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輸送機器 Transport Equipment in 2008
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元のページへ戻る ►2008-01-09 ArtNo.40446(1/225)
【チェンナイ】地元設備機器/ソフトウェア会社Mahindra & Mahindra(M&M)は、Renault/日産と4000クロー(US$10.17億)を投じてインドに乗用車の製造施設を設ける計画を含む3社合弁事業から手を引く方針を決めたようだ。(...続きを読む)
◆M&M pulls out of three-way Renault, Nissan JV
【Chennai】Local equipment-to-software group Mahindra & Mahindra is reported to have pulled out of the tripartite joint venture with Renault and Nissan to set up a Rs 4,000-crore car manufacturing plant in India.
2008-01-14 ArtNo.40457(2/225)
【ニューデリー】タタ・グループのRatan Tata会長は10日、ニューデリーで開催中の第9回オートエクスポ会場で同氏が4年前に公約した10万ルピー(US$2542)の夢の国民車『Nano』をお披露目した。(...続きを読む)
◆Ratan Tata unveils Rs 1-lakh car "Nano"
【New Delhi】The Tata group chairman Ratan Tata on January 10 finally unveiled his dream car, Rs 1-lakh "Tata Nano" at the ninth Auto Expo which has taken place in New Delhi.
◆拉坦•塔塔终于披露10万卢比轿车Tata Nano
【新德里】塔塔集团的拉坦•塔塔主席1月10日正在德里举行的第九届印度国际汽车摩托车及零配件展览会上终于揭开棉纱而披露了他梦想的10万卢比轿车『Tata Nano』。
2008-01-14 ArtNo.40458(3/225)
◆Bajaj Auto、小型乗用車プロットタイプお披露目
【ニューデリー】インド第2の二輪車メーカー、Bajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)は8日、独自開発した小型乗用車のプロットタイプをお披露目するとともに、ルノー&日産と手を携え4年内に小型乗用車を発売する方針を明らかにした。しかし同社の小型車は決して10万ルピー・カーではないと言う。(...続きを読む)
◆Bajaj Auto unveils concept small car
【New Delhi】Bajaj Auto Ltd on January 8 unveiled the prototype of its small car and said it plans to bring out the small car in collaboration with Renault and Nissan within four years but it will not be for Rs 1 lakh.
2008-01-14 ArtNo.40459(4/225)
【ニューデリー】インドの2007年12月の乗用車(Passenger car)国内販売台数は8万8220台と、前年同月の8万1033台に比べ8.9%増加した。(...続きを読む)
◆Sales of cars up 8.9% in Dec
【New Delhi】Domestic passenger car sales in India rose 8.9 per cent in December, 2007 to 88,220 units from 81,033 units in the same month a year ago.
2008-01-14 ArtNo.40460(5/225)
◆Commercial vehicle sales up 1.4% in Dec
【New Delhi】Sales of Commercial vehicle rose an annual 1.4 per cent in December to 42,508 from 41,907 units in the corresponding month of the previous year. December Commercial vehicle sales were also higher than 40,466 sold a month ago.
2008-01-14 ArtNo.40461(6/225)
◆Sales of two-wheelers skid 8.3%
【New Delhi】Total two-wheeler sales in the country during December was down by 8.3 per cent at 5,45,484 units, against 5,94,599 units in the corresponding month of the previous year. December two-wheeler sales were much lower than 6,65,181 sold a month ago.
2008-01-16 ArtNo.40472(7/225)
【ニューデリー】三菱自動車は数年内にインドに電気自動車を紹介する計画で、Outlander SUVの現地製造も準備している。(...続きを読む)
◆Mitsubishi may manufacture Outlander SUV locally
【New Delhi】Mitsubishi Motors plans to launch its electric vehicle in India in a few years and manufacture the Outlander SUV locally.
2008-01-16 ArtNo.40473(8/225)
【ニューデリー】Bajaj Auto Limited (BAL)は川崎重工業(KHI)の大型モーターサイクルをインド国内で販売するとともに、後者と共同で新製品を開発する可能性も検討している。(...続きを読む)
◆Bajaj to market Kawasaki's big bikes in India
【New Delhi】Bajaj Auto Limited (BAL) has tied up with its Japanese technical partner Kawasaki Heavy Industries to sell the latter's 'big bikes' in the country and look into possibilities for developing products jointly in India.
