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輸送機器 Transport Equipment in 2014
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元のページへ戻る ►2014-01-31 ArtNo.44813(1/54)
【アーメダバード】ホンダが完全出資するHonda Motorcycle and Scooter India (HMSI)は、最近、インドにおける第4番目の製造拠点を設けるため、Maruti Suzukiの新工場予定地にも近いグジャラート州のMandal地区に200エーカーの土地を購入した。(...続きを読む)
2014-01-31 ArtNo.44814(2/54)
2014-01-31 ArtNo.44815(3/54)
◆Honda buys land for fourth unit in Gujarat
【Ahmedabad】Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India Pvt Ltd (HMSI), a 100 per cent subsidiary of Honda Motor Corporation, Japan, recently bought 200 acres in the Mandal region near the site of the proposed Maruti Suzuki plant near here to set up a fourth manufacturing unit in the country. (...続きを読む)
2014-02-18 ArtNo.44840(4/54)
【ニューデリー】快晴に恵まれた3日の正午前、カー・レーサーのナレイン·カーティケヤンが運転するベネチアン・レッドのハッチバック『Bolt』と、Tim Levertonエンジニアリング主任およびRanjit Yadav乗用車部門社長が同乗するバズ・ブルーのテーマ・カラーで彩られたセダン『Zest』が、それぞれランプを下りお目見え、タタ・モーターズの乗用車市場における新時代の幕が開かれた。
○フォード、Figo Conceptお披露目(BL)
○商用車メーカーAshok Leyland、1月の販売26%ダウン(ET)
2014-02-18 ArtNo.44841(5/54)
【新德里】晴朗的星期一(2月3日),快要中午的时侯,赛车手Narain Karthikeyan沿着坡道驾驶威尼斯红掀背轿车Bolt出现。几乎同时,塔塔汽车公司工程学负责人Tim Leverton驾着主题颜色巴兹蓝的四门轿车Zest在另一个坡道上出现。他的旁边乘用车事业部总裁Ranjit Yadav也同坐。塔塔汽车公司踏上了在乘用车市场的新征程。
2014-02-18 ArtNo.44842(6/54)
◆Tata Motors unveils hatchback Bolt, sedan Zest
【New Delhi】Shortly before noon on a pleasant Monday, race driver Narain Karthikeyan drove down the ramp in a Venetian Red coloured hatchback Bolt. From the other side, Tim Leverton, Head of Engineering, Tata Motors, with Ranjit Yadav, President, Passenger Vehicle Business Unit, sitting beside him drove in a Signature Buzz Blue sedan Zest, marking Tata Motors's new journey in the passenger car market.
○Ford Figo Concept unveiled
○Ashok Leyland sales down 26 per cent in January
○ICRA maintains a strong outlook on the tractor industry(...続きを読む)
2014-03-07 ArtNo.44858(7/54)
【チェンナイ】国防研究開発機構(DRDO:Defence Research and Development Organisation)の研究開発担当経理部長(chief controller)を兼務するBrahMos Aerospace Pvt Ltd(BMAPL)社のA Sivathanu Pillai重役(CEO兼MD)によると、インドの国防システム需要は、向こう5年間に1500億米ドルのビジネス機会を産業界に提供する。1500億米ドルの内、1000億米ドルのビジネス機会はインド企業に提供される。
2014-03-07 ArtNo.44859(8/54)
2014-03-07 ArtNo.44860(9/54)
◆$150 bn opportunity in defence system requirements: DRDO
【Chennai】The defence system requirements for the country is opening up an opportunity of $150 billion for the industry in the next five years, said A Sivathanu Pillai, chief controller (R&D), Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and CEO & managing director of BrahMos Aerospace Pvt Ltd. Out of this, over $100 billion opportunity is for the Indian companies.
