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社会国民生活 Social and National Life in 2008
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元のページへ戻る ►2008-01-09 ArtNo.40447(1/177)
【ニューデリー】インド電気通信監督局(TRAI:Telecom Regulatory Authority of India)は4日、電話会社以外に、ケーブルTV会社およびインターネット・サービス・プロバイダー(ISP)にもインターネットTV(IPTV:Internet Protocol Television)サービスの提供を認めるよう提案した。(...続きを読む)
◆TRAI suggest allowing cable operators, ISPs to offer Net TV
【New Delhi】The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai) on January 4 recommended that cable operators and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) should also be permitted to offer Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) services in addition to telcos.
2008-01-14 ArtNo.40457(2/177)
【ニューデリー】タタ・グループのRatan Tata会長は10日、ニューデリーで開催中の第9回オートエクスポ会場で同氏が4年前に公約した10万ルピー(US$2542)の夢の国民車『Nano』をお披露目した。(...続きを読む)
◆Ratan Tata unveils Rs 1-lakh car "Nano"
【New Delhi】The Tata group chairman Ratan Tata on January 10 finally unveiled his dream car, Rs 1-lakh "Tata Nano" at the ninth Auto Expo which has taken place in New Delhi.
◆拉坦•塔塔终于披露10万卢比轿车Tata Nano
【新德里】塔塔集团的拉坦•塔塔主席1月10日正在德里举行的第九届印度国际汽车摩托车及零配件展览会上终于揭开棉纱而披露了他梦想的10万卢比轿车『Tata Nano』。
2008-01-14 ArtNo.40458(3/177)
◆Bajaj Auto、小型乗用車プロットタイプお披露目
【ニューデリー】インド第2の二輪車メーカー、Bajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)は8日、独自開発した小型乗用車のプロットタイプをお披露目するとともに、ルノー&日産と手を携え4年内に小型乗用車を発売する方針を明らかにした。しかし同社の小型車は決して10万ルピー・カーではないと言う。(...続きを読む)
◆Bajaj Auto unveils concept small car
【New Delhi】Bajaj Auto Ltd on January 8 unveiled the prototype of its small car and said it plans to bring out the small car in collaboration with Renault and Nissan within four years but it will not be for Rs 1 lakh.
2008-01-21 ArtNo.40490(4/177)
【ニューデリー】インド電気通信監督局(TRAI:Telecom Regulatory Authority of India)は、『契約者ベースの周波数域割当規則(subscriber-linked spectrum allocation norms)』を巡り政府が法廷に虚偽の報告を行ったと厳しく非難した。(...続きを読む)
◆TRAI accuses Govt of misleading courts on spectrum
【New Delhi】Telecom Regulatory Authority of India(TRAI) has accused the government of misinforming the courts on the issue of subscriber-linked spectrum allocation norms.
2008-01-23 ArtNo.40495(5/177)
【ニューデリー】Indian Railways(IR)が快速列車サービスを導入するのは、なおしばらく先のことになりそうだが、中国は既存鉄道の走行速度引き上げ支援を約束した。(...続きを読む)
◆India to run high-speed trains with Chinese assistance
【New Delhi】While Indian Railways will have to wait a while before it can run bullet trains, China has agreed to assist Indian Railways to increase the speed of existing trains.
2008-01-28 ArtNo.40520(6/177)
◆Haryana to set up solar energy based power project
【Chandigarh】Haryana plans to set up solar energy based power projects in Mega watt scale in the State and power produced from these projects will be fed to the state grid.
2008-01-28 ArtNo.40523(7/177)
【ニューデリー】インド電気通信監督局(TRAI:Telecom Regulatory Authority of India)は23日、移動携帯端末向けテレビ放送サービス(mobile television service)に対する外国直接投資(FDI)上限を74%に設定するよう提案した。(...続きを読む)
◆TRAI recommends 74% FDI in mobile TV service
【New Delhi】The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) on January 23 proposed a 74 per cent foreign direct investment (FDI) in the mobile television service.
