解説/論評 Interpretation/Commentary in 2019
2019-01-06 ArtNo.46488(2/75)
2019-01-06 ArtNo.46489(3/75)
◆View: Don't be so deferential to China; leverage conciliatory mood to correct imbalances
【New Delhi】Parliament's standing committee on external affairs has expressed concern that the Indian gover nment's "conventionally deferential foreign policy" towards China is not being reciprocated. This is a rather late realisation.
2019-01-06 ArtNo.46490(4/75)
【バンガロール】ナレンドラ・モディ政権は12月14日、最高裁判所が2016年4月に結ばれたラファール戦闘機調達疑惑を巡る一連の公益訴訟(PIL:public interest litigation)書類の受理を棄却したことから窮地を脱した。
2019-01-06 ArtNo.46491(5/75)
【班加罗尔】纳伦德拉·莫迪政府于12月14日获得重大救济,因为最高法院关于在2016年4月收购拉法尔战斗机(Rafale fighter jets)的交易驳回了一批公益诉讼(PIL:public interest litigation)申请。
2019-01-06 ArtNo.46492(6/75)
◆Modi govt gets big relief in Rafale deal
【Bengaluru】The Narendra Modi government on December 14 got a major relief as the Supreme Court dismissed a batch of PILs for a probe into the April 2016 deal to buy Rafale fighter jets.
○Modi govt 'one-man show': BJP MP Shatrughan Sinha
2019-01-06 ArtNo.46493(7/75)
2019-01-06 ArtNo.46494(8/75)
【孟买】仇恨言论合唱团的骂詈谗谤以及在网络上的恫吓不会使资深演员纳萨鲁丁·沙(Naseeruddin Shah)先生动摇,但是他在印度教徒报的独家电子邮件采访中表示「听到针对我的『杀死叛徒!』的歌声绝对不是一件令人欣慰的事。」
2019-01-06 ArtNo.46495(9/75)
◆Jingoism has reached scary proportions: Naseeruddin Shah
【Mumbai】The army of trolls and their abuse and threats on the web may not have affected veteran actor Naseeruddin Shah but he stated in an exclusive e-mail interview to The Hindu that it was definitely not comforting to hear chants of "Shoot the traitor!" directed at him.
○His children no ned to be scared as "tolerance was in the DNA of the country": Union minister
2019-01-06 ArtNo.46514(10/75)
2019-01-06 ArtNo.46515(11/75)
2019-01-06 ArtNo.46516(12/75)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Hanukkah)
While Jesus was 10 years old at the time of the revolt by Judas and his sons, James and Simon, Mary, mother of Jesus, used three of these very names - James, Simon and Judas - for her own sons and one of them was a member of Zealots
If Jesus grew up with his brothers at Galilee, a bastion of Zealot, the teaching of Q source, which denies Creator God of the Old Testament and could lead people to ultimate salvation through awareness of the original Self, would not have been born.
○Parable of a wise fisherman
○The role of teachers of the law
○An appropriate statement
○Genealogy of Hassidim
○Judas of Galilee and Zealots
○James the Less was a born Nazirite
○The birth of Jesus and the escape journey to Egypt
○Simon from Cyrene
○Cleansing of the Temple
2019-07-10 ArtNo.46520(13/75)
【ニューデリー】ナレンドラ・モディ首相は6月15日に催された政府直属のシンクタンク『インド改造全国評議会(NITI Aayog:National Institution for Transforming India Aayog)』の会合で、2024年までにインド経済を5兆米ドルに拡大する目標を提起した。
2019-07-10 ArtNo.46521(14/75)
【新德里】印度政府的主要政策智囊团『全国改革印度学会(NITI Aayog:National Institution for Transforming India Aayog)』在5月15日举办的会议上,纳伦德拉·莫迪总理提起到2024年底之前将印度经济扩展到5亿美元的目标。
2019-07-10 ArtNo.46522(15/75)
◆What a $5 trillion economy would look like
【New Delhi】At the meeting of the Governing Council of the NITI Aayog on June 15, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the target of a $5 trillion economy for India by 2024.
○To achieve its '$5-trn economy' goal, India must stop scoring own goals
○Can India become a $5 trillion economy?
2019-07-10 ArtNo.46529(16/75)
2019-07-10 ArtNo.46530(17/75)
2019-07-10 ArtNo.46531(18/75)
◆India gives Modi a high five
【New Delhi】Making major gains in West Bengal and Odisha while holding his own in northern India, Prime Minister Narendra Modi cruised to a second term in office, with the BJP alone looking set to win just over 300 seats in the seven-phase Lok Sabha election.
○The 2019 verdict is a manifestation of the deepening religious divide in India 【New Delhi】It
2019-07-10 ArtNo.46532(19/75)
2019-07-10 ArtNo.46533(20/75)
2019-07-10 ArtNo.46534(21/75)
◆Pakistan's Modi dilemma
【Islamabad】With Prime Minister Modi's spectacular win in the Indian general elections last month, Pakistan's fraught relations with India have been thrown into sharp relief.