○Night trial of Agni-I missile put off(...続きを読む)
2014-03-07 ArtNo.44870(10/54)
【ニューデリー】P.チダムバラム蔵相が暫定予算案の中で3~6%の消費税(excise duty)率引き下げを明らかにしたのを受けて、自動車メーカー各社は19日、これまでのところ弱い消費者需要に祟られ低調に推移して来た売り上げの挽回を目指し、各モデルの値下げを発表した。(...続きを読む)
2014-03-07 ArtNo.44871(11/54)
2014-03-07 ArtNo.44872(12/54)
◆Budget impact: Carmakers announce price cuts
【New Delhi】Responding to the 3-6% excise duty cuts announced by finance minister P Chidambaram in his interim budget, auto makers on Wednesday slashed prices across models and variants, hoping to revive sales in a year marked by a tepid consumer demand so far. (...続きを読む)
2014-03-28 ArtNo.44900(13/54)
【アーメダバード】Maruti Suzuki India Ltd (MSIL)と信託投資基金の不一致は依然持続しているが、MSILは、グジャラート州政府に同州Hansalpurの新工場予定地に関わる州政府支援協定(SSA:state support agreement)の修正を打診している。(...続きを読む)
2014-03-28 ArtNo.44901(14/54)
【艾哈迈达巴德】尽管马鲁蒂铃木汽车有限公司和它的共同基金伙帮的关系疏远,该公司已经向古吉拉特州政府转达想要修改有关在该州邯萨布尔(Hansalpur)兴建新制造厂的政府扶持协议(SSA:state support agreement)的意向。(...続きを読む)
2014-03-28 ArtNo.44902(15/54)
◆Maruti wants Hansalpur plant pact reworked
【Ahmedabad】Even as the stand-off between Maruti Suzuki India Ltd (MSIL) and its mutual fund investors continues, the company has approached the Gujarat government to rework the state support agreement (SSA) for its manufacturing site, to come up at Hansalpur.(...続きを読む)
2014-03-28 ArtNo.44912(16/54)
2014-03-28 ArtNo.44913(17/54)
【新德里】如果说印度铁路,直到现在,联想的东西,大概枯燥无味的食物,破旧的客车,不可靠的时间表 - 在这种次序。但160岁的机构现在准备改造形象。
2014-03-28 ArtNo.44914(18/54)
◆Indian Railways to bring back its forgotten flavours
【NEW DELHI】Until now, the Indian Railways has been known for its bland food, shabby coaches and erratic schedule - in that order. But the 160-year-old institution is set for an image makeover.
○'We're looking for a local partner'(...続きを読む)
2014-04-11 ArtNo.44942(19/54)
2014-04-11 ArtNo.44943(20/54)
2014-04-11 ArtNo.44944(21/54)
◆Rivals join forces to develop Indian aircraft
【New Delhi】For decades, Indian expertise in designing and building aircraft has been developed randomly, with isolated areas of excellence offset by large capability gaps in important fields. Now a new government body has begun coordinating the holistic development of the country's aeronautical capability.
○AirAsia India eyes early start to ops(...続きを読む)
2014-04-11 ArtNo.44945(22/54)
【インゴルシュタット】ドイツの高級車ブランド、アウディは年央にインドでプレミアムA3(4001 to 4500mm)セダンを発売する。待望の車はマハラシュトラ州オーランガーバードの工場から出荷される。
2014-04-11 ArtNo.44946(23/54)
【英戈尔斯塔特】德国豪华汽车品牌奥迪今年中在印度开始销售其高级A3(车身4001 to 4500mm)轿车。期待已久的汽车将从该公司马哈拉斯特拉州奥兰加巴德的生产设施推出。
2014-04-11 ArtNo.44947(24/54)
◆Audi to start selling premium A3 Sedan in India from mid-2014
【Ingolstad】German luxury auto brand Audi will begin selling its premium A3 Sedan in India from middle of the year and the much-awaited car will be rolled out from the company's production facility in Aurangabad.
○Willl resume work but won't sign pact: Toyota workers(...続きを読む)
2014-05-09 ArtNo.45005(25/54)
◆車購買力低下: マルチ・スズキ会長
2014-05-09 ArtNo.45006(26/54)
【新德里】马鲁蒂铃木公司发表持平增长的2013-14年度的销售数字的几天后,该公司主席R C巴贾瓦估计说对汽车业未来一年将是困难的。
2014-05-09 ArtNo.45007(27/54)
◆Purchasing power to buy a car has been eroded: R C Bhargava
【New Delhi】A few days after Maruti Suzuki's sales figures showed flat growth in 2013-14, Chairman R C Bhargava reckons the year ahead is going to be difficult for the car sector.
○Suzuki has to double equity in Gujarat arm(...続きを読む)
2014-06-27 ArtNo.45131(28/54)
2014-06-27 ArtNo.45132(29/54)
2014-06-27 ArtNo.45133(30/54)
◆Modi booster for Indian defence companies
【Mumbai】Indian defence companies have cause to cheer with Prime Minister Narendra Modi asserting on Saturday that the country would be encouraging local companies in sectoral production, and that India should be exporting defence equipment.
