stock Option Plan)に対する役得税(Fringe Benefits Tax)の適用、配当税の引き上げ、賃貸に対するサービス税の適応は業界に好ましくない影響を与える」とし、新年度予算に失望の意を表明した。同氏はこれらの問題を蔵相に陳情するとしている。(...続きを読む)
◆Software sector expresses disappointment
【Hyderabad】Nasscom Chairman, Mr B. Ramalinga Raju said "Various provisions of the Budget, such as Minimum Alternate Tax (MAT), Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) when it comes to the applicability for ESOPs (Employee Stock Option Plan), tax on dividend, and service tax on lease, would have an adverse impact on the sector. We will petition the Finance Minister about the sector concerns."
【海德拉巴】印度国家软件和服务公司协会主席Ramalinga Raju先生对新年度预算案诸措施很失望。这些包括实际上跟取消奖励没有差别的最低替代税,对公司职工持股计划征收赋税,提高红利税,对出租业征收服务税等。他表明向财政部长提出请愿书。
2007-03-05 ArtNo.39156(4/38)
◆IT/ ITES sector employment up 353% in six years: Survey
【New Delhi】The growth of the IT/ ITES sector has exerted a salutary influence on the employment scenario, with total number of professionals employed in the sector growing by 353% from an estimated 2,84,000 in 1999-2000 to 12,87,000 in 2005-06.
2007-03-19 ArtNo.39215(5/38)
【アーマダバード】インド経営管理学院アーマダバード校(IIM-A:Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad)が公表した今年度卒業生の平均給与は国内就職が40%増の136万ルピー(US$2万7200)、海外就職が25%増の11万5300米ドルだった。(...続きを読む)
◆Domestic salaries for new graduates climb up by 40% this year
【Ahmedabad】Average domestic salaries for new graduates at the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIM-A), have climbed 40 per cent to Rs 13.6 lakh, over Rs 9.7 lakh last year. Average international salaries have risen 25 per cent to $11,5,300.
2007-03-19 ArtNo.39216(6/38)
◆雇用ブームやや鎮静:Manpower Inc
【ムンバイ】人材サービス大手の米Manpower Incが3月13日に発表した2007年第2四半期『マンパワー雇用予測調査(Manpower Employment Outlook Survey)』の結果、来四半期に「雇用を増やす」と回答した企業の割合(33%)から「減らす」と回答した企業の割合(2%)を差し引いた値が+31%ポイントと、インドの雇用市場は依然活気に満ちているが、前期を8ポイント、前年同期を9ポイント、それぞれ下回った。(...続きを読む)
◆Hiring spree seems cooling a little but still vibrant: survey
【MUMBAI】The Manpower Employment Outlook Survey for the second quarter of 2007 released on March 13 revealed that of the employers surveyed, 33% expect an increase in hiring activity in the second quarter of 2007, 2% anticipate a decrease, and 58% are expecting no change. With an overall net employment outlook of +31%. the job market in India is expected to remain vibrant. But this +31% represents a decrease over the first quarter by 8 percentage points and a 9 percentage point decrease year- over-year.
2007-03-21 ArtNo.39229(7/38)
【ムンバイ】Kuoni Travel Groupの完全出資子会社VFS Global Services Pvt Ltdは英国政府のビザ発給部門UKvisasと向こう5年間にわたり世界の7地域におけるビザ発給業務を代行する約2億ポンド(US$3.9億)の契約を結んだ。(...続きを読む)
◆VFS inks £200 million deal to process UK visas
【Mumbai】VFS Global Services Pvt Ltd, part of the Kuoni Travel Group, has entered into a five-year outsourcing contract worth about £200 million to handle visa and entry clearance applications for UKvisas in seven geographical regions.
【孟买】Kuoni Travel集团旗下的VFS Global Services私人有限公司跟英国签证局签订大约2亿英镑的外包合约。在这个合约下,VFS在世界7个地区代替英国签证局处理签证发行手续。
2007-03-26 ArtNo.39243(8/38)
◆STMicro to develop products with premier academic institutions
【New Delhi】STMicroelectronics, NYSE-listed semiconductor company, plans to tap talent at premier Indian engineering institutes to develop products.
