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内政法律軍事 Political/Law/Military Affair in 2009
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元のページへ戻る ►2009-01-07 ArtNo.41801(1/362)
◆Govt unveils the second stimulus package
【New Delhi】Indian government, keeping step with the Reserve Bank of India, on January 2 announced a second stimulus package in order to revers the economic slowdown through higher public spending, providing additional liquidity for onward lending at lower interest rates, boosting sagging sale of commercial vehicles and making easier credit availability for the export sector, housing and small industries.
2009-01-07 ArtNo.41802(2/362)
【ニューデリー】インフレの沈静化に励まされ、中央銀行Reserve Bank of India(RBI)は2日、産業界に十分な低利資金を供給するため、過去3ヶ月来4度目となる基準金利の引き下げを実行、2000億ルピー(US$4億)を国内金融システムに注入した。(...続きを読む)
◆RBI cuts key rates further, infuses Rs 20k cr
【New Delhi】Encouraged by declining inflation rate, the Reserve Bank of India on January 2 cut its key rates, for the fourth time in less than three months, to ensure availability of credit at lower rates.
2009-01-12 ArtNo.41814(3/362)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は会社法委員会(CLB:Company Law Board)の提案に基づき9日、Satyam Computer Ltd(SCL)取締役会に解散を命じ、11日には、銀行家Deepak Parekh氏、情報技術(IT)専門家Kiran Karnik氏、インド証券取引局(SEBI:Securities and Exchange Board of India)メンバーC Achutan氏を暫定的にCLBの新取締役に指名した。(...続きを読む)
◆Govt disbands Satyam board
【New Delhi】The Indian government on Friday(09-01) dissolved the depleted Satyam board of directors according to the Company Law Board's recommendation and on Sunday(11-01) nominated noted banker Deepak Parekh, IT expert Kiran Karnik and former SEBI member C Achutan to the company's Board as an interim measure.
【新德里】印度政府根据公司法局的提议,9日指示萨蒂扬电脑有限公司解散董事部,11日就指名3名新董事。他们是著名银行家Deepak Parekh,信息科技专家Kiran Karnik和印度证券交易委员会成员 C Achutan。
2009-01-12 ArtNo.41816(4/362)
【ニューデリー】経済問題閣僚委員会(CCEA:Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs)は2日、異なる州のウラン資源開発競争を促す狙いから、州政府に支払う従価式ウラン鉱採掘特許料(royalty)率を2%に引き上げることを承認した。(...続きを読む)
◆New royalty rates for uranium cleared
【New Delhi】The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) on January 2 approved payment of royalty at an ad valorem rate of 2 per cent to provide fair compensation to states for uranium mined in their territory.
2009-01-12 ArtNo.41819(5/362)
【ムンバイ】グジャラート州政府は、追加エネルギー源や代替エネルギー源としてソーラ・パワーの利用を促進するため、ソーラ発電業者(SPG:solar power generators)に対する一連の奨励措置を盛り込んだ総合的な『ソーラ・パワー発電政策』を発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆Gujarat unveil new Solar Power Policy
【Mumbai】Gujarat government on January 6 announced a comprehensive 'Solar Power Policy', in order to promote solar power as an additional and alternative source of energy, through offering slew of sops and incentives to solar power generators (SPGs).
2009-01-12 ArtNo.41820(6/362)
◆Gujarat likely to see $2.4b investments in solar sector
【Ahmedabad】As many as twenty companies are likely to invest the tune of Rs 10-12,000 crore ($2-2.4b) in solar energy sector in Gujarat and to generate over 1,000 MW of solar power.
2009-01-14 ArtNo.41831(7/362)
【ニューデリー】西ベンガル州Bardhaman県Andal-Faridpur地区に国内初の空港都市『Bengal Aerotropolis』を開発するため、州当局は最近2363エーカーの用地買収に関する通知を発送、土地取得手続きに着手した。(...続きを読む)
◆West Bengal aerotropolis project begins
【New Delhi】The process of acquiring 2,363 acres of land in the Andal-Faridpur block of Bardhaman district, West Bengal for the first airport city project in the country has begun with the issuance of a notification to this effect recently.
