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製薬/生物 Pharma/Biology in 2008
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元のページへ戻る ►2008-01-09 ArtNo.40455(1/29)
【ニューデリー】第一三共株式会社は、完全出資子会社Daiichi Sankyo India Pharma Pvt Ltd(DSIP)を通じインドに製造および研究施設を設ける計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Daiichi Sankyo to set up manufacturing, research unit in India
【NEW DELHI】Daiichi Sankyo Company is in the process of setting up a full-fledged manufacturing and research operation in India through a wholly owned subsidiary, Daiichi Sankyo India Pharma Pvt Ltd.
2008-03-03 ArtNo.40684(2/29)
◆Healthcare, pharmaceutical sectors given a direction
【Bangalore】Healthcare and pharmaceutical sectors probably never had it so good, especially at a time when the healthcare sector is on an expansion spree.
2008-03-26 ArtNo.40778(3/29)
【ムンバイ】Intas Biopharmaceuticals Limited(IBL)傘下のCelestial Biological Pvt. Ltd(CBPL)はグジャラート州Ahmedabad付近にインド初の血漿分画(plasma fractionation)施設を設ける。(...続きを読む)
◆India's first plasma fractionation facility to be set up
【Mumbai】Celestial Biological Pvt. Ltd, a subsidiary of Intas Biopharmaceuticals Limited, is setting up the country's first plasma fractionation facility near Ahmedabad.
【孟买】 Intas Biopharmaceuticals有限公司旗下的Celestial Biological私人有限公司计划在古吉拉特州艾哈迈达巴德附近兴建印度国内第一个血浆蛋白分离设施。
2008-04-30 ArtNo.40922(4/29)
◆Biotech industry becomes a $3-b sector
【Bangalore】The turnover of the domestic biotechnology industry touched $3-billion in 2007-08, registering 30 per cent growth over the previous year.
2008-05-14 ArtNo.40989(5/29)
【コルカタ】米国拠点のインフラストラクチャー・プロジェクト管理会社Astonfield Management Ltd(AML)は、西ベンガル州におけるソーラパネル製造等のグリーン・エネルギー事業や農村部におけるWiMaxネットワークの構築に1万6000クロー(US$39.36億)を投じる計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Astonfield plans India projects worth Rs 16,000 crore
【Kolkata】Astonfield Management Ltd, a US-based infrastructure project management company, plans to invest Rs 16,000 crore to set up green energy capacities in India, a solar panel manufacturing unit in West Bengal and a WiMax network in rural India.
2008-05-28 ArtNo.41055(6/29)
◆GVK Bio、米国ワイスとR&D受託契約
【ハイデラバード】世界のライフサイエンス業界向けに総合的な研究サービスを提供するアンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabad拠点の受託研究機関GVK Biosciences Pvt Ltd (GVK)は、米国ワイス(Wyeth)傘下のWyeth Pharmaceuticalsと、既定義発見標的(pre-defined discovery targets)に照準を合わせ、候補薬(drug candidate)を発見する研究協定を結んだ。(...続きを読む)
◆GVK Bio signs a R&D agreement with Wyeth Pharma
【Hyderabad】Hyderabad-based GVK Biosciences Private Limited , a contract research organisation delivering integrated research services to life sciences globally, has entered into a research agreement with Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, a division of an American company Wyeth, to discover drug candidates focused on a pre-defined discovery targets.
◆GVK Bio与惠氏药厂签署研究协力合同
【海德拉巴】总部位于安德拉州海德拉巴的生物科学合同研究机构GVK Biosciences私人有限公司与美国惠氏药厂签署研究协力合同。这项合同下前者为了后者瞄准预定义目标而发现候选药物小分子。
2008-06-16 ArtNo.41108(7/29)
【ニューデリー】インド最大の地場製薬会社Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd(RLL)のプロモーターSingh一族は、RLLの51~62%の持ち分を34億~46億米ドルで第一三共株式会社に売却することに同意した。(...続きを読む)
◆Daiichi Sankyo snaps up Ranbaxy for $4.6 bn
【New Delhi】The Indian promoters of Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd, India's largest domestic drug company, the Singh family, have agreed to sell their 51-62% stake in Ranbaxy for $3.4 billion to $4.6 billion to Daiichi Sankyo Company Ltd of Japan.