2007-04-11 ArtNo.39308(9/38)
【コルカタ】Intel Corpはインド半導体産業の成長を支援する狙いから西ベンガル州の理工系公立高等教育機関と提携し、『VLSI(very large-scale integration)訓練&方法論開発センター(VLSI training and methodology developing centre)』を設ける計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Intel intends to set up training centre in West Bengal
【KOLKATA】Intel Corp intends to set up very large-scale integration (VLSI) training and methodology developing centre in collaboration with the state's engineering colleges for the growth of semiconductor industry in the country.
2007-05-04 ArtNo.39400(10/38)
【ニューデリー】インドサービス産業の2006-07年度給与支払い額(wage bill)は、昇給と雇用の拡大を背景に前年比ほぼ121%アップした。(...続きを読む)
◆Services sector wage bill rised 121% in 2006-07
【NEW DELHI】The wage bill of India's service sector companies has rised by almost 121% in 2006-07, on the back of higher salary packages and increased headcount.
2007-05-16 ArtNo.39462(11/38)
◆60,000 Indian IT professionals in US may have returned
【NEW YORK】India's fast growing economy and the burgeoning information technology sector are making more and more Indians return home from the Silicon Valley. Around 60,000 may have returned in recent years. No region of the US has been more affected by this trend than Silicon Valley.
【纽约 】印度的迅速发展的经济和蓬勃的信息科技让越来越多印度人从硅谷回国。过去几年来大约6万人这样回到印度。最严重受影响的就是硅谷。
2007-06-15 ArtNo.39605(12/38)
◆Hiring will remain vibrant in Q3: Manpower
【NEW DELHI】Given that India's economy gains strength, the job market in the country is expected to remain vibrant in the third quarter of the year, with 42% corporates planning to recruit more.
2007-06-18 ArtNo.39626(13/38)
◆Staff attrition rate exceeds 20%: Assocham
【New Delhi】On the back of rising level of opportunities and employee aspirations, the current average staff attrition rate is exceeding 20 per cent, with the services sector facing the maximum brunt and growing companies face higher attrition rates as compared to the established companies.
2007-06-27 ArtNo.39672(14/38)
【コルカタ】新時代の専門職と子供がいない共稼ぎ夫婦(DINK:double-income no kids)がプレミアム耐久消費財の新世代バイヤーとして急浮上している。家電メーカー各社は、トップエンドの耐久消費財売上げのほぼ12%が、この種の消費者に購入されていることに注目しており、こうしたバイヤーはプレミアム耐久消費財の初めてのユーザーでもある。(...続きを読む)
◆Double-income no kids couples emerge as new-gen buyers for CEs
【KOLKATA】New-economy professionals and double-income no kids (DINK) couples are emerging as new-gen buyers for premium consumer durables. Consumer electronic majors have seen nearly 12% purchase of top-end products from first-time users who happen to be typically these new-gen buyers.
2007-07-09 ArtNo.39715(15/38)
【ニューデリー】日本能率協会(JMA)はインド産業連盟(CII:Confederation of Indian Industry)と共同で『インド・リーン・クラブ(Lean Club of India)』を組織、インド産業界に卓越した競争力あるサービスを提供する。(...続きを読む)
◆JMA,CII set to launch Lean Club of India
【NEW DELHI】Japan Management Association and Confederation of Indian Industry will launch the Lean Club of India to provide services in excellence and competitiveness to Indian industry.
2007-07-25 ArtNo.39786(16/38)
【ニューデリー】Tata Consultancy Services(TCS)/Infosys Technologies/Wipro Technologiesは、ソフトウェア・サービス会社全国協会(NASSCOM:National Association of Software and Service Companies)の2006-07年度情報技術(IT)/IT対応サービス(ITES)産業雇用主番付トップ・スリーの座を占めた。(...続きを読む)
◆TCS, Infy, Wipro top three employers in IT-ITeS
【NEW DELHI】Nasscom's top 20 employer rankings for financial year 2006-07 has ranked Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), Infosys Technologies and Wipro Technologies as top three IT and ITeS employers.
2007-08-03 ArtNo.39830(17/38)
【ニューデリー】インドの2億米ドルの臨床試験市場は先進国から委託されたプロジェクトで溢れているが、臨床試験機関(CRO:clinical research organisation)は有資格な人材の深刻な不足に直面している。(...続きを読む)
◆Clinical research cos face a huge shortage of manpower
【New Delhi】Clinical research organisations (CROs) here are facing a huge shortage of qualified manpower, even though the $200-million market for clinical research in India is flooded with projects from developed nations.