【新德里】印度国内第一个空港都市区『孟加拉宇航都会(Bengal Aerotropolis)』发展项目的2364英亩用地收购手续在西孟加拉州巴得海曼县Andal-Faridpur地区已经开始。西孟加拉州当局最近发行有关通知书。
2009-01-14 ArtNo.41832(8/362)
【ニューデリー】インド全国の運輸業者が参加し、8日間に及んだゼネストが12日、終結した。全インド自動車輸送会議(ATMTC:All India Motor Transport Congress)と運輸省は、州政府の代表も交えて運輸業者が直面する問題の解決策を協議することで合意した。(...続きを読む)
◆Transporters call off eight-day strike
【New Delhi】Indian transporters called off their eight-day nationwide strike on January 12 after the All India Motor Transport Congress (AIMTC) and the Road Transport Ministry agreed to sort out issues raised by them in consultation with the State governments.
2009-01-14 ArtNo.41835(9/362)
◆N-power target raised to 60,000 mw
【New Delhi】India has raised it nuclear energy production target to 60,000 megawatts by 2030, from the earlier target of 20,000 mw by 2020.
2009-01-14 ArtNo.41836(10/362)
【アーマダバード】最近ソーラ発電政策を発表し、非伝統的エネルギー資源を用いた発電の振興に力を入れるグジャラート州政府は8日、第二弾として『Wind Fall』と銘打った風力発電政策を発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆Guj now unveils Wind Power Policy
【Ahmedabad】Gujarat government, which had recently introduced Solar Power Policy, on January 8 took another step to promote power generation through non-conventional energy sources by unveiling a seperate Wind Power Policy called 'Wind Fall'.
【艾哈迈达巴德】最近发表太阳能发电政策的古吉拉特州政府1月8日介绍被命名为『Wind Fall』的风力发电政策从而在促进使用非传统能源或代替能源方面记录了新的一步。
2009-01-19 ArtNo.41837(11/362)
【アーマダバード】第4回躍進するグジャラート国際投資家会議(Vibrant Gujarat Global Investors' Summit)の開催期間を通じて、内外の投資家により調印された覚書は8500件にのぼった。(...続きを読む)
◆8,500 MoUs signed at Gujarat Investors' Summit
【Ahmedabad】A whopping 8,500 Memorandums of understanding have been signed by various domestic and international companies during the fourth Vibrant Gujarat Global Investors' Summit.
2009-01-19 ArtNo.41846(12/362)
◆3G auctions held off again
【New Delhi】The auction for third generation (3G) mobile spectrum has yet again been put off without specifying a new date.
2009-01-21 ArtNo.41852(13/362)
【ニューデリー】Reliance Industries Ltd(RIL)は、中央政府が既に供給先の優先順位を決めていることから、Krishna-Godavari(KG)海盆D6鉱区で採取した天然ガスを直ちに自社内で使用することはできそうにない。(...続きを読む)
◆Reliance may not use its own gas immediately
【New Delhi】Reliance Industries may not immediately use natural gas from its KG-D6 fields as the government has decided to allocate the fuel on priority base.
2009-01-21 ArtNo.41854(14/362)
【ニューデリー】Shibhu Soren首席大臣が州議会議員補欠選挙に敗れ、首席大臣の職を辞したことに伴う政治的混迷に終止符を打つため、連邦政府は19日の臨時閣議でジャールカンド州にプレジデント・ルール(インド憲法356条により定められた非常事態下の大統領の自由裁量特権)を敷く方針を決めた。(...続きを読む)
◆Jharkhand brought under President's Rule
【New Delhi】Putting an end to the political uncertainty in Jharkhand, the Union Cabinet on Januaru 19 decided to impose President's Rule(presidential discretionary powers of emergency under Article 356 of the Constitution of India) in the State in the wake of chief minister Shibhu Soren losing a byelection that forced him to resign.