2008-01-16 ArtNo.40474(9/225)
【ムンバイ】Bharati Shipyard Ltd (BSL)は、マハラシュトラ州Dabholに最大積載重量10万トン(DWT)までの船舶を建造できる新造船所を建設する。(...続きを読む)
◆Bharati to set up greenfield shipyard in Maharashtra
【Mumbai】Bharati Shipyard Ltd (BSL) plans to construct a greenfield shipyard, which will have the capacity to build vessels up to 1,00,000 dead weight tones (DWT), at Dabhol in Maharashtra.
2008-01-21 ArtNo.40487(10/225)
◆Ispat Industries、複相組織鋼武器に自動車市場開拓
【ニューデリー】自動車の燃費向上に役立つ複相組織鋼(DP鋼:dual-phase grade steel)新製品『DP 600』の生産を開始したIspat Industries Ltd(IIL)は、VolkswagenやAudi等の大手自動車メーカーへの売り込みを図っている。(...続きを読む)
◆Ispat Industries launches dual-phase steel to develop car market
【New Delhi】Ispat Industries Ltd has launched dual-phase grade steel "DP 600" which facilitates better fuel efficiency for automotives and is in talks with auto majors such Volkswagen and Audi for steel supply.
【新德里】伊斯帕特工业公司开始生产可以提高汽车燃料消费效率的双相钢"DP 600"。它正在跟大众汽车公司或奥迪等外国汽车厂商磋商供应DP 600问题。
2008-01-21 ArtNo.40488(11/225)
◆Cos line up both super & entry-level bike new models
【New Delhi】While the two wheeler industry continues to show a slump, some players, who are bullish about the potential of premium bikes in the Indian market, are gearing up with a line-up for the super bike segment. However some others are evincing interest in the 100cc entry-level bike segment, which has been matured, and prepare to roll out new entry-level bikes.
2008-01-21 ArtNo.40489(12/225)
◆Rane Brake、日清紡との関係強化
【チェンナイ】自動車や鉄道用のブレーキ・ライナー、ディスク・パッド、コンポジット・ブレーキ・ブロック、クラッチ・フェイシング等の製造を手がける年商180クロー(US$4575万)のRane Brake Linings Ltd(RBLL)は同社に10%出資する日清紡績株式会社との関係拡大を検討している。(...続きを読む)
◆Rane Brake to enhance ties with Nisshinbo
【Chennai】Rane Brake Linings Ltd and its Japanese collaborator, Nisshinbo Industries are examining scope for enlargement of their commercial engagement. The Japanese company has a 10 per cent stake in Rs 180-crore Rane Brake, which makes brake liners, disc pads, composite brake blocks and clutch facings for automobiles and railways.
◆Rane Brake与日清纺织扩张商业联系
【金奈】制造制动器衬片,制动盘,复合材料制动蹄片和离合器压盘等而供应汽车业和铁路的年售18亿卢比Rane Brake有限公司和它的日本伙伴日清纺织公司正在考虑扩张它们的商业联系。日清纺织公司现在持有Rane Brake的10%股权。
2008-01-23 ArtNo.40496(13/225)
◆Alps Industries、住江織物と自動車繊維製造
【ムンバイ】Alps Industries Ltd(AIL)はインテリア製品や自動車・車両内装材の製造・販売も手がける住江織物株式会社と技術/市場協力協定を結んだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Alps Industries signs pact with Suminoe Textile
【Mumbai】Alps Industries Ltd has entered into a technical collaboration and marketing support agreement with Japan's Suminoe Textile Co Ltd which makes automotive fabrics and interior materials.
2008-01-23 ArtNo.40497(14/225)
【ニューデリー】米国は17日、インドに対しカルト・モーターバイクHarley Davidsonやアルコール飲料を含む一連の品目の関税引き下げを要求した。(...続きを読む)
◆US demands cut in import duty on Harley, alcohol
【New Delhi】US Assistant Secretary for Commerce David Bohigian on january 17 demanded India cut import duty on a host of items, including on cult motorbike Harley Davidson and alcohol.
【新德里】美国商业部的David Bohigian助理部长1月17日要求印度减低一系列产品的入口税,包括哈雷戴维森摩托车和含酒精饮料。
2008-01-25 ArtNo.40510(15/225)
◆Piaggio to return to Indian 2-wheeler market by 2009-10
【Mumbai】Italian auto major Piaggio is set to return to the domestic two-wheeler market, setting up a new two-wheeler manufacturing facility at Baramati in Maharashtra to roll out its first batch of two-wheelers in 2009-10.