2008-06-23 ArtNo.41134(8/29)
【ニューデリー】自動車メーカーDaimler AG(DAG)によれば、ヤトロファ・カルカス(Jatropha Curcus南洋油桐)からバイオ燃料を生産するコストは、政府等の補助を抜きにして1ha当たり3万ルピー(US$703)と見積もられる。(...続きを読む)
◆Jatropha-fuel production cost $703/ha: Daimler
【New Delhi】 The cost of bio-fuel production from Jatropha Curcus is estimated at Rs 30,000 per hectare, without involving any element of subsidy according to the automobile giant Daimler AG.
2008-06-25 ArtNo.41150(9/29)
【ハイデラバード】Sentini Bioproducts Pvt Ltd(SBPL)はアンドラプラデシュ州Krishna県Gandepalli村に130クロー(US$3044万)を投じ、トウモロコシを原料に年間4万5000キ香Eリットルのエタノールと工業用アルコールを製造する工場を設けた。(...続きを読む)
◆AP gets corn-based ethanol plant
【Hyderabad】Sentini Bioproducts Pvt Ltd has invested Rs 130 crore and set up a corn-based ethanol plant at Gandepalli village, Krishna district in Andhra Pradeshwith a capacity of 45,000 kilolitres per annum of ethanol and industrial alcohol.
2008-07-09 ArtNo.41198(10/29)
◆Pharma cos' patent application filings drop 41% in 2007-08
【Mumbai】Patent applications filed by Indian pharma firms fell 41% to 449 in 2007-08 compared to 765 filed in 2006-07.
2008-07-14 ArtNo.41209(11/29)
【コルカタ】チップセット製造業者としてのイメージ脱却を目指すIntel Corpは、インド情報技術(IT)企業と提携しインドにおける保健領域の様々なイニシアチブに400億米ドルを投資、エンド・ツー・エンドの保健関連ITソリューションを創造する計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Intel to invest $40b for various health initiatives in India
【Kolkata】Intel Corp is set to ally with India 's IT companies to invest $40 billion for various health initiatives in the country so that it is going beyond its image as the chipsets manufacturer to create an end-to-end IT solution for the health sector.
2008-07-21 ArtNo.41231(12/29)
【アーマダバード】原油価格の高騰が持続する中で、多国籍自動車メジャー、General Motors(GM)とDaimler、そしてムンバイ拠点の地場自動車大手Mahindra & Mahindra(M&M)はヤトロファ・カルカス(Jatropha Curcus南洋油桐)燃料の開発に本腰で取り組んでいる。(...続きを読む)
◆GM, Daimler & M&M bet big on Jatropha
【Ahmedabad】Auto giants General Motors, Daimler and Mumbai-based Mahindra & Mahindra have stayed focused on Jatropha to tide over soaring crude prices.
2008-07-23 ArtNo.41243(13/29)
◆Biotech sector revenues cross $2.5b
【Bangalore】The Indian biotech industry's revenue increased to $2.56 billion in the fiscal ended March, 2008 from $2.01 billion a year ago. However, the rupee's appreciation against the US dollar and price pressures in global markets brought down the five straight years of over 30% growth to 20 per cent in 2007-08.
2008-07-30 ArtNo.41272(14/29)
◆Oilseeds crop may be lower by 2m tonnes
【Mumbai】The rainfall picture of India, particularly in the major oilseeds growing States looks unsatisfactory as at present (mid-July) due to which oilseeds crop may be lower by over 20 lakh tonnes during kharif 2008.
2008-09-17 ArtNo.41450(15/29)
【ニューデリー】技術者のプールと製薬部門への投資に支えられ、インドは20億米ドルの『研究製造業務受託サービス(CRAMS:contract research and manufacturing services)』市場の開拓で中国に先行している。(...続きを読む)
◆India get ahead of China in CRAMS space
【New Delhi】Taking advantage of large pool of skilled manpower and initial investments made in pharma, India get ahead of China in the $2-billion contract research and manufacturing services (CRAMS) space.