2007-08-29 ArtNo.39932(18/38)
◆Bajaj Auto、Akurdi工場の操業停止
【プネー】二輪車販売が急減する中、Bajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)は9月1日からマハラシュトラ州Pune近郊Akurdi工場の操業を停止する方針を決めるとともに、労働者の週間勤務日数を6日から4日に短縮した。(...続きを読む)
◆Bajaj Auto shuts Pune plant from September
【Pune】In a bid to cut down losses due to a steep fall in two wheeler demand, Bajaj Auto Ltd is stopping production of two-wheelers at its Akurdi plant near Pune with effect from September 1, and has issued a notice to workers that the six-day workweek has been cut to four days with immediate effect.
2007-09-10 ArtNo.39977(19/38)
【ニューデリー】中間選挙の噂が飛び交う中で、中央政府は有権者と左派政党の支持を得る狙いから、長期にわたって棚上げされて来た4億人を超える未組織部門労働者のための『未組織部門社会保障法案(Unorganised Sector Social Security Bill)』の閣議承認を求めるものと見られる。(...続きを読む)
◆Unorganised Sector Bill to benefit 93% of the country's total workforce
【New Delhi】The government, which means to woo voters and the Left parties amid the buzz of mid-term polls, is expected to seek Cabinet clearance for its long-pending pension and social security scheme for the over 40-crore unorganised sector workers.
2007-09-10 ArtNo.39978(20/38)
【ムンバイ】インド第2の二輪車メーカー、Bajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)がマハラシュトラ州Pune近郊Akurdiに設けた工場の操業停止を決めたことに、予想外に深刻な波紋が生じている。(...続きを読む)
◆Bajaj's Akurdi plant issue causes a serious ripple
【Mumbai】Bajaj Auto's decision to stop production at its Akurdi plant near Pune has caused a more serious ripple than many had expected.
2007-09-10 ArtNo.39979(21/38)
【ムンバイ】Bajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)のマハラシュトラ州Akurdi工場の操業停止を巡る紛糾は、8日の政労使三者会談でもBALが操業再開の言質を与えず、州政府も工場の転用を認めぬ方針を堅持したことから、鎮静する兆しは見られない。Akurdi工場は9月1日以来閉鎖されている。(...続きを読む)
◆Bajaj Auto refuses to restart Akurdi plant
【Mumbai】With Bajaj Auto on September 8 declining to make any formal commitment on restarting production and the state government on the other hand refusing to go back on its earlier stand of not allowing the auto major to shut production and start any other business activity at Akurdi, the row over the closure of the company's two-wheeler plant at Akurdi intensified.
2007-09-17 ArtNo.40009(22/38)
◆IT industry to add 4,00,000 new jobs
【Kolkata】The IT sector will add four lakh jobs this year which will be about 25 per cent higher than the previous year's.
2007-09-19 ArtNo.40014(23/38)
◆Person-to-person outsourcing is the next big area
【New Delhi】After creating ripples in outsourcing and reverse outsourcing, the next big area where India is going to make its mark is person-to-person outsourcing.
2007-09-24 ArtNo.40040(24/38)
【チェンナイ】金属機械メーカー、株式会社アマダの現地ソフトウェア子会社Amadasoft India Pvt Ltd(AIPL)はインド工科大学(IIT:Indian Institute of Technology)マドラス校と、共同研究覚書を交換した。(...続きを読む)
◆Amadasoft, IIT Madras sign an MoU for joint research
【Chennai】Amadasoft India Pvt Ltd has signed a memorandum of understanding with Indian Institute of Technology Madras to commence joint research activity. Japan-based Amada Group is in the business of manufacturing a range of sheet metal working machinery.
2007-09-26 ArtNo.40060(25/38)
【ニューデリー】スウェーデンのコンサルタント会社Kairos Futureの最近の調査によれば、インドの労働者は欧州の労働者より貧しい生活に甘んじているものの、財政状態や就労の見通しに関して欧州の労働者より遙かに高い満足感を抱いている。(...続きを読む)
◆Indians are more confident of good job prospects than Europeans
【NEW DELHI】Workers in India may be a poorer than ones in the developed Europe, but Indian youth are more satisfied with their financial situation and their prospects for getting a good job as compared to their counterparts in the European nations, says a new survey carried out by Sweden-based Kairos Future, a futures research and consulting firm.
