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金属/鉱物 Metallurgy/Mining in 2008
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元のページへ戻る ►2008-07-16 ArtNo.41214(151/246)
【ニューデリー】今年5月の工業生産指数(IIP:Index of Industrial Production)をベースにした成長率は僅か3.8%と、昨年同月の10.6%に比べ大幅な鈍化を見た。(...続きを読む)
◆Industrial growth slips to 3.8 % in May
【New Delhi】Industrial growth, as measured by Index of Industrial Production (IIP), slumped to 3.8 per cent during May 2008 as compared to 10.6 per cent in the same month last year.
2008-07-16 ArtNo.41215(152/246)
【ブーバネスワル】オリッサ州のKandhamal県で新ボーキサイト鉱脈が発見された。またPuri県の沿海地域には重鉱物(heavy mineral)の鉱脈が存在する可能性が存在する。(...続きを読む)
◆Orissa finds a new bauxite reserve
【Bhubaneswar】A new bauxite reserve has been identified at Kandhamal district in Orissa and the indication of presence of heavy minerals also has been observed along the coast in Puri.
2008-07-16 ArtNo.41216(153/246)
【ニューデリー】国営Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL)は、石炭産業省に同社とTata Steel Ltd(TSL)の合弁会社にコークス用炭鉱区5ブロックを割り当てるよう申請した。(...続きを読む)
◆SAIL-Tata Steel JV asks to allocate 5 cooking coal blocks
【New Delhi】Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL) has called upon the coal ministry to allocate five cooking coal blocks for its JV with Tata Steel.
2008-07-23 ArtNo.41248(154/246)
【ニューデリー】フィンランド企業Outokumpu Stainless Oy(OSO)は、インフラ開発プロジェクトにステンレス鋼が広く使用されるようになる中で、マハラシュトラ州Mumbai付近に鋼材サービス加工センター(steel service and processing centre)を設ける方針を決めた。(...続きを読む)
◆Outokumpu to set up steel service centre near Mumbai
【New Delhi】Encouraged by the growing trend in the use of stainless steel in various infrastructure projects, Finland-based Outokumpu has decided to set up a steel service and processing centre near Mumbai, in Maharashtra.
2008-07-28 ArtNo.41257(155/246)
【コルカタ】インドの2008年6月の粗鋼(crude steel)生産量は430万トンと、昨年同月比5.2%成長した。しかしアジア全体の粗鋼生産量は6830万トンと、昨年同月の6280万トンに比べ8.7%の伸びを見ており、インドの成長率はアジアの平均伸び率を下回った。(...続きを読む)
◆Indian steel production growth below the Asian average in June
【Kolkata】Indian crude steel production growth was below the Asian average in June. India produced 4.3 million tonnes of crude steel in June, up 5.2 per cent over the corresponding month last year. The overall Asian production was of 68.3 million tonnes compared with 62.8 million tonnes in June 2007, up 8.7 per cent.
2008-07-30 ArtNo.41263(156/246)
◆Steel prices come down by 6%
【New Delhi】With a sobering effect of the government intervention, retail steel prices have dropped by as much as 6% in the last two weeks.
2008-07-30 ArtNo.41264(157/246)
◆JSW Steel、オリッサ州に深水港建設計画
【コルカタ】JSW Steel Ltd(JSL)は西ベンガル州に替えてオリッサ州に深水港を開発することを計画、オリッサ州政府と関係交渉を進めている。(...続きを読む)
◆JSW holds talks with Orissa govt to set up a deep-sea port
【Kolkata】JSW Steel plans to set up a deep-sea port in Orissa instead of West Bengal and it has begun talks with the State government.
2008-08-06 ArtNo.41289(158/246)
【ニューデリー】国営石油・ガス探査会社Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC)は、Uranium Corporation of India Ltd (UCIL)と合弁で海外におけるウラニウム資源の探査開発に乗り出す。(...続きを読む)
◆ONGC to set up a JV with UCIL for uranium hunt
【New Delhi】The Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) has decided to go overseas for a uranium hunt through a new JV company to be formed between it and Uranium Corporation of India Ltd (UCIL).
