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内政法律軍事 Political/Law/Military Affair in 2007
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元のページへ戻る ►2007-01-08 ArtNo.38883(1/325)
◆Bengal asks Sumitomo to develop SME park
【Kolkata】The West Bengal government is trying hard to invite Sumitomo Corporation to join the project to develop Japanese SME park in the state as an anchor developer.
2007-01-08 ArtNo.38884(2/325)
【ニューデリー】鉄鋼省が業界の協力も得て組織した価格監視委員会(price monitoring committee)は3日、同委員会が組織された目的は価格統制にあるのではなく、価格設定の透明性を高め、小規模ユーザーの利益を保護するところにあるとのステートメントを発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆Govt no intention to regulate steel prices
【NEW DELHI】The price monitoring committee which has been set up by the steel ministry in association with the industry, on January 3, declared that its aime was not to regulate prices but to increase "transparency" greatly in the process of setting prices by companies essentially to protect the interest of small consumers.
2007-01-08 ArtNo.38892(3/325)
【ムンバイ】マドヤプラデシュ州Sasanとグジャラート州Mundraにおける各4000MW(メガワット)のウルトラ・メガ発電(ultra mega power)プロジェクト入札が成功したのを受け、電力省は、民間部門の参加を得て14件のウルトラ・メガ送電プロジェクトを進める方針を発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆The ministry announced 14 ultra mega transmission projects
【MUMBAI】Encouraged by success of bids for the Sasan and Mundra ultra mega power projects, each with a generation capacity of 4,000 mw, the power ministry has announced 14 ultra mega transmission projects for private sector participation.
【孟买】印度政府电力部看到中央邦州 Sasan和吉吉拉特州Mundra的4000mw超级大型发电计划的招标成功受到鼓励而发表在民间的参于下进行14件超级大型输电工程计划。
2007-01-10 ArtNo.38900(4/325)
【ムンバイ】マハラシュトラ州政府は、州内における商業発電所(MPP:merchant power plant)の建設を促進するため、近く石炭を用いた各500MW(メガワット)のMPP建設提案を募集する。(...続きを読む)
◆Maharashtra to invite proposals for merchant power plants
【Mumbai】As part of an effort to encourage merchant power plants (MPPs) in the State, the Maharashtra Government is about to invite proposals for setting up coal-based MPPs with capacity of 500 MW each.
【孟买】马哈拉斯特拉州政府鼓励建设商用发电厂的一环,计划近期内招募兴建各 500 MW商用煤炭发电厂建议。
2007-01-12 ArtNo.38906(5/325)
【ニューデリー】中央政府電力省はウルトラ・メガ発電計画の第1回入札が成功裏に完了した後、1ダース以上の商業発電所(merchant power plants)プロジェクトのデベロッパー選考に乗り出した。(...続きを読む)
◆Power min calls bids for merchant power plants
【New Delhi】Encouraged by the success of ultra mega projects, the power ministry has started selecting developers for setting up more than a dozen merchant power plants.
2007-01-12 ArtNo.38907(6/325)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は、商業発電所(merchant power plant)及び大規模なキャプティブ発電所の建設を促進する狙いから、この種のプロジェクトに供給するための炭田15鉱区をリストアップした。(...続きを読む)
◆15 coal blocks alloted for merchant power units
【New Delhi】In an effort to encourage the development of merchant power plant and large-sized captive stations, the Centre has earmarked 15 coal blocks specifically for these projects.
2007-01-15 ArtNo.38918(7/325)
【ムンバイ】全国の20近い州が11日、各500~1000MW(メガワット)の商業発電所(merchant power plants)の建設を通じ、それぞれ第11次五カ年計画期間に1万~1万5000MW(メガワット)の発電能力を追加することを認めた。(...続きを読む)
◆20 states join the developments of merchant power plants
【MUMBAI】On January 11 nearly 20 states agreed to provide their support for the projects which aim to add capacity of 10,000 to 15,000 mw in each state through the development of merchant power plants with generation capacity of 500-1,000 mw in the 11th plan period.