2008-01-30 ArtNo.40537(8/177)
【ムンバイ】Anil Dhirubhai Ambani氏に率いられるReliance Entertainment Pvt Ltd(REPL)傘下のモバイル・ゲーム開発会社Jump Games Pvt Ltdは、世界で最もリッチなサッカー・クラブ、Manchester United Football Clubとモバイル・ゲームやトレビア・コンテンツ(trivia content)を制作する3年間の独占契約を結んだ。(...続きを読む)
◆ADAG signs $100 m mobilegaming deal with Man United
【Mumbai】Mobile games development company Jump Games Pvt Ltd, a part of Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group's Reliance Entertainment Pvt Ltd, has signed an exclusive three-year deal with Manchester United Football Club, one of the world's richest soccer clubs, to create mobile gaming and trivia content as the official mobile games partner for the latter.
【孟买】瑞莱安娱乐有限公司旗下的移动游戏制作企业Jump Games私人有限公司跟英国曼联足球俱乐部签订三年排他性服务合约。在这项合约下,Jump Games为了英国曼联足球俱乐部制作递送手机游戏。英国曼联足球俱乐部是全世界最富有的足球俱乐部之中一个。
2008-02-01 ArtNo.40547(9/177)
◆TVS/Bajaj Auto特許権侵犯訴訟、今月末に判決か
【チェンナイ】TVS Motors Company Ltd(TVSMC)とBajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)の特許権侵犯訴訟の審理が1月29/30日マドラス高裁で行われた。審理は来週まで続けられる可能性があることから、判決は2月末に下されるものと予想される。(...続きを読む)
◆The judgement expected in late February : Bajaj-TVS patent case
【Chennai】The patent infringement case between two-wheeler majors TVS-Motor and Bajaj Auto came up for hearing at the Madras High Court on January 29 and 30. The judgement is expected in late February, as the hearing may spill over to next week.
2008-02-06 ArtNo.40575(10/177)
【ニューデリー】情報放送省は電気通信監督局(TRAI:Telecom Regulatory Authority of India)の提案を受け入れ、放送業者がIPTV(Internet protocol television)サービスを提供するのを認めた。(...続きを読む)
◆Govt allows broadcasters to provide IPTV services
【New Delhi】The ministry of information & broadcasting has accepted the recommendation of Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai) to allow broadcasters to provide Internet protocol television (IPTV) services.
2008-02-18 ArtNo.40619(11/177)
◆Electric scooter segment hotting up
【Mumbai】Amidst the fuel price hike, the electric scooter segment is hotting up with the entry of scooter majors, new launches and smart marketing initiatives.
2008-02-25 ArtNo.40637(12/177)
◆Average salary increased by 15% in 2007, highest in Asia-Pac
【Bangalore】Indian employees enjoy an average salary increase of 15.1 per cent in 2007, up from 14.4 per cent in 2006. This is the highest increase across 14 Asia-Pacific countries, according to global HR firm Hewitt Associates.
2008-02-27 ArtNo.40653(13/177)
【ムンバイ】ムンバイ地下鉄(Mumbai Metro)プロジェクトの第2、第3路線の建設を計画するマハラシュトラ州政府は国際協力銀行(JBIC:Japan Bank for International Cooperation)に融資を依頼することを検討している。当該プロジェクトは年内着手が予定されている。(...続きを読む)
◆Maharashtra mulls to seek Japanese aid for Mumbai Metro
【Mumbai】The Maharashtra Government may turn to the Japan Bank for International Co-operation (JBIC) for financial assistance for the second and third line of the Mumbai Metro project expected to begin later this year.
2008-02-27 ArtNo.40655(14/177)
◆2-wheeler loan defaults:dealers too come under scrutiny
【New Delhi】Following many banks pull out of financing two-wheelers segment in many parts of the country, not just the customers but even the dealers of two-wheelers who will come under scrutiny for loan defaults.
2008-02-27 ArtNo.40660(15/177)
◆Mall bubble set to blast by 2010
【Mumbai】Thanks to consolidation in the retail industry, nearly 50% of the malls will shut down by March 2010 and the hoopla surrounding the sector would considerably subside by then.
2008-02-29 ArtNo.40668(16/177)
◆West Bengal to receive natural gas from Reliance, HP
【Kolkata】West Bengal, which is midst of an industrial resurgence and growing vehicular pollution, will receive natural gas in three years to convert vehicles to run with greener fuel.