【新德里】印度联邦政府1月19日开临时内阁会议而决定在贾坎德州实行总统专政(总统向紧急状态的州可以发动的基于印度联邦宪法第356条款的专政权)。因为该州的Shibhu Soren首席部长在州议会补选被反对党候选人打败而辞职从而造成政治空白。
2009-01-21 ArtNo.41855(15/362)
◆FDI cos may not be allowed to own commercial projects
【New Delhi】Real estate developers may not be allowed to own commercial projects such as malls in the same company that develops projects for which they have accepted foreign investment. They have to hive off other projects into a separate company or a special purpose vehicle (SPV).
2009-01-21 ArtNo.41857(16/362)
◆政府、Swan Telecomオーナーシップの調査指示
【ニューデリー】電信局(DOT:Department of Telecom)は、企業省(MCA:Ministry of Corporate Affairs)に対し昨年テレコム・ライセンスを取得した6社中の1社で、アラブ首キ国連邦のEmirates Telecommunications Corp(Etisalat)が9億米ドルで45%の権益を手に入れたSwan Telecomの実質的オーナーシップを調査するよう求めた。(...続きを読む)
◆DoT seeks Swan Telecom ownership probe
【New Delhi】Swan Telecom, in which UAE's Etisalat had picked up a 45% stake for $900 million last year and which was amongst the six companies who were granted telecom licenses last year, is sought to probe the actual ownership.
◆电信局要证实Swan Telecom的实际拥有权
【新德里】Swan Telecom正在被调查实际上谁保持该公司的拥有权。Swan是去年获得通信执照的6间公司之一。位于迪拜的阿联酋电信去年以9亿美元收购Swan的45%股权。
2009-01-23 ArtNo.41862(17/362)
【バンガロール】中央政府のAshwani Kumar商工担当国務相は22日、政府が2週間以内に需要の減退に直面する製造業を救済するため一連の新奨励措置を発表すると語った。(...続きを読む)
◆Mfg sector to get relief package in two weeks
【Bangalore】The Union Minister of State for Commerce & Industry, Ashwani Kumar, disclosed on January 22, that within two weeks the government will announce a new set of incentives for the manufacturing sector to help them tide over demand issues.
【邦加罗尔】联邦贸工部政务部长Ashwani Kumar1月22日说,政府今后两周内发表一系列奖励措施而支援面对需求问题的制造业。
2009-01-23 ArtNo.41863(18/362)
◆Foreign airlines may allow to have 49% stake in domestic carriers
【New Delhi】The Committee of Secretaries headed by the Cabinet Secretary is to consider a proposal to allow foreign airlines to hold a 49 per cent stake in scheduled, non-scheduled and charter airlines.
2009-01-23 ArtNo.41867(19/362)
【コルカタ】石炭液化(CTL:coal-to-liquid)計画を担当する省際委員会(IMG:inter-ministerial group)は、CTLプロジェクトを実行するための3つの石炭鉱区を割り当てる候補企業リストを作成、最近政府に提出した。(...続きを読む)
◆Cos undertaking coal-to-liquid projects short-listed
【Kolkata】The inter-ministerial group (IMG) has short-listed companies that will be allotted three blocks for undertaking coal-to-liquid (CTL) projects and has submitted recommendations to the government recently.
2009-01-23 ArtNo.41869(20/362)
【ムンバイ】地元の土木建設会社Larsen & Toubro (L&T)は、国防研究開発機構(DRDO:Defence Research and Development Organisation)により開発された武器の商業生産コンセプトを研究する施設を設けることを検討している。(...続きを読む)
◆L&T may have research facility for weapon systems
【Mumbai】Engineering and construction company Larsen & Toubro (L&T) will set up a major research facility that will conceptualise weapon systems developed by government agency Defence Research and Development Organisation(DRDO) for commercial production.