2008-09-22 ArtNo.41462(16/29)
【ハイデラバード】アラブ首長国連邦(UAE)の一員、Ras Al Khaimah政府は、アンドラプラデシュ州の州都Hyderabad郊外に50億米ドルを投じ『Hyderabad Economic City (HEC)』と称する様々な金融施設と保健サービス施設を備えた総合都市を開発する。(...続きを読む)
◆Ras Al Khaimah to develop Hyderabad Economic City
【Hyderabad】The government of Ras Al Khaimah (UAE) plans to develop an integrated financial hub and health care city called "Hyderabad Economic City (HEC)" on the outskirts of Hyderabad, at a cost of $5 billion.
2008-09-24 ArtNo.41468(17/29)
【ニューデリー】米国食品薬品局(FDA)は、Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd (RLL)の2工場で生産された30品目以上の後発医薬品の輸入を禁止するとともに、暫時RLLの新規申請も許可しない方針を決めた。(...続きを読む)
◆FDA bans 30 Ranbaxy medicines
【New Delhi】The US Food and Drug Administration has banned over 30 generic drugs manufactured by Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd (RLL) at two of its Indian facilities from entering the US borders and also ruled out approval to any new Ranbaxy' drugs for now.
2008-10-13 ArtNo.41536(18/29)
◆SMS Pharma、腫瘍薬に照準
【ハイデラバード】アンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabad拠点のSMS Pharmaceuticals Ltdは腫瘍薬領域に照準を合わせ、米欧の規制の厳しい市場向けに新たに7種類の薬品を発売する準備を整えている。(...続きを読む)
◆SMS Pharma bets big on oncology
【Hyderabad】Betting big on the oncology segment, Hyderabad-based SMS Pharmaceuticals Ltd has lined up about seven more products in the pipeline for the regulated markets such as the US and Europe.
【海德拉巴】总部位于安得拉州海德拉巴的SMS Pharmaceuticals有限公司瞄准肿瘤药领域,正在准备在美欧管制市场再加7种药发售。
2008-10-15 ArtNo.41547(19/29)
◆Clinical trial market may not get to billion-dollar projection
【Mumbai】Indian clinical trial market does not seem to get to that often-touted benchmark of $1.5 billion by 2010.
2008-10-20 ArtNo.41559(20/29)
◆MSD India、子宮頚管癌予防ワクチン発売
【ニューデリー】米国の大手製薬会社Merck & Co, Incが完全出資するMerck Sharp & Dohme (MSD) Pharmaceuticalsは14日、インド初の子宮頸管癌ワクチンGARDASILを発売すると発表するとともに、今後2、3年内に水痘、A型肝炎、帯状疱疹等様々な疾病を予防する各種ワクチンを紹介する計画を明らかにした。(...続きを読む)
◆MSD India launches new vaccine for cervical cancer
【New Delhi】Merck Sharp & Dohme (MSD) Pharmaceuticals, a wholly- owned subsidiary of Merck & Co, Inc, US, on October 14 announced the launch of GARDASIL, India's first vaccine to help prevent cervical cancer and the plans to introduce other vaccines for various diseases including chicken pox, hepitatis A, rotavirus and zoster in the next two-three years.
2008-10-22 ArtNo.41567(21/29)
【ニューデリー】インド国有鉄道会社Indian Railways(IR)は、4カ所にバイオディーゼル・エステル化工場(bio-diesel esterification plant)を建設するため、入札を募集した。投資額はおよそ78.5クロー(US$1619万)と見積もられ、落札者は工場建設後、生産したバイオディーゼルをIRに供給する。(...続きを読む)
◆Rlys call tenders for setting up bio-diesel plants
【New Delhi】The Indian Railways has invited tenders for setting up of four bio-diesel esterification plants at an investment of Rs 78.5 crore to supply bio diesel to the railways.