2008-03-03 ArtNo.40673(17/177)
【ニューデリー】P Chidambaram蔵相は2月29日、目を見張る6万クロー(US$152.50億)の農業ローン返済免除パッケージから給与所得者の所得税負担軽減まで、有権者の歓心を買う一連の施策が盛り込まれた新年度予算案を国会に上程した。これは国民会議派率いる統一進歩連合(UPA:United Progressive Alliance)政府にとって5度目、また今年5月に任期が切れる同政権にとって今期最後の、つまり総選挙の年の予算案になる。(...続きを読む)
◆FM deliberate "please all" Election year Budget
【New Delhi】Finance Minister P Chidambaram on February 29 presented a "please all" Budget for 2008-09, which is the fifth and the last full-fledged budget of the Congress-led UPA government, whose term is expiring in May 2009, announcing a number of goodies for virtually every section of society, ranging from the Rs 60,000-crore farm loan waiver package to a bonanza of sorts for the salaried class.
【新德里】财政部长P Chidambaram2月29日向国会提出讨全民欢心的2008-09年财政预算案。印度国民大会党为首的联合进步同盟政府的第5次财政预算案,它的任期到2008年5月期满,所以也是这个任期最后一次的大选年预算案。怪不得部长提议从6000亿卢比相等于152亿5000万美元农业贷款免还措施到薪水阶级的减轻所得税措施等一系列的讨人欢心措施。
2008-03-05 ArtNo.40685(18/177)
【ムンバイ】銀行界は、P Chidambaram蔵相が2008-09年予算案の国会上程に際して明らかにした6万クロー(US$152.50億)の農業ローン返済免除措置の詳細が明らかにされるのを不安と焦慮に駆られながら待っている。(...続きを読む)
◆Bankers anxiously awaiting details on loan write-off
【Mumbai】Bankers are now anxiously awaiting finer details on the proposal to write-off loans to the tune of Rs 60,000 crore extended to farmers announced by finance minister P Chidambaram in Budget 2008-09.
【孟买】银行界怀着焦虑等待政府发表6000亿卢比相等于152亿5000万美元农业贷款免还措施的详细内容。这个措施是财政部长P Chidambaram2月29日向国会提出的2008-09年财政预算案里提议的一系列措施中最重要的一环。
2008-03-10 ArtNo.40708(19/177)
【ムンバイ】フォーブス世界富豪番付トップ10にインドのビジネスマン4人が名を連ねた。これら4人とは4位非居住インド人の鉄鋼王Lakshmi Mittal氏資産450億米ドル、5位Reliance Industries Ltd(RIL)のMukesh Ambani会長同430億米ドル、6位Anil Dhirubhai Ambani GroupのAnil Ambani会長同420億米ドル、8位DLF GroupのKushal Pal Singh会長同300億米ドル。(...続きを読む)
◆Four Indians in world's top 10 richest list
【Mumbai】Four Indians have emerged in the top ten of the Forbes' 2008 World's Billionaires list. They include non-resident Indian and steel baron Lakshmi Mittal (4th), Reliance Industries Ltd chairman Mukesh Ambani (5th), followed by Anil Ambani, chairman, Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group, and Kushal Pal Singh, chairman of the DLF Group (8th).
2008-03-14 ArtNo.40730(20/177)
【ニューデリー】全国の主要都市に地下鉄を建設することを目指すインド政府は今予算国会に『2008年地下鉄修正法案(Metro Rail Amendment Bill, 2008)』を上程する。(...続きを読む)
◆Bill for nation-wide Metro service to be introduced
【New Delhi】The Centre, which aims to spread the network of Metro rail across the country, has decided to introduce the Metro Rail Amendment Bill, 2008 in the Lok Sabha in the ongoing Budget session.
2008-03-17 ArtNo.40743(21/177)
◆Telcos may have to save BlackBerry data for 6 months
【New Delhi】The Department of Telecom (DoT) is exploring the possibility of asking the operators of the BlackBerry smartphone to create a mirror image of all e-mails and data sent on BlackBerry smartphone devices in India and to save the mirror image for a minimum period of six months to address concerns of security agencies.