2009-01-28 ArtNo.41873(21/362)
【ニューデリー】Manmohan Singh首相(76)は先週土曜(24日)All-India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS)付属病院において心臓のバイパス手術を受けた後、順調に回復しており、水曜(28日)までには集中治療室(ICU)から出られる見通しだ。(...続きを読む)
◆PM recovering fast after bypass surgery
【New Delhi】Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who is recuperating at the All-India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) after a successful coronary bypass surgery on Saturday, will be taken out of the intensive care unit of AIIMS by Wednesday.
2009-02-02 ArtNo.41885(22/362)
【ムンバイ】中央銀行Reserve Bank of India(RBI)は27日発表した『2008-09年マクロ経済・金融動向第3四半期見直し(Third Quarter Review of Macroeconomic and Monetary Developments, 2008-09)』報告書において、すべての主要基準レートを据え置くとともに、インフレ率が3月末までに3%の水準まで下降すると予想、また国内総生産(GDP)成長見通しをこれ以前の7.5-8.0%から7%に下方修正した。(...続きを読む)
◆RBI keeps key rates, CRR intact
【Mumbai】The Reserve Bank of India (RBI), on January 27, left all key rates and ratios intact in its third quarter review of monetary policy 2008-09. The bank also lowered inflation estimates to 3 per cent by March end but scaled down the GDP forecast to 7 per cent from the earlier 7.5-8.0 per cent.
2009-02-02 ArtNo.41889(23/362)
◆Petrol price cut Rs 5, diesel Rs 2, LPG Rs 25
【New Delhi】For the second time in less than two months, the government cut the prices of petrol by Rs 5 a litre, diesel by Rs 2 per litre and the domestic LPG rate by as much as Rs 25 per cylinder from January 28 midnight.
2009-02-04 ArtNo.41902(24/362)
【ニューデリー】インド自動車製造業者協会(SIAM:Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers)はこのほど、政府の支援が得られないなら12万クロー(US$240億)の投資がリスクに晒され、数百万の労働者が失業する恐れがあると警鐘した。(...続きを読む)
◆$24b investment at risk; SIAM
【New Delhi】Over Rs 1,20,000 crore ($24b) investment could be at risk, putting millions of jobs at stake if the government support is not forthcoming; Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM) warned.
2009-02-04 ArtNo.41905(25/362)
【ハイデラバード】新探査ライセンス政策(NELP:new exploration licensing policy)下の第8次石油・天然ガス鉱区入札が2009年3月半ばまでに募集される見通しだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Govt to invite bids under Nelp-VIII by mid-March
【Hyderabad】The eighth round of bidding for oil and gas blocks under the new exploration licensing policy (NELP) is set to be launched by mid-March 2009.
2009-02-04 ArtNo.41906(26/362)
【ムンバイ】ボンベイ高裁は1月30日、係争中の訴訟に判決が下るまでの暫定措置として、Mukesh Ambani氏旗下のReliance Industries Ltd(RIL)がKrishna-Godavari(KG)海盆で採取した天然ガスを政府との間で決めた1mmbtu(million metric British thermal unit)当たり4.20米ドルの価格で第3者に販売することを認めた。(...続きを読む)
◆Court lifts sale ban on RIL 3rd-party gas sale
【Mumbai】The Bombay High Court on January 30 allowed the Mukesh Ambani-led Reliance Industries to sell gas from the Krishna-Godavari basin to third-party consumers at the government-approved price of $4.20 per MMBtu, till the final judgment on the on-going case is pronounced.
