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2020-02-12 ArtNo.46686(2/15)

【新德里】拉胡尔·甘地(Rahul Gandhi)和他的顾问团,负起对他在国会下院选举中惨败的道德责任辞职国大党总裁地位后还不到六个月,重新启动让他做为大老党的领导人而东山再起的一项计划。
2020-02-12 ArtNo.46687(3/15)
◆Tours, image makeover as Congress plans return of Rahul Gandhi

【New Delhi】Less than six months after he resigned as Congress president, taking moral responsibility for his party's debacle in the Lok Sabha elections, Rahul Gandhi and his advisers are working on a plan to relaunch his leadership bid of the Grand Old Party.
○Congress launches NUR campaign to gather details of unemployed youth in UP
○Chidambaram slams Amit Shah over remarks against Shaheen Bagh protesters(...続きを読む)
2020-03-13 ArtNo.46700(4/15)

【ニューデリー】IHSマークイットインディア製造業購買管理者指数(PMI:Purchasing Managers' Index)報告によると、年初に見られた製造業の強力な伸びは2月も維持され、工場の注文、輸出、生産の伸び率は1月のピークからわずかに低下したにとどまった。しかし専門家は、コロナウイルスの発生により今後数ヶ月のうちに輸出やサプライチェーンが損傷を受ける恐れがあると指摘する。
○2月の失業率7.78%、景気後退で4ヶ月ぶりの高水準マーク: CMIE(...続きを読む)
2020-03-13 ArtNo.46702(5/15)
◆Feb manufacturing PMI slips marginally to 54.5

【New Delhi】The strong manufacturing sector expansion seen in India at the start of the year was maintained in February, with the growth rates for factory orders, exports and output dipping only marginally from January's highs, according to IHS Markit India Manufacturing PMI report.  However, coronavirus outbreak may hurt exports, supply chains, in coming months, says expert
○Weak demand, virus outbreak in China bring down two-wheeler sales in February
○Commercial vehicles continue to slip, top cos see decline in February sales
○OECD slashes India's FY21 growth forecast to 5.1% on coronavirus woes
○Feb unemployment rate hits 4-month high of 7.78% as slowdown persists: CMIE(...続きを読む)
2020-03-13 ArtNo.46701(6/15)

【新德里】IHS Markit印度制造业PMI报告显示,印度制造业今年初的强劲增长在2月份也维持下来,工厂订单,出口和生产的增长率比1月的高位仅微略下降。不过专家指出,冠状病毒的发生可能在未来几个月内损害出口和供应链。
○2月失业率7.78%,由于景气缓慢为四个月以来的高水准: CMIE(...続きを読む)
2020-06-24 ArtNo.46805(7/15)

【イスラマバード】イムラン・カーン首相は6月11日、パキスタン政府の『イーサース非常時現金給付(EEC:Ehsaas Emergency Cash)』プログラムの詳細をシェアすることを通じ、コヴィッド19流行の惨禍に見舞われたインドに支援を提供することを提案した。(...続きを読む)
2020-06-24 ArtNo.46807(8/15)
◆Imran offers to help India with Covid-19 fallout by sharing details of govt's cash programme

【Islamabad】Prime Minister Imran Khan on June 11 offered to assist India with the fallout of the Covid-19 pandemic by sharing the details of the government's Ehsaas Emergency Cash programme.(...続きを読む)
2020-06-24 ArtNo.46806(9/15)

【伊斯兰堡】伊姆兰·汗总理于6月11日表示愿意通过分享其政府的以撒斯紧急现金(Ehsaas Emergency Cash)计划的细节来协助印度应对冠装病毒19大流行的影响。(...続きを読む)
2020-10-12 ArtNo.46898(10/15)

【ニューデリー】ナレンドラ・モディ首相は9月27日、月例ラジオ番組『マン・キ・バアト(Mann Ki Baat:mind matter心声)』の中で、「インドがマハトマ・ガンジーの経済哲学の本質に従ったならば、とっくに自立し、インド自立キャンペーン『アートマニル・バーラット・アビヤーン(Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan: Self-reliant India Mission)』など必要なかった」と語り、独立以来国民会議派政府により追求されて来た経済政策に痛烈な一撃を加えた。
2020-10-12 ArtNo.46900(11/15)
◆Farmers playing major role in building Aatmanirbhar Bharat: PM Modi

【New Delhi】Prime Minister Narendra Modi on September 27 took a swipe at economic policies pursued by successive Congress governments since Independence in his monthly 'Mann Ki Baat' broadcast. Had the country followed the essence of Mahatma Gandhi's economic philosophy, there would not have been any need for the 'Aatmanirbhar Bharat' campaign as India would have become self-reliant much earlier, he said.
○Govt looks to implement all 4 labour codes by December: Gangwar(...続きを読む)
2020-10-12 ArtNo.46899(12/15)

【新德里】纳伦德拉·莫迪(Narendra Modi)总理于9月27日在他的每月广播节目『曼基·巴特(Mann Ki Baat:mind matter心声)』中说「如果我国遵循圣雄甘地(Mahatma Gandhi)的经济哲学的本质,早就实现自力更生,现在根本不需要『自立印度使命(ABA: Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan: Self-reliant India Mission)』了。」从而对自独立以来历届国大党政府奉行的经济政策激烈驳斥。
2020-10-12 ArtNo.46925(13/15)

2020-10-12 ArtNo.46927(14/15)
◆PM Oli summons cabinet meeting a day in advance

【Kathmandu】Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli has called an 'emergency' cabinet meeting on Sunday (September 27) amid reports of possible cabinet reshuffle. The meeting has been scheduled for 12:00 pm.
○22,000 Nepali migrant workers leave for India(...続きを読む)
2020-10-12 ArtNo.46926(15/15)

【加德满都】内阁改组的风声在交错乱飞时,KP夏尔马·奥里(Sharma Ori)总理于周日(9月27日)召集紧急内阁会议。会议予定于下午12:00。
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