【新德里】电信局检讨向黑莓手机服务发展商与供应商要求制作电子邮件与资料的镜像(mirror image)而且保管这些镜像6个月的可能性。
2008-03-19 ArtNo.40750(22/177)
◆Entertainment, media record Rs 50,000-crore-plus
【New Delhi】The Indian entertainment and media industry grew 17% in 2007 and reached an estimated Rs 51,300 crore, up from Rs 43,800 crore in 2006, according to a latest report by FICCI and PricewaterhouseCoopers.
【New Delhi】印度娱乐与媒体产业的总收入从2006年的4380亿卢比相等于108亿美元到2007年的5130亿卢比相等于126亿4900万美元,成长了17%。
2008-03-24 ArtNo.40757(23/177)
【ニューデリー】卸売物価指数(WPI:wholesale price index)を基準にしたインフレ率は、3月8日までの1週間に過去11ヶ月来最高の5.92%を記録した。3月1日までの1週間のインフレ率は5.11%、その1週間前のそれは5.02%、昨年同期のそれは6.51%だった。(...続きを読む)
◆Inflation hits 11-month high 5.92%
【New Delhi】The annual inflation rate, based on the wholesale price index (WPI), rose to an 11-month high of 5.92 per cent for the week-ended March 8 from 5.11 per cent for the week ended March 1 and 5.02 per cent in the week before that. Inflation had risen to 6.51 per cent in the same period last year.
【新德里】今年3月8日为止的一个星期的以批发价格指数为基础的通货膨胀率记录了过去11个月来最高的5.92。前一个星期与大前一个星期的通货膨胀率是5.02%与5.11%。去年同一个星期的同通货膨胀率是 6.51%。
2008-03-24 ArtNo.40765(24/177)
◆Anil Ambaniグループ、TV20チャンネル開設準備
【ムンバイ】Reliance Dhirubhai Ambani Group(RDAG)は、急成長する放送、娯楽産業市場にプレゼンスを築くため、TVチャンネル20局を開設する計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Anil Ambani set to launch 20 TV channels
【Mumbai】In an effort to expand the reach in the fast-growing broadcast entertainment business, the Reliance Dhirubhai Ambani Group is set to launch 20 TV channels in the country.
2008-03-24 ArtNo.40768(25/177)
◆Corporate fraud is India Inc's highest concern
【New Delhi】Frauds are 75% of the top corporate executives's highest concern and these executives also worry about inadequacy of measures to curb them.
2008-03-26 ArtNo.40770(26/177)
【ニューデリー】インド鉄道(IR:Indian Railways)は『Delhi-Chandigarh-Amritsar』間に高速鉄道を敷設する予備事業化調査(pre-feasibility study)の国際入札を募集した。(...続きを読む)
◆Railways calls global bids for Delhi-Amritsar bullet train
【New Delhi】The Indian Railways has floated global tenders for conducting a pre-feasibility study of a bullet train on the Delhi-Chandigarh-Amritsar route.
2008-03-31 ArtNo.40781(27/177)
【ニューデリー】卸売り物価指数(WPI:Wholesale Price Index)を基準にした3月15日までの1週間のインフレ率は、前週の5.92%から6%の大台を一気に飛び越え13ヶ月来最高の6.68%を記録した。(...続きを読む)
◆Inflation hits 13-month high 6.68%
【New Delhi】The inflation rate as measured by the Wholesale Price Index (WPI) shot past the 6 per cent easily and marked 6.68 per cent for the week ended March 15, sharply higher than the previous week's annual rise of 5.92 per cent and the highest levels in the last 13 months.
2008-03-31 ArtNo.40792(28/177)
【ブーバネスワル】Agarwal Foundationが2万4000クロー(US$59.18億)を投じてオリッサ州Puri県に建設を計画するVedanta Universityに対する大規模な反対運動が準備されており、州議会では国民会議派に率いられる野党陣営がオリッサ州政府に関係覚書の取り消しを求めている。(...続きを読む)
◆A massive protest against Vedanta Univ blazing up
【Bhubaneswar】Puri district, Orissa state is bracing up to launch a massive protest against the Rs 24,000-crore Vedanta University that is to be set up by Anil Agarwal Foundation.. Meanwhile the opposition members led by the Congress demand scraping of the MoU with the Foundation in the assembly.
2008-04-02 ArtNo.40798(29/177)
◆New telcos may soon to start services
【New Delhi】In what seems to be signalling that spectrum will be distributed soon to start services, new telecom licensees have been allotted 5-digit codes (as a prefix to 10-digit cellular numbers) by the Department of Telecommunications.