2007-01-15 ArtNo.38926(8/325)
◆Cabinet gives in-principle nod for semi-conductor policy
【NEW DELHI】The Union Cabinet gave in-principle nod for the much-awaited semiconductor policy on January 11.
2007-01-17 ArtNo.38940(9/325)
【ニューデリー】統一進歩連合(UPA:United Progressive Alliance)政府は公共部門電力会社の政府持ち分を引き下げるキャンペーンを開始した。これらの電力会社は公募を通じて増資を行い、政府がその持ち分を直接売却することは避ける。(...続きを読む)
◆Centre ready to dilute stake in power cos
【NEW DELHI】The UPA Government began its campaign to dilute centre's stake in major state-owned power companies without resorting to divestment. These companies will offer 10 percent additional equity through Initial Public Offer (IPO).
2007-01-19 ArtNo.38951(10/325)
【ニューデリー】電力省/開発業者/金融機関/州政府/その他の関係方面は、商業発電所(MPP:merchant power plants)デベロッパーを選考する際に、プロジェクト・デベロッパーの自己資本(networth)/営業額(turnover)/社内資源(internal resource)に60%の比重を置くことで合意した。(...続きを読む)
◆MPP scheme to take great account of financial clout of developers
【New Delhi】The power ministry, project developers, lenders, state governments and stakeholders agreed that the networth, turnover and internal resources of the project developer should receive 60% weightage in the selection of developers for merchant power plants(MPPs).
2007-01-22 ArtNo.38962(11/325)
【ニューデリー】国営Power Finance Corporation (PFC)は今会計年度内にベンチャーキャピタル『インド電力基金(IPF:India Power Fund)』を創設する。(...続きを読む)
◆India Power Fund operational by March
【NEW DELHI】Power Finance Corporation is ready to set up India Power Fund, a venture capital fund, before the end of the current fiscal year.
2007-01-24 ArtNo.38966(12/325)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は特別経済区(SEZ)開発業者に認可局(BOA:Board of Approvals)から正式認可を得た後6ヶ月以内に全ての必要書類を提出するよう義務づけることを検討している。
◆SEZ developers face deadline on documentation
【NEW DELHI】The Government proposes to make developers of Special Economic Zones (SEZ) submit all documentation within six months of the formal approval from the Board of Approvals (BOA).
2007-01-24 ArtNo.38967(13/325)
【ハイデラバード】アンドラプラデシュ州政府は総工費8760クロー(US$19.77億)と見積もられる『ハイデラバード地下鉄プロジェクト(Hyderabad Metro Rail Project)』を閣議承認した。(...続きを読む)
◆Rs 8,760-cr Hyderabad Metro gets green light
【Hyderabad】Andhra Pradesh Cabinet has nodded the Rs 8,760-crore Hyderabad Metro Rail Project.
2007-01-24 ArtNo.38969(14/325)
◆Mandatory certification to be introduced for 16 steel items
【PALAKKAD】The government of India will soon introduce mandatory certification for steel industry. 16 steel items will be included in the mandatory certification like TMT, ingots, long bars, pillets, etc.
2007-01-26 ArtNo.38978(15/325)
◆Customs duty on 11 items slashe
【New Delhi】The government on January 22 reduced customs duty on 11 product categories, including portland cement, capital goods, project imports and raw materials in a move aimed at bringing inflation under control.
2007-01-26 ArtNo.38989(16/325)
【ニューデリー】特別経済区(SEZ)のテナントとEPC(エンジニアリング/資材調達/建設)契約を結んだターンキー下請け業者(Turnkey sub-contractors)は、関係EPC契約を履行するために内国税地域から調達した商品/サービスに対する控除(drawback)やその他の優遇措置を間もなく利用できるようになる。(...続きを読む)
◆SEZ rules to be amended to benefit SEZ units' sub-contractors
【New Delhi】Turnkey sub-contractors executing their engineering procurement and construction (EPC) contracts with the Special Economic Zone units would soon be entitled to avail themselves of drawback and other concessions on the goods and services sourced by them from the domestic tariff area (DTA) for executing their EPC contracts.