【新德里】瑞典Kairos Future研究机构在最新民调报告里说,印度工人可能比欧盟工人处于贫穷的生活。不过印度年轻人比欧州的同世代更有满足财政情况和工作机会。
2007-10-08 ArtNo.40108(26/38)
◆10日に『Quit Retail』10万人決起集会開催
【ニューデリー】マハラシュトラ州全土の卸売商/露天商/農民/小売業者/薬剤師/協同組合メンバーら5万~10万人が10月10日、同州Mumbai南部の『Azad Maidan』広場に集合し、大手企業に小売市場からの撤収を求める『Quit Retail』決起集会を催す。(...続きを読む)
◆100,000 to converge for `Quit Retail` campaign on Oct 10
【New Delhi】About 50,000-100,000 will converge at the Azad Maidan. Of which are wholesalers, hawkers, farmers, retailers, chemists and cooperatives from all over Maharashtra. A massive "Quit Retail" rally will take place in Mumbai on October 10 to demand the exit of big corporations from the retail business.
◆10万人将参加Quit Retail誓师大会
【新德里】要求大企业从零售市场赶出去的誓师大会10月10日在孟买举办。大约5万到10万人将集合在Azad Maidan广场。他们是从马哈拉斯特拉州全土来到孟买参加"Quit Retail"运动的批发商,小贩,农民,零售商,药剂师,合作设成员。
2007-10-10 ArtNo.40119(27/38)
【ニューデリー】BPO(business process outsourcing)労働者の健康問題に関する発言を巡りインド情報技術(IT)産業の総本山ソフトウェア・サービス会社全国協会(NASSCOM:National Association of Software and Service Companies)の猛反発を受けたにも関わらず、Anbumani Ramadoss保健相は5日、BPO及びIT産業労働者の就労条件に関するガイドラインを作成する計画を明らかにした。(...続きを読む)
◆Health ministry to issue health norms for IT, BPO industry
【New Delhi】Althoug IT industry body Nasscom had attacked his comments on the health of BPO workers, Union health minister Anbumani Ramadoss on October 5 said his ministry is planning to come out with guidelines for people working in the BPO and IT industry.
【新德里】虽然印度国家软件和服务公司协会猛烈批评保健部长的有关业务流程外包业工人健康问题的谈话,Anbumani Ramadoss保健部长10月5日再说,保健部计划写业务流程外包业和信息科技业工人工作守则。
2007-10-29 ArtNo.40205(28/38)
【インドール】マドヤプラデシュ州政府は、2日間にわたる『国際投資家会議(global Investors' meet)』の初日(26日)、4件、総額5万7400クロー(US$144.33億)の投資計画覚書に調印した。(...続きを読む)
◆MoUs worth $14.4 b signed in Madhya Pradesh
【Indore】During the inaugural function of the Global Investors' Summit in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, four Memorandums of Understanding for projects worth US$ 144.33 billion were signed.
2007-10-29 ArtNo.40216(29/38)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は25日従業員40人以下の事業所については強制的な『登録更新(maintain registers and submit returns)』義務を免除すると言う労働法の修正案を承認した。(...続きを読む)
◆Govt approves to relax labour law
【New Delhi】The government on October 25 approved changes in a labour law to exempt establishments employing up to 40 workers from maintaining mandatory registers and submitting returns.
2007-11-07 ArtNo.40252(30/38)
◆BPO中小企業番付トップにCorbus India
【ムンバイ】ソフトウェア・サービス会社全国協会(NASSCOM:National Association of Software and Service Companies)が情報技術(IT)及びBPO(business process outsourcing)業界の中小企業を対象に実施した調査で、Corbus (India) Pvt Ltdが『生き甲斐ある職場としてのBPO上位15社(Top 15 Exciting Emerging Companies to Work for)』のトップに選ばれた。(...続きを読む)
◆Nasscom names Corbus top of 'exciting' companies list
【Mumbai】In its first survey on the 'Top 15 Exciting Emerging Companies to Work for' in the IT-BPO sector in India, National Association of Software and Service Companies(Nasscom) identified that Corbus (India) Pvt Ltd was the most-lucrative emerging company to work for.