2008-04-07 ArtNo.40817(30/177)
◆Inflation hits 3 year high at 7%
【New Delhi】The inflation rate based on wholesale price index accelerated to a more than three-year high of seven percent for the week ended March 22, on higher prices of food, vegetables, minerals and manufactured items.
2008-04-14 ArtNo.40842(31/177)
◆Inflation hits a 40-month high of 7.41%
【New Delhi】The annual Wholesale Price Index-based inflation during the week up to March 29 hit a 40-month high of 7.41%, i.e. the highest since the week ended November 12, 2004, when it recorded 7.68%. It is faster than the previous week's 7% rise and 6.7% a year earlier.
2008-04-14 ArtNo.40852(32/177)
◆Salaries of management graduates jump 22%
【New Delhi】Across top 20 campuses, the average salary offered this year is about 22 per cent more than what was offered last year, according to a report prepared by MBAUniverse.com.
2008-04-18 ArtNo.40866(33/177)
◆Inflation eases to 7.14%
【New Delhi】The annual Wholesale Price Index-based inflation for the week ended April 5, 2008 recorded 7.14%. It is faster than 6.44% a year earlier but lower than the previous week's 40-month high 7.41%.
【新德里】以批发价为基的通货膨胀在今年4月5日为止的一个星期上升 7.14%.,比去年同一期的6.44%来得高,不过比前一个星期记录的40个月来最高的7.41%稍微钝化。
2008-04-18 ArtNo.40867(34/177)
◆Govt to import 1 mt edible oil, 1.5 mt pulses to fight price rise
【New Delhi】The Indian government plans to import one million tonne edible oil and 15 lakh tonne of pulses in order to bring down prices of essential commodities.
2008-04-21 ArtNo.40879(35/177)
◆Metro projects top govt priority
【New Delhi】With proposals for Metro rail projects in several cities lined up, the indian government has decided that it makes efforts to expedite the process and begin work within two years.
2008-04-21 ArtNo.40880(36/177)
◆Delhi plans to sweep streets clean of 15-yr-old cars
【New Delhi】The Delhi government, which cancelled the registration of 1.11 lakh trucks older than 15 years last month, is planning a similar move for passenger cars.
2008-04-21 ArtNo.40887(37/177)
◆Edible oil prices up, non-edible oils get scattered enquiries
【New Delhi】Select edible oil prices led by Soyabean mill delivery rose in the wholesale oils and oilseeds market during the week on heavy buying and strong global cues. On the other side, non-edible oils continued to be traded in a limited range on scattered enquiries from consuming industries.
2008-04-28 ArtNo.40901(38/177)
【ニューデリー】鉄鉱石を含む鉱物の急騰と食品の値上がりで、4月12日までの1週間の卸売物価指数(WPI:Wholesale Price Index)をベースにしたインフレ率は7.33%と、前週の7.14%や昨年同期の6.34%を上回り、3年来の最高水準を維持した。(...続きを読む)
◆Costlier food, steel push inflation up to 7.33%
【New Delhi】A steep hike in mineral prices, including iron ore, and increasing cost of food items led to the wholesale price index-based annual rate of inflation (WPI) rising 7.33 per cent in the week ended April 12, accelerating from the previous week's annual rise of 7.14 per cent and much higher than the 6.34 per cent in the same week last year.
2008-04-28 ArtNo.40902(39/177)
◆India predicts record grain harvest in the year ended March, 2008
【New Delhi】India has forecast a record food grain harvest in the crop year ended March 31, 2008 which would total a record 227.32 million tonnes, up from 217.28 tonnes the previous year, with output of rice, wheat, pulses, oilseeds and other crops beating previous highs.
2008-05-02 ArtNo.40925(40/177)
◆FM useing multi-pronged methods to combat inflation
【New Delhi】Customs and excise duties on steel, milk and butter oil were slashed, housing costs could also fall for the middle class, the price of staples like rice and milk could become more affordable for all sections, while making the export of steel and rice costlier, in the UPA government's ongoing battle against inflation.