2007-01-31 ArtNo.39004(17/325)
【ニューデリー】コンテナ列車の民営化に続き、Lalu Prasad鉄道相はある種のバルク貨物(bulk commodities)列車輸送を民営化する可能性を検討している。(...続きを読む)
◆Rail Bhawan prepares to privatise bulk wagon biz
【NEW DELHI】In the wake of allowing private operations in container trains, railway minister Lalu Prasad is now considering a proposal to privatise transportation of some bulk commodities.
【新德里】集装箱列车运输的私营化之后,Lalu Prasad铁道部长考虑把一些散装货的列车运输也跟着私营化。
2007-01-31 ArtNo.39005(18/325)
◆Component makers cry foul over duty cut, car cos may cut prices
【New Delhi】Although domestic autocomponent manufacturers have lobbied with the commerce ministry to reverse last week's customs duty cut on auto components, car companies, especially those with upmarket models, are considering to scrap plans to raise prices or cut prices.
2007-01-31 ArtNo.39009(19/325)
【ニューデリー】国防研究開発機関(DRDO:Defence Research and Development Organisation)の科学者チームが伝染病の診断・治療に応用可能なコスト効率の良い核医学キットを開発した。(...続きを読む)
◆DRDO develops nuclear medicine kit
【NEW DELHI】Indian scientists belonged to Defence Research and Development Organisation has developed a new cost-effective nuclear medicine kit to tackle infectious diseases.
2007-02-02 ArtNo.39014(20/325)
【ムンバイ】中央銀行は1月31日、インフレ高進の抑制、過熱するローン需要の鎮静化を目指し、主要短期貸出金利のレポレート(repo rate)を7.25%から過去4年来最高の7.50%に引き上げた。(...続きを読む)
◆RBI hikes repo rate to the highest in four years
【Mumbai】The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) raised its key short-term lending rate, known as the repo rate, to 7.50 percent from 7.25 percent on January 31, its highest since March 2003, to rein in inflation and temper strong demand for loans.
2007-02-02 ArtNo.39025(21/325)
◆Govt pays the remaining fertiliser subsidies by March
【NEW DELHI】The Centre has cleared Rs 22,000-crore fertiliser subsidies of companies and will pay the remaining Rs 12,000 crore by March this year.
2007-02-05 ArtNo.39031(22/325)
◆Industry expects another big push for small cars
【New Delhi】The automobile industry is hoping the next Budget will see an across the board cut in excise duty to 16% from 24% now. It is their single most important expectation from the Budget. The industry has been clamouring for this for the last two years.
2007-02-05 ArtNo.39034(23/325)
◆Govt subsidizes only 22% of capex
【NEW DELHI】The government may provide a direct subsidy of only 22% of the capital expenditure incurred to set up fabrication units. This could be a dampener for multinational and domestic players in the semiconductor industry planning a India base.
2007-02-07 ArtNo.39038(24/325)
◆Mega financial entity may set up to help local big boys' M&A
【NEW DELHI】The Indian government is considering to develop at least one massive holding company in the financial sector with a balance sheet size of over $ 500 billion so that corporate India's big boys, that are aggressively reaching out, can be offered a menu of financial services.
2007-02-07 ArtNo.39039(25/325)
◆Govt set to overhaul FDI regime
【New Delhi】The government is set to make significant changes in the FDI regime and is likely to allow foreign investors to invest in commodity exchanges, raise ceilings on air transport services and retail and amend the clause requiring foreign petroleum companies to disinvest 26 per cent of their Indian subsidiaries in five years.