2009-02-09 ArtNo.41916(27/362)
【ニューデリー】鉄鋼省は、国営鉱物貿易会社Mining and Mineral Trading Corporation (MMTC)が、鉄鉱石輸出を独占経営すると言う、MMTCの提案を棄却した。(...続きを読む)
◆Steel min locking horns with its commerce counterpart
【New Delhi】The steel ministry has rejected a proposal of state-run trading agency Mining and Mineral Trading Corporation (MMTC) for channelising the country's entire iron ore exports through it.
2009-02-09 ArtNo.41919(28/362)
◆16 amendments incorporated in SEZ rule book
【New Delhi】The commerce ministry on February 2 amended rules for special economic zones(SEZs). About 16 amendments to the rules were incorporated in the SEZ rule book.
2009-02-16 ArtNo.41933(29/362)
◆Govt to ease FDI norms
【New Delhi】Foreign investment through an investing Indian company, which is ultimately controlled by Indians, will not be taken into account in determining the sector foreign direct investment cap, the Central government said on February 11.
2009-02-16 ArtNo.41934(30/362)
【ニューデリー】インド中央統計局(CSO:Central Statistical Organisation)は9日、今会計年度(2008-09)の国内総生産(GDP)成長率が7.1%と、昨年度の9.0%を下回り、過去6年来の最低水準にとどまるとの見通しを発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆GDP to grow by 7.1 per cent this fiscal: CSO
【New Delhi】The Indian economy is slated to grow by 7.1 per cent during the current fiscal, the slowest in six years and below the previous year's 9.0 per cent, according to the the Central Statistical Organisation's (CSO) latest estimates released here on February 9.
◆今年的国内生产总值成长率 7.1%:中央统计组织预测
2009-02-16 ArtNo.41937(31/362)
◆Air India、政府にUS$8億救済パッケージ要請も
【ムンバイ】Air Indiaは今月末に催される取締役会議において、4000クロー(US$8.2億)の修正後の救済パッケージを政府に提示する可能性がある。(...続きを読む)
◆Air India may seek Govt Rs 4,000-cr bailout package
【Mumbai】Air India may seek the government a Rs 4,000 crore revised rescue package at a meeting of its board later this month.
2009-02-16 ArtNo.41941(32/362)
【ハイデラバード】遺伝子組換え作物のトランスレーショナル・リサーチ・プラットフォーム(PTTC:Platform for Translational research on Transgenic Crops)をアンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabadの国際半乾燥地熱帯作物研究所(Icrisat:International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics)キャンパスに設ける起工式がこのほど催された。(...続きを読む)
◆Icrisat, Govt launch project on transgenic crops
【Hyderabad】The foundation stone for Platform for Translational research on Transgenic Crops(PTTC) has been laid down recently at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (Icrisat) campus in Hyderabad.
2009-02-16 ArtNo.41943(33/362)
【ブーバネスワル】オリッサ州政府は7日、独立電力供給業者(IPP:Independent Power Producer)8社と、覚書を交換した。これらIPPは同覚書の下、4万2023クロー(US$86.2億)を投じ、9780MW(メガワット)の発電施設を建設する。(...続きを読む)
◆Orissa govt inks MoUs for 9,780 Mw
【Bhubaneswar】The Orissa government has signed memorandums of understanding (MoUs) with eight Independent Power Producers (IPPs) to produce 9780 MW electricity with an investment of Rs 42,023 crore.
2009-02-20 ArtNo.41945(34/362)
【ニューデリー】Pranab Mukherjee外相兼蔵相は16日、各種旗艦プロジェクトに13万1317クロー(US$269億3700万)を割り当て経済活動を刺激するとともに、その利益を一般有権者に還元することを前面に掲げた2009-10年暫定予算案を国会に上程した。(...続きを読む)
◆UPA presents vote-catch inginterim budget
【New Delhi】With an eye on the elections, the United Progressive Alliance government, in the interim budget 2009-10 presented by Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee on February 16, announced a massive allocation of Rs. 1,31,317 crore ($26.937b)for its various flagship programmes to spur the economy and benefit the common man.