2008-01-28 ArtNo.40525(16/225)
◆Tata Ryerson、自動車用鋼材加工3工場設置
【コルカタ】Tata Steel Ltd(TSL)と米国企業Ryerson Incの対等出資合弁会社Tata Ryerson Ltd(TRL)は自動車業界の需要に応じるため、19億ルピー(US$4829万)を投じ3つの鋼材加工工場を設ける。(...続きを読む)
◆Tata Ryerson to build processing unit for autos
【Kolkata】Tata Ryerson Ltd, equally owned by Tata Steel and Ryerson Inc of the United States, will invest Rs 1.9 billion to build three steel processing plants to feed demand from automobile makers.
2008-01-30 ArtNo.40531(17/225)
◆JSW to rope in foreign partners for its mill, shipyard
【Kolkata】JSW group is set to rope in foreign partners for its Rs 2,000 crore platemill project and Rs 1,600 crore shipyard at Ratnagiri in Maharashtra.
2008-01-30 ArtNo.40533(18/225)
【ニューデリー】トヨタ自動車の渡辺捷昭社長は28日、岡部聰専務取締役らを伴いManmohan Singh首相を表敬訪問したが、注目されている第2工場建設計画には何も触れなかったようだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Toyota president meets PM
【New Delhi】Japanese Auto major Toyota Motor President Katsuaki Watanabe, who led a delegation including TMC Managing Director Akira Okabe, called on Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on January 28. TMC officials described the meeting as a courtesy call and did not comment on plans of a second plant in India.
2008-01-30 ArtNo.40534(19/225)
◆Air India/Jupiter/Airbus、MRO施設開設
【ニューデリー】Air IndiaとJupiter Aviationはフランス企業Airbusと手を組みインド国内にMRO(maintenance/repair/overhaul)施設を建設、全てのタイプのエアバス製航空機に補修サービスを提供する。(...続きを読む)
◆Air India, Jupiter, Airbus to set up MRO facility
【New Delhi】Air India, Jupiter Aviation and Airbus of France are joining hands to set up a maintenance, repair, overhaul (MRO) facility in India to service all types of Airbus aircraft.
【新德里】印度国际航空公司和Jupiter Aviation以及法国空中客车携手在印度国内兴建MRO(维修·修理·大修)设施而提供所有款式的空中客车飞机维修服务。
2008-02-01 ArtNo.40547(20/225)
◆TVS/Bajaj Auto特許権侵犯訴訟、今月末に判決か
【チェンナイ】TVS Motors Company Ltd(TVSMC)とBajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)の特許権侵犯訴訟の審理が1月29/30日マドラス高裁で行われた。審理は来週まで続けられる可能性があることから、判決は2月末に下されるものと予想される。(...続きを読む)
◆The judgement expected in late February : Bajaj-TVS patent case
【Chennai】The patent infringement case between two-wheeler majors TVS-Motor and Bajaj Auto came up for hearing at the Madras High Court on January 29 and 30. The judgement is expected in late February, as the hearing may spill over to next week.
2008-02-01 ArtNo.40548(21/225)
◆TVS Motor、1月の二輪車販売23%ダウン
【ムンバイ】TVS Motors Company Ltd(TVSMC)の1月の二輪車販売は前年同月の12万1147台に比べ23%減の9万3385台と、11ヶ月連続の落ち込みを見た。(...続きを読む)
◆TVS Motor January sales decline 23%
【Mumbai】TVS Motor Co's January sales fell for the eleventh straight month. It sold 93,385 units two-wheelers in January, down 23 per cent against the same month a year ago.
2008-02-01 ArtNo.40549(22/225)
【ニューデリー】西ベンガル州Kolkata拠点のXenitis Groupは1月31日サブ2万ルピー(US$508)モーターバイクの全国販売を開始すると発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆Xenitis launches sub-Rs 20,000 bike nationwide
【New Delhi】Kolkata-based Xenitis Group on January 31 announced the national roll-out of its sub-Rs 20,000 bike.
2008-02-04 ArtNo.40558(23/225)
【Sriperembudur】韓国のHyundai Motor Company(HMC)はインドにおける第2期計画に10億米ドルを投じ、2013年までにインドを小型乗用車事業のグローバル・ハブにする計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Hyundai to make India a global small car hub
【Sriperembudur】Korean car major Hyundai Motor Company plans will invest $1 billion by 2013, to beef up operations in the country and bid to make India a global small car hub.