2007-11-09 ArtNo.40255(31/38)
◆India`s workers get biggest salary increase
【Hong Kong】According to a survey Indian workers are being given the biggest salary increases in the world. It might fuel concerns over wage inflation in the country.
2007-11-14 ArtNo.40288(32/38)
◆A threat fom manpower shortage rather from realty bubble
【Mumbai】The realty bubble may burst some time later, but manpower shortage and increasing wage bills are immediate threat to the projects' schedules across the country.
2007-11-23 ArtNo.40316(33/38)
◆Jaguar/Land Rover労組、Tata Motorsの買収提案を支持
【ロンドン】Ford Motors Coの在英労働者を代表する英国最大の労組は、インドのTata Motors Ltd(TML)が高級車ブランド『Jaguar』と『Land Rover』を買収することを支持した。(...続きを読む)
◆Union backs Tata to buy out Jaguar and Land Rover
【London】Britain's largest manufacturing union that represents Ford has backed a bid by India's Tata Motors to buy out the luxury car brands Jaguar and Land Rover.
【伦敦】英国最大的制造业工会,也代表福特汽车公司工人的Unite(运输总工会旗下组织)支持印度塔塔汽车公司收购捷豹(Jaguar)及路虎(Land Rover)品牌。
2007-11-28 ArtNo.40348(34/38)
◆Manufacturing sector struggling for skilled labour
【Mumbai】India's manufacturing sector is facing a big manpower challenge as the country's engineers are sucked in by the more remunerative software sectors. Indian software exports are growing about 30% annually, and the sector offers better income and lifestyle.
2007-12-03 ArtNo.40353(35/38)
【チェンナイ】インド工科大学(IIT: Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur)各校とインド科学大学(IIS:Indian Institute of Science)の卒業生を情報技術(IT)関連産業にとられ、インドの宇宙/国防分野の研究開発機関は危機感を抱いている。(...続きを読む)
◆Manpower crisis for space, defence R&D
【Chennai】Most of the state-owned institutes and companies like Indian Space Research Organization, Defence Research and Development Organisation and Bharat Electronics Limited are facing serious shortage in quality manpower, because the graduates from the Indian Institute of Technology and the Indian Institute of Science opt for the private IT companies which offer them much better allowances
【金奈】因为印度理工学院和印度科学学院的毕业生多数选择私营信息技术公司就业,大多数国家太空与国防科研机构和有关国营公司,如印度太空研究组织(ISRO)、国防研究与发展组织(DRDO)和Bharat Electronics Limited等面对严重的人材不足。
2007-12-03 ArtNo.40354(36/38)
【ニューデリー】ソフトウェア・サービス会社全国協会(NASSCOM: National Association of Software and Service Companies)は、2008年3月末までに全国の情報技術(IT)-BPO(business process outsourcing)従業者50万人を『全国技術者登記簿(NSR:National Skills Registry)』に登録することを目指して来たが、同目標の実現は難しく、しかも実際の登録数と目標の間には大差がつきそうだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Nasscom likely to miss NSR target by a huge margin
【New Delhi】National Association of Software and Service Companies(Nasscom) seems to miss its March 2008 target of 500,000 registrations for its National Skills Registry (NSR) by a huge margin.
2007-12-07 ArtNo.40384(37/38)
◆Ambiguous rankings irk B-schools
【Kolkata】There are over 1,500 business schools (B-schools) in India. Therefore the decision of which B-schools to apply often depends on the published B-school rankings. Such rankings are generally published every September — just before the placement seasons begins. And lack of uniform parameters while ranking them is what irks B-schools the most.
2007-12-17 ArtNo.40404(38/38)
【バンガロール】急成長するインドのインダストリアル・デザイン/コミュニケーション・デザイン(ICD:industrial and communication design)市場は年間およそ8000~1万人のデザイナーを求めているが、有資格者はわずか3000人に過ぎず、人材不足が深刻化している。(...続きを読む)
◆India wants 10000 industrial, communication designers
【Bangalore】The talent crunch is one of the biggest challenges facing the booming industrial and communication design market. In India there are just 3000 qualified designers currently with only 500 really practising it. The manpower requirement for this market is 8000 to 10000 per annum.
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