【新德里】为了大选做好临战态势的联合进步同盟政府在财政部长Pranab Mukherjee16日向国会提出的2009-10年度临时预算案里给各种旗舰项目分配1兆3131亿7000万卢比县等于269亿3679万美元而刺激经济,同时援助普通人。
2009-02-20 ArtNo.41946(35/362)
【ニューデリー】Lalu Prasad鉄道相は13日、2009-10会計年度当初4ヶ月間の鉄道省臨時予算案を国会に上程した。(...続きを読む)
◆Lalu presents interim Railway Budget
【New Delhi】Railway Minister Lalu Prasad presented the vote-on-account for expenses in the first four months of next fiscal in Parliament on February 13.
【新德里】铁路部长Lalu Prasad2月13日提出国会2009-10新财政年度首4个月的铁路临时预算案。
2009-02-20 ArtNo.41949(36/362)
【ムンバイ】外国直接投資(FDI)規則が緩和されたことから、今年12月末までに1万クロー(US$20.5億)の外資が不動産市場に流入するものと予想される。Mayfair Housing Private Ltd(MHPL)のNayan Shah重役(CEO)は、政府が11日に発表したFDI規則緩和措置を歓迎し、以上の見通しを語った。(...続きを読む)
◆New FDI rule to pump $2.05b into realty industry
【Mumbai】"With the new foreign direct investment (FDI) rule, we expect investments to the tune of Rs 10,000 crore ($2.05b) to come up in the real estate sector by this calendar year-end," said Nayan Shah, CEO, Mayfair Housing Private Ltd.
【孟买】因为印度政府缓和外国直接投资规则,被预料到今年12月底之前,1000亿卢比相等于20亿5000万美元外资流入国内房地产市场。Mayfair Housing私人有限公司首席执行官Nayan Shah欢迎政府的措施而披露这项预测。
2009-02-20 ArtNo.41950(37/362)
【ムンバイ】インドの主要公共部門企業2社、Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd (NPCIL)とNational Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC)は、合弁会社を設立し、共同で原子力発電所を建設することで合意、両社は14日関係覚書に調印した。(...続きを読む)
◆NPCIL, NTPC sign JV pact to set up N-power plants
【Mumbai】Two Indian major public sector corporations, Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd (NPCIL) and National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) on February 14 inked an Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to incorporate a joint venture for setting up nuclear power plants.
2009-02-20 ArtNo.41951(38/362)
【ムンバイ】政府は2020年までTata Power/Reliance Power/JSW/GMR/Lanco/Videocon等の民間企業が独自に原子力発電所を建設することを許可しない。Jairam Ramesh電力・商務担当国務相は14日、以上の政府方針を明らかにした。(...続きを読む)
◆Pvt Cos will have to wait for nuclear pie till 2020
【Mumbai】"The private companies, such as Tata Power, Reliance Power, JSW, GMR, Lanco and Videocon, will not be allowed to set up nuclear power plants till 2020," the minister of state for power and commerce Jairam Ramesh said on February 14.
【孟买】电力部与贸工部政务部长Jairam Ramesh2月14日说「私人企业,包括塔塔电力公司/瑞莱恩斯电力公司/京德勒西南钢铁公司/GMR/Lanco等,到2020年之前不会被允许兴建核电站。」
2009-02-23 ArtNo.41957(39/362)
【ニューデリー】中央銀行Reserve Bank of India(RBI)のDuvvuri Subbarao総裁は18日東京で、「金利を引き下げる余地はある。問題はタイミングと引き下げ幅」と述べる一方、「世界的景気後退のインド経済に及ぼした影響は予想した以上に深刻」と警鐘を鳴らした。(...続きを読む)
◆RBI governor hints at rate cut
【New Delhi】The Reserve Bank of India governor D Subbarao said in Tokyo on February 18 that there was room for rate cuts, but the question was the timing and quantum of these rate cuts. He also warned that the impact of the global downturn on the Indian economy would be sharper than expected.