2008-08-06 ArtNo.41290(159/246)
◆Tata Steel、シンガポールに海外事業持ち株会社設置
【ムンバイ】Tata Steel Ltd(TSL)はシンガポールに持ち株会社Tata Steel Global(TSG)を設立、Corusを含む全ての海外事業を新会社の傘下に収めるとともに、今後新会社を通じて鉄鋼、石炭、鉄鉱石等に関わるグループの企業買収資金を調達する。TSGは8月1日、正式に発足、資産総額は130億米ドル近い。(...続きを読む)
◆Tata Steel sets up overseas holding firm in Singapore
【Mumbai】Tata Steel has set up a new holding company, Tata Steel Global(TSG), in Singapore and has transferred all its overseas assets, including Corus, into TSG. TSG which came into effect from Friday, August 1, has an enterprise book value of close to $13 billion and will raise funds for the overseas expansion including future acquisitions in steel, coal or iron ore by the group.
2008-08-11 ArtNo.41299(160/246)
【ニューデリー】Tata、Essar、Ispat、JSW Steel等の国内鉄鋼メーカーは、政府の圧力の下、8月7日に自発的な価格凍結期間の期限が切れたにも関わらず、鉄鋼製品価格の値上げを暫時見送る方針を決めた。(...続きを読む)
◆Steel companies hold prices
【New Delhi】Following government pressure domestic steelmakers including Tata, Essar, Ispat and JSW Steel have decided to hold the steel prices despite the fact that self-imposed moratorium of steel firms ended on August 7.
2008-08-13 ArtNo.41320(161/246)
【ブーバネスワル】最高裁は8日、オリッサ州政府がVedanta Aluminiumと韓国企業Poscoのメガ・プロジェクトのためにNiyamgiri高地と森林保護区の土地を両社に割り当てることを認めた。(...続きを読む)
◆SC clears Vedanta, Posco projects in Orissa
【Bhubaneswar】The Supreme Court on August 8 allowed the Orissa government to hand over the Niyamgiri hills to Vedanta Aluminium and forest land to Korea's Posco for their mega projects.
2008-08-18 ArtNo.41322(162/246)
◆Industrial growth declines to 5.4% in June
【New Delhi】Industrial growth in June witnessed a slump to 5.4 per cent from a high 8.9 per cent growth posted during the same month a year. However the growth rate is higher than the upwardly-revised 4.1 per cent growth in May this year.
2008-08-18 ArtNo.41323(163/246)
◆Infrastructure sector growth slumps to 3.6% in June
【New Delhi】Production in the six core infrastructure industries which have a combined weight of 26.68 per cent in the index of industrial production grew at a much slower pace of 3.4% in June 2008 compared to 5.2% in the same month last year.
2008-08-18 ArtNo.41327(164/246)
◆Tata Steel、ベトナムにUS$50億鉄鋼プラント建設
【ムンバイ】Tata Steel Ltd(TSL)が完全出資するシンガポール拠点のTata Steel Global Holding Pte Ltd(TSGHPL)は、Vietnam Steel Corporation(VNSTEEL)及びVietnam Cement Industries Corporation(VICEM)と、ベトナムのHa Tinh省に年産450万トンの総合鉄鋼プラントを設ける合弁契約に調印した。(...続きを読む)
◆Tata Steel signs $5 bn JV for steel complex in Vietnam
【Mumbai】Tata Steel Global Holding Pte Ltd, Singapore-based wholly owned subsidiary of Tata Steel Ltd, has signed a joint venture agreement with Vietnam Steel Corporation (VNSTEEL) and Vietnam Cement Industries Corporation (VICEM) for a proposed 4.5 million tonnes per annum integrated steel complex at the Ha Tinh province in Vietnam.