○Selective engagement
○'Father of Pakistan's Nuclear Development' Mr. Khan's reminiscence
2019-07-10 ArtNo.46547(22/75)
2019-07-10 ArtNo.46548(23/75)
○底本说(Documentary Hypothesis)
2019-07-10 ArtNo.46549(24/75)
◆New book:The origin of Christianity: An Epic Tale of the People of the Covenant
In the region from Mesopotamia situated within the Tigris–Euphrates river to Palestine, city states, where agricultural and nomadic people had lived together, have risen and fallen since ancient times. The agricultural people played leading role in the most of these city states. However, the nomads traded not only with Egypt in the west but also with India and China in the east and served as catalysts for cross-cultural fusion.
○Documentary hypothesis
○Paulus' family
○The origin of "Faith of Atonement"
○The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Born of causes and conditions)
○Jesus' Triumphant Entry of Jerusalem
○The story of the birth of Deuteronomy
[Acknowledgement for the sixth edition]
[Acknowledgements for the first edition]
[Notes about the Author]
2019-08-15 ArtNo.46550(25/75)
2019-08-15 ArtNo.46551(26/75)
【金奈】副总统M.旺凯亚·奈杜(M Venkaiah Naidu)说「废除宪法第370条,为了未来和安全以及保障符合国家的利益并当务之急,这是一件好事。」他说「现在有关法案获得通过,我可以坦率地谈论这个问题。」
2019-08-15 ArtNo.46552(27/75)
◆Abrogation of Article 370 is in the interest of nation: Vice President
【Chennai】Abrogation of Article 370 is in the interest of the nation for its future, for security and safety. That's the need of the hour. It is a good thing, said Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu. "Now that the Bill has been passed, I am free to talk on the issue," he said.
○Kashmir's special status was scrapped to end 'terrorism,' says Amit Shah
○Donald Trump supplied a quick trigger
2019-08-15 ArtNo.46553(28/75)
2019-08-15 ArtNo.46554(29/75)
【伊斯兰堡】克什米尔-天性的女仆-被印度人民党(BJP)所蛊惑。印度内政部长阿米特·沙阿(Amit Shah)通过一挥总统笔(presidential pen)而废止被印度宪法第370条保障的查谟和克什米尔的特殊地位。他将查谟和克什米尔跟居那加德(Junagadh),海得拉巴(Hyderabad)和果阿(Goa)的残骸在一起扔掉垃圾箱里。
2019-08-15 ArtNo.46555(30/75)
◆A dark dawn
【Islamabad】KASHMIR — nature's handmaiden — lies ravished by the BJP. India's Minister of Home Affairs Amit Shah has revoked, with the stroke of a presidential pen, the special status of Jammu & Kashmir guaranteed under Article 370 of the Indian constitution. He has relegated them to the dustbin that contains the remains of Junagadh, Hyderabad and Goa.
○UN Resolution No. 47 of 1948
○Shimla Agreement/Lahore Declaration
○The aim of Messrs Modi and Shah
2019-08-15 ArtNo.46571(31/75)
【ダッカ】福祉政策に敏感な定年退職した元銀行員の隣人が2019年7月14日の早朝、「国民党(Jatiya Party)党首ホサイン・ムハマド・エルシャド退役将軍がたった今死去した」と電話で知らせてくれた。私は一人のイスラム教徒として即座に『インナ・リラヘオインナ・イライヘ・ラジュン』と唱え、『誰も死んで、アッラーに戻り、この世における善行悪行の報いを受けねばならない』と答えた。
2019-08-15 ArtNo.46572(32/75)
【达卡】我的一个邻居(对国家福利政策很敏感的退休银行家)于2019年7月14日早晨用电话告诉我,民族党(Jatiya Party)主席侯赛因·穆罕默德·艾尔沙德(Husain Muhammad Ershad)退役将军刚去世。我作为一个回教徒立刻背诵了『Inna LillaheOinna Ilaihe Rajeun』,并说「每个人都必死而回到安拉(Allah),必得在这个世界里所做的善事和恶事的报应。」
2019-08-15 ArtNo.46573(33/75)
◆What Would Look Bangladesh Politics Without Ershad?
【Dhaka】In the morning of July 14, 2019 my neighbor a retired banker sensitive to welfare of the country informed me me over telephone that Jatiya Party Chairman General (Retd) Husain Muhammad Ershad Just passed away. I in response to which I as a Muslim instantly recited Inna LillaheOinna Ilaihe Rajeun, and said everybody is mortal and must return to Allah to answer his/her deeds or misdeets in the world.