2009-02-23 ArtNo.41961(40/362)
【ムンバイ】情報放送省(Information and Broadcasting Ministry)広告視覚宣伝総局(DAVP:Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity)は、広告料率(advertising rates)を一律10%引き上げる方針を決めた。(...続きを読む)
◆DAVP ad rates hiked by 10%
【Mumbai】The Information and Broadcasting (I&B) Ministry has decided to hike the advertising rates of the Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity (DAVP) by 10 per cent across the board.
2009-02-27 ArtNo.41971(41/362)
◆10 % plus safeguard duty on Chinese aluminium imports wanted
【Mumbai】Indian aluminium makers afraid if the government impose less than 10 per cent safeguard duties on Chinese aluminium imports, it may fail to protect the local industries.
2009-02-27 ArtNo.41980(42/362)
【ニューデリー】Manmohan Singh首相の健康は、心臓バイパス手術後1ヶ月を経て日常業務に耐えられるまで十分回復した。Asian Heart Instituteから首相治療のために派遣された集中治療ユニット(ICU)専門医のDr. Vijay D'silva氏は21日PTI通信に以上の消息を語った。(...続きを読む)
◆PM fit to resume work:doctors
【New Delhi】"Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's four weeks recovery time is over. He is now fit to resume his work", Dr. Vijay D'silva, ICU specialist and one of the doctors from Asian Heart Institute attending on Singh, told PTI.
【新德里】曼莫汉·辛格总理的四个星期的治疗其间已经完成。他现在可以开始他的工作。为了治疗总理被亚洲心脏研究所派遣的ICU专科医生Vijay D'silva博士告诉PTI通信社。
2009-03-02 ArtNo.41981(43/362)
【ニューデリー】Pranab Mukherjee蔵相は2月24日、中央消費税(central excise duty)とサービス税を各2%ポイント引き下げるとともに、既存の消費税減税措置の有効期間を2009年3月末まで延長することを含む今会計年度に入って以来3度目の経済刺激措置を発表した。これによりこれまでの景気刺激措置に伴う6万クロー(US$123.08億)に加え、国庫の今会計年度予想歳入は更に3万クロー(US$61.54億)減少することになる。(...続きを読む)
◆Govt unveils 3rd fiscal stimulus package
【New Delhi】In what forces the government to forgo an additional Rs 30,000 crore over and above the Rs 60,000-crore dent in the original revenue estimates for the current fiscal in Budget 2008-09, the Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee on February 24 announced the third stimulus package for the economy, cutting excise duty and service tax two percentage points each, and extending previous excise cuts beyond March 31, 2009.
【新德里】财政部长Pranab Mukherjee2月24日发表本财政年度第三伦财政刺激方案,包括消费税与服务税各减低2.00百分点,以及把现有的减低消费税措施的有效期延长到2009年3月底。这些措施除了这之前预测的6000亿卢比本会计年度(2008-09)收入损失之外,使国库放弃再多3000亿卢比税收。
2009-03-02 ArtNo.41982(44/362)
【ニューデリー】Kamal Nath商工相は2月26日、宝飾品/皮革/繊維等深刻な失業問題に直面する労働集約産業の輸出促進に照準を合わせた2009-10年度臨時貿易政策を発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆Kamal Nath unveils interim trade policy
【New Delhi】Union Commerce Minister Kamal Nath on February 26 announced the interim foreign trade policy for the year FY10 to boost exports from sectors like gems & jewellery, leather and textiles, where job loss is spreading fast.