2007-02-07 ArtNo.39040(26/325)
【ニューデリー】米印間で民生用核開発協定が合意されたのに伴い原発関連企業のインド進出が加速、同領域でも競争の過熱が予想される。こうしたなか国営Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd(NPCILIL)は資本の再構築に乗り出す。(...続きを読む)
◆NPCIL to cope with new players through capital restructuring
【NEW DELHI】Even as the Indo-US Civil Nuclear Pact is likely to pave way for entry of new players, the state-owned Nuclear Power Corporation (NPC) is preparing capital restructuring.
2007-02-07 ArtNo.39045(27/325)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は2日、台湾の電子製品/コンピュータ・コンポーネント製造会社Foxconnと米国の通信機器メーカーMotorolaがタミールナド州Chennai近郊に開発されるSriperumbudur特別経済区(SEZ)の共同開発業者(co-developer)を務めることを許可した。シンガポールの不動産開発業者Ascendasは、やはりチェンナイに開発されるMahindra World City SEZの共同開発業者になることを認められた。(...続きを読む)
◆SEZs board granted three foreign firms co-developer status
【New Delhi】The government on February 2 granted Taiwan's electronics and computer components manufacturer Foxconn and US communications company Motorola co-developer status in the Sriperumbudur Special Economic Zone (SEZ) near Chennai. And the Singapore-based reality major Ascendas too was approved to participate in the Mahindra World City SEZ in Chennai as a co-developer.
【新德里】印度政府2月2日批准了台湾电子产品和电脑组件制造商富士康科技集团,美国通信机器制造商摩托罗拉作为共同发展商的身份参加在在泰米尔纳德金奈附近发展的Sriperumbudur特别经济区项目。总部位于新加坡的房地产发展商腾飞私人有限公司也获得批准作为共同发展商的身份参加在在金奈附近发展的Mahindra World City特区项目。
2007-02-07 ArtNo.39046(28/325)
【ニューデリー】第2次コンテナ列車運行ライセンス入札は、鳴り物入りの宣伝がなされたにも関わらず申請者は肥料協同組合Krishak Bharti Cooperative(Kribhco)1社にとどまった。(...続きを読む)
◆The 2nd round bid for container licensing gets lacklustre response
【NEW DELHI】Although the second round of bidding for container trains' permits by the railways had much-hyped advance reception, only fertiliser major Kribh Co applied for the permit. The company paid Rs 50 crore for an all-India permit.
【新德里】第2次铁路集装箱运输执照招标虽然事前反应相当热烈,可是实际上投标的只有肥料合作社Kribh Co而已。
2007-02-09 ArtNo.39053(29/325)
【ムンバイ】マハラシュトラ電力監督委員会(MERC:Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission)は5日、同州Ratnagiri県Dhopaweと同州Uranにおける合計2640MW(メガワット)のミニ・ウルトラ・メガ発電プロジェクト(mini-ultra mega power projects)を競争入札を通じて実行することを原則的に承認した。これにより毎日ピーク時に4500MWの電力不足に直面するマハラシュトラ州の電力危機が将来的に多少に関わらず緩和するものと見られる。(...続きを読む)
◆Maharashtra soon to invite bids for two mini-ultra mega power projects
【MUMBAI】The Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission (MERC) on February 5 gave in-principle clearance for the development of two mini-ultra mega power projects with the total capacity of 2,640 mw in Dhopawe, Ratnagiri district and Uran through a competitive bidding route. Maharashtra, which is reeling under acute power crunch with a daily peaking deficit of 4,500 mw, may receive a major relief from these projects.
2007-02-12 ArtNo.39063(30/325)
◆The ministry plans to come out with a laptop for $10
【NEW DELHI】The ministry of human resources plans to come out with a laptop for $10 to push forward Sakshat—its recently launched, interactive, one-stop, education portal that is available gratis to anyone who wants to use it.
2007-02-12 ArtNo.39069(31/325)
◆Karnataka to set up 1,000-acre aerospace SEZ
【Bangalore】The Karnataka government plans to set up a special economic zone at Bangalore exclusively for the aerospace industry.
2007-02-16 ArtNo.39095(32/325)
◆Maharashtra adds 17,000 MW in five years
【Mumbai】Maharashtra has planned to generate and supply a 17,000 MW of additional power in next three to five years.