2008-02-04 ArtNo.40559(24/225)
◆Hero Honda1月の二輪車販売アップ、Bajaj15%ダウン
【ムンバイ】Hero Honda Motors Ltd(HHML)の1月の二輪車販売台数は29万8050台と、前年同月の29万7554台に比べ0.17%増加した。(...続きを読む)
◆Hero Honda's January sales up, Bajaj sales dip
【Mumbai】Hero Honda Motors Ltd recorded a marginal 0.17 per cent rise in sales at 298,050 units in January compared with 297,554 units for the same month last year.
2008-02-11 ArtNo.40580(25/225)
◆トップ・カーメーカー、Tata Steelから鋼材調達
【コルカタ】世界第6位の鉄鋼メーカー、Tata Steel Ltd(TSL)は、日産ルノーとフォルクスワーゲンから両社のインド・プロジェクトに鋼材を納入する契約を獲得したのみならず、フォード、マルチ・スズキ、ヒュンダイ、トヨタにもJamshedpurプラントから鋼材を納入している。(...続きを読む)
◆The world top carmakers select Tata Steel for India plans
【Kolkata】Tata Steel Ltd(TSL), the world's sixth largest steelmaker, has been selected not only by Volkswagen and Nissan-Renault as the local steel partner for their projects in India, Ford, Maruti, Hyundai and Toyota too source their requirements from TSL's Jamshedpur plant.
2008-02-13 ArtNo.40597(26/225)
◆Car sales grows at 9% on new models
【Mumbai】Thanks to the new models, the passenger car sales in January grew at 9 per cent and reached 113,899 units compared to 104,501 units in the same month last year.
2008-02-13 ArtNo.40598(27/225)
◆Commercial vehicle sales falls by 0.98% in January
【New Delhi】Commercial vehicle sales during January 2008 fell by 0.98 per cent at 46,788 units from 47,251 units in the same month last year.
2008-02-13 ArtNo.40599(28/225)
◆Two-wheeler sales in January slips by 10.96%
【Mumbai】Total two-wheeler sales in January declined sharply to 6,05,455 units or 10.96% from 6,80,014 units for the year -ago period.
2008-02-15 ArtNo.40607(29/225)
【ムンバイ】Yamaha Motor India Pvt Ltd (YMI)は6月に150ccクラスのバイク2モデル、R15とFZ 150を発売、急成長するプレミアム・バイク市場の開拓を目指す。(...続きを読む)
◆Yamaha to roll out two premium bikes
【Mumbai】Come June, Yamaha Motor India Pvt Ltd will roll out two motorcycles, R15 and FZ 150, in the 150cc class, a fast-growing premium segment to revive its business and image in India.
2008-02-18 ArtNo.40617(30/225)
◆State govts compete to draw automakers
【Chennai】Most state governments, including Tamil Nadu, are offering fiscal and tax sops to lure carmakers tempted by a market where sales are forecast to reach two million units by 2010 from 1.4 million last year.
2008-02-18 ArtNo.40618(31/225)
【アーマダバード】代替燃料ブームに乗り電動スクーター市場に進出したタミールナド州Chennai拠点のTVS Motor Company Ltd(TVSMC)は液化石油ガス(LPG)及び圧縮天然ガス(CNG)燃料を用いた二輪車を市場に投入する機会を探っている。(...続きを読む)
◆TVS explores to make LPG & CNG bikes
【Ahmedabad】Riding on alternative fuel fever, Chennai-based TVS Motor Company, which has entered the electric scooter segment, is now exploring LPG and CNG two wheelers.
2008-02-18 ArtNo.40619(32/225)
◆Electric scooter segment hotting up
【Mumbai】Amidst the fuel price hike, the electric scooter segment is hotting up with the entry of scooter majors, new launches and smart marketing initiatives.
2008-02-22 ArtNo.40631(33/225)
◆TVS Motor、Flameに別のエンジン搭載検討
【ニューデリー】インド第3の二輪車メーカー、TVS Motors Company Ltd(TVSMC)は、法廷から125ccCCVTi(controlled combustion variable timing intelligent:燃焼タイミング制御)エンジン搭載のモーターバイク新モデルFlameの販売停止を命じられたため、別のエンジンを搭載してFlameを改めて発売することを検討しているようだ。(...続きを読む)
◆TVS Motor plans to relaunch Flame with different engine
【New Delhi】TVS Motors Company Ltd, which was restrained from making its 125 cc Flame based on the controlled combustion variable timing intelligent (CCVTi) engine technology, might launch the bike with a different engine.