【新德里】贸工部长Kamal Nath2月26日,为了促进出口,特别是面对严重失业问题的珠宝玉石首饰/皮革/纤维等行业的出口,发表2009-10年度临时外贸政策。
2009-03-02 ArtNo.41983(45/362)
【ニューデリー】統一進歩連合(UPA:United Progressive Alliance)政府は2月23日、大型投資を加速する一連の措置を承認した。①政府はこの日の閣議で3件の石油化学ハブ事業を承認、②商工省傘下の特別経済区認証局(BOA:Board of Approvals for SEZs)は、新たに10件のSEZプロジェクトを認可、③中央銀行のDuvvuri Subbarao総裁はこの日Pranab Mukherjee蔵相と会談し、適当な政策措置(即ち利下げ)を実行する方針を伝えた。(...続きを読む)
◆Centre clears three petrochem hubs, ten SEZs
【New Delhi】The UPA government on February 23 cleared a slew of proposals to boost big-ticket investments. The Cabinet paved the way for three massive petrochemical hubs, while the board of approvals for special economic zones (SEZs) cleared ten more zones. Meanwhile, RBI governor Duvvuri Subbarao has said he would take appropriate policy action at a meeting with finance minister Pranab Mukherjee.
【新德里】联合进步联盟政府2月23日通过加速大型投资项目的一系列措施。内阁会议批准3项超级大型石化工枢纽计划,经济特区认证局批准再多10个特区。另一方面中央银行行长Duvvuri Subbarao跟财长Pranab Mukherjee会谈是行长承诺紧急采取适当的政策措施。
2009-03-02 ArtNo.41991(46/362)
◆Kerala scouts partners for its $45-bn IT Park
【Thiruvananthapuram】Kerala is building up capacities through 10 IT parks in hub-and-spoke model at an investment of $45-billion in the next five to seven years and hunting partner for it.
2009-03-06 ArtNo.41993(47/362)
◆General elections to be held from April 16 to May 13 in 5 phases
【New Delhi】The general elections for the 15th Lok Sabha will be held between April 16 and May 13, the Election Commission announced on March 2. A total of 714 million voters will elect 543 members.through a five-phase poll. Incidentally, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on March 4 attended an official engagement with the President of the Republic of Benin, Boni Yayi nearly a month after heart surgery.
【新德里】选举委员会3月2日宣布说选出第十五届印度国会下议院成员的全国大选从4月16日到5月13日之间被举办。全国7亿1400万选民以五个阶段投标选出总共543名国会议员。另一方面,曼莫汉·辛格总理3月4日见面非洲西部国家贝宁共和国总统Boni Yayi。他1个月前接受冠状动脉旁路手术之后第一次出现而恢复公务。
2009-03-06 ArtNo.41994(48/362)
【ニューデリー】中央銀行Reserve Bank of India(RBI)は4日、レポ(repo)および逆レポ(reverse repo)レートを各50ベイシス・ポイント即日引き下げ、銀行界に貸出金利の一層の引き下げを求める強力なシグナルを発信した。しかし支払準備率(CRR:cash reserve ratio)は据え置いた。(...続きを読む)
◆RBI cuts repo, reverse repo rates
【New Delhi】Sending a strong signal to banks to lower lending rates, the Reserve Bank of India on March 4 reduced the repo and reverse repo rates by 50 basis points each with immediate effect, while keeping the other key tool, Cash Reserve Ratio, intact.
2009-03-06 ArtNo.42001(49/362)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は、全国にそれぞれ4~6の原子力発電所を収容する数多くの原子力パーク(nuclear park)を設けることを計画しており、用地選考委員会が既に5~7の候補地をリストアップしている。(...続きを読む)
◆Goct identifies seven sites for nuclear parks
【New Delhi】Many nuclear parks will come up across the country with each one housing four to six atomic plants. The site selection committee has identified five to seven sites to establish nuclear parks.
2009-03-06 ArtNo.42004(50/362)
◆Govt to co-invest $454m in pharma R&D
【New Delhi】The government is planning to mobilise an investment of more than one billion dollars in the next five years for promoting innovation here through co-investing up to Rs 2,500 crore($484m) with a similar amount from private players for each innovating project.
内政法律軍事 Political/Law/Military Affair in 2009
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