2008-05-02 ArtNo.40926(41/177)
◆Wage increments for 2008 at 14.4%:HayGroup
【New Delhi】Wages in India are forecast to rise by 14.4 per cent during 2008, fifth successive year of double-digit growth due to the explosive rate of growth in India which has created a phenomenal demand for talent.
2008-05-02 ArtNo.40927(42/177)
◆Realty, telecom see the highest salary hike
【Chennai】The sectors such as real estate (infrastructure ), energy, retail, telecommunications and banking saw the highest salary increases across levels last year. The average increase in salaries hovered around 16.4%-19 .0%.
2008-05-02 ArtNo.40936(43/177)
◆Indian billionaire club to be world's biggest in 10 years
【New York】According to the latest online poll by American business publication Forbes, the majority respondents believe that the India would have the most billionaires in 2017.
2008-05-05 ArtNo.40948(44/177)
◆Inflation touches a 42-month high of 7.57%
【New Delhi】Inflation continued to soar, touching a 42-month high of 7.57% for the week ended April 19, largely on account of an increase in food, metal products and industrial fuel prices. The last time inflation had touched a higher level was in November 2004, when it had reached 7.68%.
2008-05-12 ArtNo.40973(45/177)
◆Inflation at 42-mth high 7.61%
【New Delhi】The wholesale price index (WPI)-based annual rate of inflation rose to 7.61 per cent for the week ended April 26, a record 42-month high.
2008-05-16 ArtNo.40998(46/177)
◆Inflation goes up at 7.83% for week ended May 03
【New Delhi】The wholesale price-based inflation rose to 7.83 per cent for the week ended May 3, versus 7.61% the previous week.
2008-05-16 ArtNo.41006(47/177)
◆Centre allocates $16.2b for e-governance scheme
【Chennai】The Centre has allocated Rs 40,000 crore for implementation of e-governance across the country under the 11th Five Year Plan.
2008-05-21 ArtNo.41010(48/177)
◆Reliance Big、ハリウッドに投資、69フィルム制作
【ニューデリー】Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Groupの娯楽事業子会社Reliance Big Entertainment(RBE)は5月18日、ハリウッドの著名制作者George Clooney、Nicholas Cage、Tom Hanks、Brad Pitt、Chris Columbus、Jim Carrey、Jay Roach等のプロダクションが制作するフィルムに資金援助する契約を結んだとするとともに、今後2年間にヒンディ、英語、その他のインド方言のフィルム69本を制作・配給すると発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆Reliance Big leaps into Hollywood
【New Delhi】Reliance Big Entertainment, the entertainment arm of the Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group, on May 18 announced that it had entered into a slew of development deals with production houses promoted by leading Hollywood names such as George Clooney, Nicholas Cage, Tom Hanks, Brad Pitt, Chris Columbus, Jim Carrey and Jay Roach and aloso said that it will produce, distribute and co-produce 69 films in Hindi, English and regional Indian languages over the next two years..
【新德里】瑞莱恩斯·阿尼尔·安巴尼·德鲁拜集团旗下的瑞莱恩斯大娱乐有限公司5月18日发表说它已经跟好莱坞著名制作人George Clooney, Nicholas Cage, Tom Hanks, Brad Pitt, Chris Columbus, Jim Carrey,Jay Roach等签署合约提供资援。也说它今后两年制作·发行·合拍总共69部北印度语,英语,以及其它印度方言的影片。
2008-05-21 ArtNo.41013(49/177)
【ニューデリー】最高裁はデリー高裁に東芝によるインド企業Tosiba Appliances Co対する商標侵犯訴訟の審理を加速し、迅速に判決を下すよう指示した。(...続きを読む)
◆SC asks Delhi HC to settle quickly Toshiba's trademark suit
【New Delhi】The Supreme Court has asked the Delhi HC to speedily decide the trademark dispute between the Japanese company Toshiba and an Indian company Tosiba Appliances Co which uses the trademark Tosiba for its electrical goods.
2008-05-21 ArtNo.41014(50/177)
【チャンディガル】韓国自動車メーカーの現地子会社Hyundai Motor India Ltd(HMIL)は2012年までに3500米ドルの低コスト乗用車をインド市場に投入する計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Hyundai to introduce $3,500 car by 2012
【Chandigarh】Hyundai Motor India plans to roll out its low-cost car at $3,500 in India by 2012.
社会国民生活 Social and National Life in 2008
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