○JP Embark On Leadership Feud After Ershad's Death
2019-08-15 ArtNo.46574(34/75)
2019-08-15 ArtNo.46575(35/75)
2019-08-15 ArtNo.46576(36/75)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Love your neighbor as yourself)
On the way to the hill of Golgotha carrying the cross, Jesus exhausted and stopped by the door of a Jewish cobbler called Ahasverus and asked him a cup of water. But the Jew drove him along wickedly with these words: "Go, go you tempter." Then Jesus kept his eyes on Ahasverus for a while and answered him, "I will go but you must walk arownd the earth and never rest until my second coming in the Last Judgement." It is said that Ahasverus, who had been exiled from his native country, was witnessed all over Europe until the 18th century, which was even after one thousand and some hundreds of years later from it.
○The Parable of the Good Samaritan
○Far sight and deep design of Luke?
○Origin of the Samaritan
○Jesus and Paul's relationship with Essenes
○Samaritans are the very our neighbors
○Wandering Ahasverus
○Jews are the very neighbors for Andersen
○Who Is That?
○"I'm Yellow, White and a little Blue"
○Japanese also need to learn! ?
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46583(37/75)
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46584(38/75)
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46585(39/75)
◆Pak govt may establish some sort of a relationship with Jerusalem
【Lahore】At a juncture when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu might undertake a short trip to India this month before Indian premier Narendra Modi flies to New York for the United Nations General Assembly meeting, some "intriguing suggestions" have suddenly cropped up on the social media network in Pakistan for the incumbent Imran Khan-led regime to revisit the national foreign policy and establish some sort of a relationship with Jerusalem.
○The situation has changed drastically
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46601(40/75)
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46602(41/75)
全世界人口的54%,即约36亿人信仰的『亚伯拉罕诸教(Abrahamic religions)』据说是基于被犹太人,基督徒,回教徒以及其他宗教信徒认可的主要旧约圣经人物亚伯拉罕与上帝的盟约而来的。
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46603(42/75)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Parable of vineyard)
The Abrahamic religions, which is believed by 3.6 billion people, that is, 54% of the world's population, is said to be based on the covenant of Abraham, who is recognized as a major biblical figure of the Old Testament by Jews, Christians, Muslims and others, and God.
Although there are significant differences among their doctrines of Abrahamic religions, they all put the Old Testament account at the heart of their faith. However, recent archaeological discoveries revealed that many descriptions of the Old Testament originated from the ancient Sumerian mythology of Mesopotamia.
○Babylonian flood legend
○Theocratic contract society and Amazing food production
○The prototype of the Garden of Eden
○The captivity of Babylon and the establishment of the Old Testament
○"Parable of vineyard"
○Absentee landlord and peasants
○Gnostic meaning of "Parable of vineyard"
○Detachment From Words
2019-10-25 ArtNo.46604(43/75)
2019-10-25 ArtNo.46605(44/75)
2019-10-25 ArtNo.46606(45/75)
◆Xi mooted trilateral partnership among China, India and Pakistan
【Beijing】"President Xi Jinping stressed the Chinese side sincerely expects sound China-India relations, China-Pakistan relations and India-Pakistan relations, and expects to see all sides work together to promote regional peace and stability, and achieve common development and prosperity."
○Trilateral cooperation -Beijing, New Delhi and Islamabad
○Pakistan's PM, Army Chief and head of ISI arrived separately in Beijing
○"China-India Plus" formulation
2019-10-25 ArtNo.46607(46/75)
2019-10-25 ArtNo.46608(47/75)
【加德满都】中国国家主席习近平抵达加德满都进行国事访问的那一天,就是于10月12日星期六,我们《加德满都邮报(The Kathmandu Post)》的姊妹报《坎提普尔(Kantipur)》在内的三间尼泊尔报纸一起刊登由这位中国领导人撰写的文章,他在其中说中国希望与尼泊尔建立战略伙伴关系。
2019-10-25 ArtNo.46609(48/75)
◆Nepal and China elevate bilateral ties to a 'strategic partnership'
【Kathmandu】On Saturday (October 12), the day Chinese President Xi Jinping landed in Kathmandu for a two-day state visit, three Nepali papers, including the Post's sister paper Kantipur, published an article authored by him, in which the Chinese leader said that China wants to forge "a strategic partnership" with Nepal.
2019-10-25 ArtNo.46622(49/75)
【コロンボ】チャンドリカ・バンダラナイケ・クマーラトゥンガ元大統領は、現政権がスリランカ自由党(SLFP:Sri Lanka Freedom Party)と手を組み発足したSLFPを援護する新たな運動にリーダーシップを付与することを約束した。
2019-10-25 ArtNo.46623(50/75)
【科伦坡】前总统钱德里卡·班达拉奈克·库马拉通加(Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga)承诺给斯里兰卡自由党(SLFP:Sri Lanka Freedom Party)的新联盟运动赋予领导权。现任政权已经签署的这个新联盟运动保护SLFP。
解説/論評 Interpretation/Commentary in 2019