◆TVS考虑使用其他引擎重新发售TVS Flame
【新德里】印度第三大二轮车制造商TVS汽车公司,因为马德拉斯高庭命令该公司停止销售使用CCVTi(controlled combustion variable timing intelligent)引擎的125cc摩托车『TVS Flame』,所以它似乎考虑使用其他引擎重新发售『TVS Flame』。
2008-02-25 ArtNo.40639(34/225)
【コルカタ】Tata Motors Ltd(TML)は10万ルピー(US$2542)カー『Nano』を、スケジュール通り今年10月、ちょうどヒンドゥーの祝日ドゥルガー・プージャー(悪に勝利する女神Durgaに対する祈りの祭典)期間に西ベンガル州Singur工場から初出荷する。(...続きを読む)
◆Tata Motors sets October date for Nano launch
【Kolkata】Tata Motors Ltd will rollout Nano – its ultra-cheap Rs 1 lakh car – on schedule in October to coincide with the Durga Puja.
2008-02-25 ArtNo.40640(35/225)
【プネー】今年はTata Motorsが後半に世界で最も低廉な小型乗用車Nanoを発売するだけでなく、欧州メジャーもFiat 500を皮切りにフォルクスワーゲンの新型ビートル、そしてBMW傘下のMiniと、プレミアム小型乗用車を続々インド市場に投入する。(...続きを読む)
◆Fiat, Volkswagen & BMW to roll small cars this year
【Pune】For India, this is the year of the small car, not only with the launch later this year of the world's cheapest car, Tata Motors' Nano, priced at just over Rs 1 lakh but also with European majors bringing in their premium small cars, starting with the Fiat 500 followed by Volkswagen's New Beetle and even perhaps the BMW-owned marquee Mini.
2008-02-25 ArtNo.40641(36/225)
【ムンドラ】Maruti Suzuki India Ltd (MSIL)とMundra Port and Special Economic Zone Ltd (MPSEZL)は、グジャラート州Kutch県Mundraに208年12月までに共同でメガ・カー・ターミナルを建設・稼働させる。(...続きを読む)
◆Maruti, Mundra Port joint hands to build a mega car terminal
【Mundra】Maruti Suzuki India Ltd (MSIL) and Mundra Port and Special Economic Zone Ltd (MPSEZL) will jointly build a mega car terminal at Mundra in Kutch district of Gujarat by December 2008.
2008-02-27 ArtNo.40654(37/225)
◆Nissan, Renault ink MoU with TN for car project
【Chennai】Nissan of Japan and Renault of France are set to forge a 50:50 joint venture company which will invest Rs 4,500 crore to create a manufacturing facility with an installed capacity of 4 lakh vehicles per year at Oragadam, Tamil Nadu. The two companies on February 22 signed the concerned MoU with the Government of Tamil Nadu.
2008-02-27 ArtNo.40655(38/225)
◆2-wheeler loan defaults:dealers too come under scrutiny
【New Delhi】Following many banks pull out of financing two-wheelers segment in many parts of the country, not just the customers but even the dealers of two-wheelers who will come under scrutiny for loan defaults.
2008-02-29 ArtNo.40668(39/225)
◆West Bengal to receive natural gas from Reliance, HP
【Kolkata】West Bengal, which is midst of an industrial resurgence and growing vehicular pollution, will receive natural gas in three years to convert vehicles to run with greener fuel.
2008-02-29 ArtNo.40669(40/225)
【ニューデリー】ウッタルプルデシュ州Greater Noidaの既存工場の新生産ラインを25日稼働させたHonda Siel Cars India Ltd(HSCIL)は、1000クロー(US$2.54億)を投じラジャスタン州に設ける当初年産6万台の新工場は来年稼働すると発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆Honda's Rajasthan plant to start operation next year
【New Delhi】Honda Siel Cars India Ltd (HSCIL), which inaugurated its new production facility at Greater Noida on February 25, announced an initial investment of Rs. 1,000 crore at its upcoming plant in Rajasthan that will start operation next year, producing 60,000 units a year.