2007-02-16 ArtNo.39097(33/325)
【ムンバイ】インフレが過去2年来の最高水準に達する中、先月末短期貸出金利(repo rate)を0.25%ポイント引き上げたばかりのインド中央銀行Reserve Bank of India(RBI)は13日、支払準備比率(CRR:Cash Reserve Ratio)を0.50%ポイント引き上げると発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆RBI hikes CRR by 0.50 percentage point to curb inflation
【Mumbai】Concerned over inflation shooting to over a two-year high, Reserve Bank of India, which only last month hiked short-term lending (repo) rate by 0.25 per cent, on February 13, announced its decision to hike Cash Reserve Ratio by 0.50 per cent.
2007-02-21 ArtNo.39100(34/325)
【ムンバイ】免税輸入認証(DFIA:Duty Free Import Authorization)スキームの再検討を政府に要請している大手製鋼会社と、中小の製鋼会社との対立が再燃している。DFIAスキームは特定の輸出製品の製造にかかる中間財・部品の免税輸入を許可する制度で、この種の原材料が国内で調達された際には関税クレジットが認められる。(...続きを読む)
◆Steel players lock horns over DFIA scheme
【MUMBAI】The acrimonious relationship between big players, who had asked the government to restructure the duty-free import authorisation scheme (DFIA), and smaller players in the Indian steel industry has again come into open. The DFIA scheme allows exporters to import raw material without paying any duty on the basis of their export performance. The scheme allows for duty credit, if material is procured from the domestic market.
2007-02-26 ArtNo.39122(35/325)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は22日、半導体チップの製造やその他のハイテク事業に資本支出の最大25%に相当する奨励措置を適応することを含む『半導体政策(semiconductor policy)』を発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆Semiconductor policy offers 25% capital subsidy
【New Delhi】The Central Government on February 22 announced its semiconductor policy, giving incentives of up to 25 per cent of the capital expenditure incurred by semiconductor fabrication and other high-end manufacturing units.
2007-02-26 ArtNo.39123(36/325)
【ハイデラバード】インド半導体協会(ISA:Indian Semiconductor Association)や半導体業界のプレーヤーらは、インド政府が22日発表した特別経済区(SEZ)ステータスを含む半導体ファブ奨励策に歓迎の意を表明した。(...続きを読む)
◆Industry hails the fab policy
【Hyderabad】The Indian Semiconductor Association (ISA) and various players from the semiconductor industry hailed the fab policy that includes SEZ status and related incentives, announced by the Union Cabinet on February 22.
2007-03-02 ArtNo.39134(37/325)
【ニューデリー】Chidambaram蔵相は2月28日、配当税を引き上げ、所得税免除所得上限を僅か1万ルピー引き上げる一方、教育税(education cess)を1%上乗せする等、業界や一般納税者の期待裏切る内容の2007-08年度予算案を国会に上程した。(...続きを読む)
◆Budget 2007:Thumbs down from India Inc and tax payers
【NEW DELHI】Greatly disappointing industries and personal income tax payers, the Finance Minister, Mr P Chidambaram unveiled Budget for 2007-08 on February 28 that increases dividend tax, proposes a marginal Rs 10,000 increase in threshold tax exemption limit, while foisting an additional one per cent education cess on tax payers.
2007-03-02 ArtNo.39135(38/325)
【ニューデリー】Lalu Prasad鉄道相は26日、乗車賃や貨物運賃の値上げを見合わせただけでなく、乗車賃を最大8%、石油製品/鉄鉱石/石灰岩/その他の鉱物運賃を5~6%、それぞれ引き下げることを含む鉄道予算案を国会に上程した。(...続きを読む)
◆Rail Budget to reduce freight charges and passenger fares
【New Delhi】The Union Railway Minister, Mr Lalu Prasad, has not only refrained from announcing any passenger or freight fare hikes in his 2007-08 Rail Budget, but he has actually effected token reductions in passenger fares by up to eight per cent and freight charges on petro-products, iron ore, limestone and other minerals by 5-6 per cent.