2008-08-20 ArtNo.41337(165/246)
◆Steel prices are falling
【New Delhi】Steel prices are falling in India and internationally. The government need not to ask steel makers to hold prices down. They have no options now and will do so irrespective of whether the government asks them to do so or not.
2008-08-20 ArtNo.41338(166/246)
【ムンバイ】マルチ商品取引所(MCX:Multi Commodity Exchange)における16日の『ニッケル2008年8月限』はキロ当たり789.30ルピーと、2ヶ月前に比べ26%下降した。高い在庫レベルとステンレス・スチール業界の需要減退からニッケル先物価格は向こう数日、弱含みで推移するものと予想される。(...続きを読む)
◆Nickel futures price seen weak on lower demand
【Mumbai】Nickel futures fell at Multi Commodity Exchange(MCX) August 14, 2008. MCX August 2008 contracts were down by 26% to trade at Rs 789.30 per kg over the past two months. Nickel futures prices may continue to rule weak over the next few days mainly on a higher inventory level and poor demand from stainless steel mills.
【孟买】印度多种商品交易所(MCX) 的镍期货价格8月14日出现下降趋势。交割月8月合约期价为789.30卢比/公斤,过去两个月来下降26%。镍期货价格预料今后几天继续疲软。因为存货多,不锈钢厂商的需求也降低。
2008-08-25 ArtNo.41354(167/246)
【ニューデリー】ロンドン拠点の鉱山会社Rio Tinto PLC(RTP)とインド最大の鉱山会社国営NMDC Ltd(前社名National Mineral Development Corp)は、インド国内と海外の鉱業資源、取り分け鉄鉱石を合弁で探査開発することで合意、18日、関係覚書を取り交わした。(...続きを読む)
◆NMDC signs pact with Rio Tinto for global mining ops
【New Delhi】Rio Tinto PLC, the London-based mining group, and India's state-run miner NMDC Ltd on August 18 signed a MoU to establish a joint venture company to explore mineral resources, particularly iron ore, globally, including India.
2008-08-25 ArtNo.41355(168/246)
◆Hindustan Zinc、US$8.43億投じ設備拡張
【ムンバイ】Vedantaグループ傘下のHindustan Zinc Ltd(HZL)は、世界最大の亜鉛・鉛製造会社に成ることを目指し、3600クロー(US$8.43億)を投じて年産能力を現在の75万4000トンから165万トンに拡張する。(...続きを読む)
◆Hindustan Zinc plans $843m expansion
【Mumbai】In a bid to become the largest integrated zinc-lead producer in the world, Hindustan Zinc Ltd, a part of Vedanta Group, will invest Rs 3,600 crore ($843m) to expand capacity to 1.65 million tonnes an annum (tpa) from 7.54 lakh tpa.
2008-08-27 ArtNo.41359(169/246)
◆Govt asks steel cos to cut prices in line with global trend
【New Delhi】Government on August 22 asked domestic steelmakers to slash prices whenever there was further softening of rates in the global markets.
2008-09-01 ArtNo.41372(170/246)
【コルカタ】これまでに合計年産能力3500万トンの鉄鋼プロジェクトの誘致に成功した西ベンガル州政府は、国営鉱山会社National Mineral Development Corp (NMDC)と、炭坑開発の合弁交渉を進めるとともに、炭坑開発とセットにした鉄鉱石の買い付け交渉を進めている。首尾良く交渉が妥結すれば、同州は投資家に石炭のみならず鉄鉱石もオファーできる。(...続きを読む)
◆Bengal chalks out a new formula to lure investors
【Kolkata】The West Bengal government, which has steel projects adding up to 35 million tons of capacity in the pipelines, is having talks with National Mineral Development Corp (NMDC) for a joint venture in coal and also negotiating with it to enter into an iron ore offtake agreement as be an addendum to the arrangement so that it can offer iron ore apart from coal to investors.