○PM dedicates INS Vikramaditya to the nation
○64 foreigners among 636 new army officers(...続きを読む)
2014-06-27 ArtNo.45137(31/54)
2014-06-27 ArtNo.45138(32/54)
2014-06-27 ArtNo.45139(33/54)
◆Next stop Tehran: Delhi steps up talks with Iran for $5-bn railway export plan
【New Delhi】Even as New Delhi keeps a close watch on the recent unrest in Iraq, it is expediting talks with Tehran for over $5-billion worth project exports from India to Iran’s railway sector.
○AP to get new railway zone
○Telangana CM asks L&T Hyderabad Metro to change project alignment
○Kerala seeks viability funding for Vizhinjam project(...続きを読む)
2014-07-25 ArtNo.45221(34/54)
【プネ】パリ拠点の国際コンサルタント会社マザースがこのほど発表した『2014年度インド自動車産業展望調査(The Indian Automotive Industry - Expectation survey 2014)』によると、インドの2014-15会計年度の国内自動車販売は4%の成長が見込まれる。
2014-07-25 ArtNo.45222(35/54)
◆2014-15年的轿车销量成长率4%: 玛扎尔预测
【浦那】本部设在巴黎的国际咨询公司玛扎尔最近发表的“2014年印度汽车业展望调查报告(The Indian Automotive Industry - Expectation survey 2014)”预测2014-15财政年的印度国内轿车销量成长4%。
2014-07-25 ArtNo.45223(36/54)
◆After a sluggish start, car sales to consolidate at 4% in FY15: Survey
【Pune】The domestic car sales in India is expected to consolidate at 4 per cent in financial year 2014-15, said 'The Indian Automotive Industry - Expectation survey 2014' published by Paris based international advisory firm Mazars.
○Heavy CV sales up after 2 years
○Top 10 best selling cars in June 2014(...続きを読む)
2014-08-05 ArtNo.45251(37/54)
2014-08-05 ArtNo.45252(38/54)
2014-08-05 ArtNo.45253(39/54)
◆Most car, two-wheeler manufacturers register increase in July sales
【New Delhi】Most carmakers reported growth in July sales, thanks to new launches and continued demand for the models rolled out earlier this year.(...続きを読む)
2014-08-19 ArtNo.45266(40/54)
2014-08-19 ArtNo.45267(41/54)
2014-08-19 ArtNo.45268(42/54)
◆Cabinet approves raising FDI cap in defence to 49 per cent
【New Delhi】The Union Cabinet on the 6th of August raised the limit for foreign investment in the defence sector from the current 26 per cent to 49 per cent, subject to the Indian owners exercising management control, steps intended to encourage domestic manufacture of arms.
○Railways opens 10 production areas for FDI infusion(...続きを読む)
2014-08-19 ArtNo.45278(43/54)
【ムンバイ】市場の需要回復を反映し、7月の国内乗用車(car)販売は前年同月比5.04%増加、3ヶ月連続のプラス成長を記録した。このためインド自動車製造業者協会(SIAM:Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers)は、今会計年度を通じて5~10%の成長を期待している。
2014-08-19 ArtNo.45279(44/54)
2014-08-19 ArtNo.45280(45/54)
【Mumbai】Showing revival in demand, domestic car sales grew (y-o-y) for the third month in succession in July, rising 5.04%, which prompted Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (Siam) to hope for a 5-10% increase this fiscal.
○Yamaha rejigs India ops, brings group firms under one umbrella
○Maruti assures investors on Gujarat project plans(...続きを読む)
2014-09-05 ArtNo.45299(46/54)
2014-09-05 ArtNo.45300(47/54)
2014-09-05 ArtNo.45301(48/54)
◆Indian companies bet on defence sector; pour in billions to manufacture guns, ships & tanks
【New Delhi】Some of India's biggest companies are pouring billions of dollars into manufacturing guns, ships and tanks for the country's military, buoyed by the new government's commitment to upgrade its armed forces using domestic factories.
○India's first indigenous anti-submarine warship commissioned
○India's orbiter to reach Mars in 33 days: ISRO(...続きを読む)
2014-09-05 ArtNo.45302(49/54)
【ムンバイ】ラーセン・アンド・トウブロ社(L&T)のA. M.ナイク会長は8月22日、「L&Tは政府の野心的な超高速列車計画に入札するため準備を整えている」と語った。
2014-09-05 ArtNo.45303(50/54)
【孟买】拉森-图布罗有限公司正准备申办投标政府雄心勃勃的子弹头列车项目。该公司执行主席A. M.奈克8月22日透露说。
輸送機器 Transport Equipment in 2014
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