【新德里】铁路部长Lalu Prasad26日提出国会2007-08年铁路预算案。他不但没有提高乘客和货物运输费而且把乘客予恕费消减最高8%,把石油产品·铁矿·石灰石·其他矿物运输费下降5至6%。
2007-03-02 ArtNo.39138(39/325)
◆Chip makers' fund rush may be seen
【BANGALORE】Following the announcement of the Semiconductor Policy by the Union government, a slew of announcements for committing investments in the Indian semiconductor manufacturing sector in the next few months is expected.
2007-03-05 ArtNo.39146(40/325)
【ニューデリー】P Chidambaram蔵相は2月28日、農業部門や非営利社会事業部門(social sectors)への配慮を高めることを通じ過去3年間に実現した平均8.6%の国内総生産(GDP)成長の恩恵をより多くの国民が享受できるようにすることを主眼にした2007-08年予算案を国会に上程した。しかしながら中流所得層には騙されたようなネガティブな印象を、企業界には教育税と配当税に対する失望感を与えたようだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Budget 2007-08 : Not too hot, not too cold, but neutral
【New Delhi】Finance minister P Chidambaram on February 28 tried to make the high 8.6% average growth achieved in last three years more inclusive by addressing the agriculture and social sectors in Budget 2007-08. However, in doing so, he left the middle-class feeling cheated and the corporate sector displeased with a new cess and a hike in dividend distribution tax.
【新德里】财政部长P Chidambaram2月28日把2007-08年度财政预算案提交国会。新预算的主意是在通过采取考虑农业和非营利社会部门的措施来让更多的人民可以受到过去3年里实现的平均8.6%的国内生产增值的恩惠。可是中产阶级受到被骗的感觉。企业界也对教育税的新负担和红利税的提高有点失望了。
2007-03-05 ArtNo.39147(41/325)
【Mumbai】新年度予算案は、通貨市場(money market)や高流動性市場(liquid markets)に投資する投資信託の配当に対する配当支払い税(DDT:Dividend Distribution Tax)率を25%に引き上げた。蔵相によると、この種の基金は優遇税制の下、多額な利鞘を稼ぐ機会を享受していると言う。(...続きを読む)
◆Dividend tax on liquid funds raised
【Mumbai】The dividend distribution tax (DDT) on mutual funds investing in money market and liquid markets has been raised to 25 per cent for all investors in the Union Budget. According to The Finance Minister, the funds have been enjoyed concessional tax rates allowing for huge arbitrage opportunities.
2007-03-05 ArtNo.39148(42/325)
◆Pension funds be used to meet the investment in infrastructure: Survey
【NEW DELHI】Eaven as infrastructure now showing signs of progress and providing impetus to economic growth, the Economic Survey has suggested that insurance and pension funds can be used to meet the massive investment need of $320 billion in infrastructure during the XI Plan.
2007-03-05 ArtNo.39149(43/325)
◆Steel Industry gain a major victory:New year budget
【New Delhi】It seems to be a major victory for steel manufacturers who have been demanding for long for a ban on exports that the government has imposed export duty on iron ore.
2007-03-05 ArtNo.39150(44/325)
◆Multi-modal system is imperative: Survey
【New Delhi】Slow evacuation of cargo coupled with poor hinterland connectivity has adversely impacted the efficacy of ports and it is essential to develop a multi-modal system to enhance their competitiveness.
2007-03-05 ArtNo.39151(45/325)
【ニューデリー】インドの国有鉄道Indian Railways(IR)は第11次五カ年計画期間に3万クロー(US4$67.5億)を投じて東部・西部貨物専用鉄道を建設するためインド貨物専用回廊会社(DFC-CIL:Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Limited)を設立した。(...続きを読む)
◆Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation is formed : Survey
【NEW DELHI】The Indian Railways has formed a special purpose vehicle (SPV), Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Limited (DFC-CIL) so that it can implement the Rs. 30,000-crore eastern and western dedicated freight corridors during the XI Plan.