2008-11-03 ArtNo.41619(22/29)
◆Ispat Energy、サトウキビ粕からバイオCNG生産
【ムンバイ】Ispat Energy Ltd(IEL)は今会計年度、約1000クロー(US$2.06億)を投じ、サトウキビの絞り粕からバイオCNG(圧縮天然ガス)を製造する。(...続きを読む)
◆Ispat Energy to invest Rs 1,000 crore for producing bio-CNG
【Mumbai】Ispat Energy Ltd plans to invest about Rs 1,000 crore in the current fiscal for producing bio-CNG from pressmud, a byproduct of sugarcane processing.
2008-11-10 ArtNo.41639(23/29)
【アーマダバード】米国Dow Chemicalsのインド子会社Dow Chemical International Pvt Ltd(DCIPL)はインドの指導的製薬会社3社と提携し、インド国内で特殊ポリマー『Polyox』を製造する準備を進めている。(...続きを読む)
◆Dow ties up with three pharma cos to launch Polyox
【Ahmedabad】Dow Chemical International Pvt Ltd is jointly working with three leading Indian pharmaceutical companies for manufacturing special polymer called Polyox in India.
2008-11-12 ArtNo.41648(24/29)
◆大和薬品、Elder Pharmaとライセンス契約
【ムンバイ】大和薬品株式会社(東京都世田谷区)は、マハラシュトラ州Mumbai拠点のElder Pharmaceuticals Ltd(EPL)とライセンス契約を結んだ。同契約の下、EPLは大和の食品薬(nutraceutical)をインド国内で販売する。(...続きを読む)
◆Daiwa inks in-licensing pact with Elder Pharma
【Mumbai】Daiwa Pharmaceutical Company of Japan has entered into an in-licensing tie-up with Mumbai-based Elder Pharmaceuticals Ltd for introducing the former's nutraceuticals into the Indian market.
2008-11-12 ArtNo.41649(25/29)
【ニューデリー】インドと日本の包括的経済提携協定(CEPA:Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement)交渉は、日本側が5銀行に『認定完全資格銀行(QFB:Qualifying Full Bank)』ステータスを片務的に認めるようインドに要求する一方、インド側から求められた製薬市場の開放には応じる姿勢を示さぬことから、暗礁に乗り上げている。(...続きを読む)
◆Indo-Japan CEPA talks hit a roadblock
【New Delhi】The talks between India and Japan on the proposed Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) has hit a roadblock with the latter proposing that five of its banks be given qualified full banking (QFB) status by India and showing no interest in working on India's suggestion that its pharmaceutical sector be opened up for Indian companies.
2008-11-19 ArtNo.41678(26/29)
◆Wockhardt to invest $206m for capacity expansion
【New Delhi】Wockhardt group plans to invest Rs 1,000 crore($206 million) for expanding its healthcare infrastructure in the next three years.
2008-11-24 ArtNo.41692(27/29)
◆Astellas Pharma sets up Indian subsidiary
【New Delhi】The second largest Japanese drug company Astellas Pharma has set up a wholly-owned subsidiary in India, making it the third Japanese pharma major after Eisai and Daiichi Sankyo to tap the growing Indian pharmaceutical market.
2008-12-03 ArtNo.41728(28/29)
【チェンナイ】アンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabad拠点の薬理活性原末(API: Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients)製造業者Neuland Laboratories Limited(NLL)は心血管疾患/中枢神経系疾患/抗感染薬領域に照準を合わせアジア太平洋地域における新収入源を開拓する計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Japan to contribute 20 % to Neuland's revenues
【Chennai】Hyderabad-based Neuland Laboratories Limited, the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) manufacturer will focus mainly on cardiovascular, central nervous system disorders and anti-infectives segments for generating new revenue channels for the Asia-Pacific region.
2008-12-22 ArtNo.41787(29/29)
【ムンバイ】アンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabad拠点の製薬会社Aurobindo Pharma Ltd(APL)は米国食品薬品局(USFDA)からヒト免疫不全ウィルス(HIV)感染症治療薬の製造・販売許可を取得した。(...続きを読む)
◆Aurobindo HIV drug approved by USFDA
【Mumbai】Aurobindo Pharma Ltd, the Hyderabad-based pharma major, has received the US administration's approval to manufacture and market the drug used for treatment of HIV infections.
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