2008-03-03 ArtNo.40674(41/225)
◆Excise on cars, 2-wheelers, buses and chassis slashed
【New Delhi】In the Union Budget 2008-09, the Government reduced excise duty on two-wheelers, three-wheelers, small passenger cars, buses and bus-chassis to 12 per cent from the current 16 per cent.
2008-03-03 ArtNo.40675(42/225)
◆Slash in excise duty rates for hybrid cars
【Mumbai】The union government has announced reducing the excise duty from 24% to 14% for hybrid cars which use a combination of electric motors with gasoline/diesel engines.
2008-03-05 ArtNo.40692(43/225)
◆Cars, scooters maintain buoyant: Survey
【New Delhi】The automotive industry has suffered from a significant slackening in growth as interest rates curbed demand. However the segments including passenger cars, jeeps, scooters and mopeds buoyed during the current fiscal as on November 2007 according to the Economic Survey.
2008-03-05 ArtNo.40693(44/225)
【ハイデラバード】Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India Pvt Ltd (HMSI)は102cc自動変速スクーター新モデルAviatorを初出荷した。(...続きを読む)
◆Honda rolls out new automatic scooter
【Hyderabad】Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India Pvt Ltd (HMSI) has rolled out its new 102cc automatic scooter, Aviator.
2008-03-05 ArtNo.40694(45/225)
◆Hero Honda、2月の二輪車販売5.7%ダウン
【ニューデリー】Hero Honda Motors Ltd(HHML)の2月の二輪車販売台数は26万5431台と、昨年同月の28万515台に比べ5.7%の落ち込みを見た。(...続きを読む)
◆Hero Honda Feb sales dip 5.7 per cent
【New Delhi】Hero Honda Motors Ltd sold 2,65,431 units of two-wheelers during February, down 5.7%, compared to 2,80,515 units in the same month last year.
2008-03-05 ArtNo.40695(46/225)
【ムンバイ】Bajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)の2月の二輪/三輪車販売台数は18万3807台と、昨年同月の20万2212台に比べ9%下降した。(...続きを読む)
◆Bajaj vehicle sales down 9% in Feb
【Mumbai】Bajaj Auto Ltd sold 183,807 vehicles during February 2008, a drop of 9 per cent from the 202,212 units sold in the same month last year.
2008-03-05 ArtNo.40696(47/225)
【ニューデリー】TVS Motor Company Ltd(TVSMC)の2月の二輪車販売台数は9万5235台と、昨年同月の12万110台に比べ20.7%の落ち込みを見た。(...続きを読む)
◆TVS Feb sales down 21 pc on year
【New Delhi】TVS Motor Company Ltd reported a 20.7 per cent decline in its total two-wheeler sales at 95,235 units in February against 1,20,110 units during February 2007.
2008-03-10 ArtNo.40700(48/225)
【ジュネーブ】日産は、インド市場に照準を合わせるとともに、世界市場も視野に入れた『エントリーカー戦略(entry car strategy)』を立案している。(...続きを読む)
◆Nissan working on a 'India centric entry car strategy'
【Geneva】Nissan is working on a 'entry car strategy' centred around India but with a global spread. Nissan's Carlos Taveras spoke to Economic Times.
【日内瓦】日产现在准备瞄准印度市场同时包含世界市场的小型轿车战略。日产工程师主任Carlos Taveras告诉印度日刊报纸Economic Times。
2008-03-10 ArtNo.40701(49/225)
◆三井物産、India Yamaha Motorに30%出資
【ニューデリー】Yamaha Motor India Pvt Ltd(YMI)は三井物産の30%出資を得て新会社India Yamaha Motor Pvt Ltd(IYM)を設立、三井物産の販売/流通面のノーハウを導入した事業の拡張再編に乗り出した。(...続きを読む)
◆Mitsui picks up 30% stake in India Yamaha Motor
【New Delhi】Yamaha Motor India Pvt Ltd has formed a new joint venture company,万 India Yamaha Motor Pvt Ltd in which Mitsui Corporation would have a 30% stake and would bring its expertise of sales distribution and network, apart from investing in expanding the venture's operations.
2008-03-12 ArtNo.40714(50/225)
【ニューデリー】乗用車(passenger car)販売台数は2月に9万4756台を記録、昨年同月の9万2618台に比べ2.31%増加した。(...続きを読む)
◆Sales of cars rise 2% in February
【New Delhi】Passengerassenger car sales grew by a little over 2.31% to 94,756 units in February'08 as compared to 92,618 units in February'07.
輸送機器 Transport Equipment in 2008
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