2007-03-05 ArtNo.39152(46/325)
【バンガロール】Toyota Kirloskar Motors Ltd(TKML)のK.K. Swamy重役(副MD補)は、新年度予算案に乗用車に対する一律16%の消費税適応を求める業界の要求が今回も盛り込まれなかったことに落胆の意を表明した。(...続きを読む)
◆Toyota tickles on customs, Sales, ad valorem but not on excise
【Bangalore】Toyota Kirloskar Motor's Deputy Managing Director, Mr K.K. Swamy, said that it had termed the Union Budget disappointing as it had not addressed the auto industry's plea for 16 per cent uniform excise duty for all passenger cars.
【邦加罗尔】丰田基洛斯卡汽车公司副总经理助理 K.K. Swamy先生说「新年度预算案可以说是不满足的一个。因为汽车业长期有求对乘用汽车征收一律16%的消费税。可是政府这次也没有考虑我们的要求。」
2007-03-05 ArtNo.39153(47/325)
◆Auto industry becoms the major engine for growth: Survey
【New Delhi】The Economic Survey said on February 27, "India's automobile industry needs a major push to enhance its capabilities to innovate and upgrade to remain competitive in terms of quality and price in the global market".
2007-03-05 ArtNo.39154(48/325)
【ニューデリー】情報技術製造業者協会(MAIT:Manufacturers' Association for Information Technology)は2月28日、IT製品に対する現行の消費税率と関税率を新年度も維持する新年度予算案の方針を支持するとともに、電子政府の推進加速や、公共流通システム(PDS:Public Distribution System)とFood Corporation of India (FCI)へのコンピュータ導入を歓迎した。(...続きを読む)
◆Hardware cos welcom to maintain the excise and custom duty levels
【New Delhi】Hardware Association, Manufacturers' Association for Information Technology, on February 28 supported the Union Budget which had maintained the current excise and custom duty levels on IT products, and also welcomed the increased thrust on e-governance and the computerisation of the Public Distribution System and the Food Corporation of India.
2007-03-05 ArtNo.39155(49/325)
【ニューデリー】コンピュータソフトウェアの業界団体、ソフトウェア・サービス会社全国協会(NASSCOM:National Association of Software and Service Companies)のB. Ramalinga Raju会長は「優遇税制が事実上廃止されることを意味する最低選択税(MAT:minimum alternative tax)の導入、従業員持ち株計画(ESOP: Employees Stock Option Plan)に対する役得税(Fringe Benefits Tax)の適用、配当税の引き上げ、賃貸に対するサービス税の適応は業界に好ましくない影響を与える」とし、新年度予算に失望の意を表明した。同氏はこれらの問題を蔵相に陳情するとしている。(...続きを読む)
◆Software sector expresses disappointment
【Hyderabad】Nasscom Chairman, Mr B. Ramalinga Raju said "Various provisions of the Budget, such as Minimum Alternate Tax (MAT), Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) when it comes to the applicability for ESOPs (Employee Stock Option Plan), tax on dividend, and service tax on lease, would have an adverse impact on the sector. We will petition the Finance Minister about the sector concerns."
【海德拉巴】印度国家软件和服务公司协会主席Ramalinga Raju先生对新年度预算案诸措施很失望。这些包括实际上跟取消奖励没有差别的最低替代税,对公司职工持股计划征收赋税,提高红利税,对出租业征收服务税等。他表明向财政部长提出请愿书。
2007-03-05 ArtNo.39156(50/325)
◆IT/ ITES sector employment up 353% in six years: Survey
【New Delhi】The growth of the IT/ ITES sector has exerted a salutary influence on the employment scenario, with total number of professionals employed in the sector growing by 353% from an estimated 2,84,000 in 1999-2000 to 12,87,000 in 2005-06.
内政法律軍事 Political/Law/Military Affair in 2007
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