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労働 Labour in 2013
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元のページへ戻る ►2013-08-16 ArtNo.44597(1/6)
【ニューデリー】資本市場の監督機関インド証券取引局(SEBI:Securities and Exchange Board of India)は5日、新たに付与された権限を迅速かつ有効に行使するための人員増員計画の一環として、新規職員75人の募集を開始した。(...続きを読む)
◆SEBI begins recruitment drive, to hire 75 officers
New Delhi, Aug 5: Capital market regulator SEBI today began the process for hiring 75 officers as part of a plan to beef up its headcount for faster and more effective execution of newly granted powers.
2013-08-16 ArtNo.44598(2/6)
◆SEBI begins recruitment drive, to hire 75 officers
New Delhi, Aug 5: Capital market regulator SEBI today began the process for hiring 75 officers as part of a plan to beef up its headcount for faster and more effective execution of newly granted powers.
2013-08-16 ArtNo.44599(3/6)
◆SEBI begins recruitment drive, to hire 75 officers
New Delhi, Aug 5: Capital market regulator SEBI today began the process for hiring 75 officers as part of a plan to beef up its headcount for faster and more effective execution of newly granted powers.(...続きを読む)
2013-11-05 ArtNo.44624(4/6)
【ムンバイ】低調な労働市場環境は、ビジネス・スクールにおける就職斡旋前の事前内示(PPOs:preplacement offers)、いわゆる青田買い活動にも影響を及ぼすものと予想されたが、インド経営管理学院(IIM:Indian Institute of Management)傘下の各分校以外でさえ、PPOが活況を呈している。(...続きを読む)
2013-11-05 ArtNo.44625(5/6)
【孟买】一个冷淡就业市场理应对商业学校的PPOs(preplacement offers:在毕业前与学生预订雇用合同)活动有一个连锁效应。不过,实际上印度管理学院旗下的分校之外的诸多商业学校的PPOs也显示活跃景象。(...続きを読む)
2013-11-05 ArtNo.44626(6/6)
◆Citibank, Wipro, M&M, Philips, others use the PPO route to pick candidates
MUMBAI: A poor job market should logically have had a knock-on effect on B-school preplacement offers (PPOs). But no, these are actually thriving, even at non-IIMs(Indian Institute of Management). (...続きを読む)
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