2008-09-01 ArtNo.41373(171/246)
◆Ashapura, Adani form JV to set up aluminium refinery
【Ahmedabad】Ashapura group and Adani Group are negotiating to set up a 50:50 joint venture company to produce one million tonne alumina and 0.5 million tonne aluminium.
2008-09-05 ArtNo.41398(172/246)
【ブーバネスワル】Arcelor Mittalはオリッサ州における年産1200万トンの鉄鋼プロジェクトをサポートする専用港をMahanadi川北部のParadip近郊Barunei Muhanに開発する計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Arcelor Mittal to develop a captive port in Orissa
【Bhubaneswar】Arcelor Mittal is set to build a captive port for its 12 million tonne steel plant in Orissa at Barunei Muhan, north of Mahanadi river near Paradip.
【布巴内斯瓦尔】阿塞勒米塔尔钢铁公司为了在奥里萨州兴建年产1200万吨钢铁厂,考虑在伯拉迪布附近默哈纳迪河北部Barunei Muhan发展自用港。
2008-09-05 ArtNo.41399(173/246)
【ムンバイ】国内第2のアルミ精錬会社国営National Aluminium Co Ltd (Nalco)は、創業以来かつてない積極さで、国内と国外における事業の拡張及び多角化を進め、他の鉱物資源の探査・開発事業への進出も図っている。(...続きを読む)
◆Nalco on expansion and diversification spree
【Mumbai】National Aluminium Co Ltd, the country's second largest aluminium producer, is on an expansion and diversification spree like at no other time in its history. It now wants to diversify and mine other minerals in India or abroad.
2008-09-05 ArtNo.41400(174/246)
◆Neyveli Lignite、US$105億投資計画立案
【ニューデリー】国営褐炭採掘会社Neyveli Lignite Corporation (NLC)はインド国内と海外における総額4万5000クロー(US$105.4億)のアグレッシブな投資計画を立案した。(...続きを読む)
◆Neyveli Lignite chalks up $10.54b investment plans
【New Delhi】Neyveli Lignite Corporation (NLC) has chalked out aggressive investment plans close to Rs 45,000 crore($10.54b) in India and overseas.
◆Neyveli Lignite拟定105亿美元投资计划
【新德里】国营采煤公司Neyveli Lignite Corporation已经拟定在国内外实行的总额4500亿卢比,相等于105亿4000万美元的投资计划。
2008-09-08 ArtNo.41410(175/246)
【ニューデリー】石炭液化計画用石炭鉱区の割当入札に応札した22社が、9月29日から10月1日の間に関係省庁の次官級会議(IMG:inter ministerial group)に対してプレゼンテーションを行う。(...続きを読む)
◆22 cos to make presentations for CTL project
【New Delhi】22 companies which have bid for for allocation of coal blocks for coal-to-liquid (CTL) project, will make a presentation before the inter ministerial group (IMG) between September 29 and October 1.
2008-09-08 ArtNo.41413(176/246)
【ライプル】National Mineral Development Corporation(NMDC)が1万2000クロー(US$28.10億)を投じてチャッティースガル州Bastar県Nagarnar村に建設する年産300万トンの総合的鉄鋼プラントの起工式が9月3日、Ram Vilas Paswan鉄鋼相とチャッティースガル州のRaman Singh首席大臣の立ち会いの下、催された。(...続きを読む)
◆NMDC to set up 3m-ton steel plant in Chhattisgarh
【Raipur】The foundation stone for National Mineral Development Corporation's (NMDC) Rs 12,000 crore integrated steel plant with an annual capacity of three million tonnes at Nagarnar village of Bastar district in Chattisgarh was laid jointly by steel minister Ram Vilas Paswan and Chhattisgarh chief minister Raman Singh on September 3.
【赖布尔】印度国家矿业开发公司计划投资1200亿卢比,相等于28亿1030万美元在查蒂斯加尔州巴斯塔县Nagarnar村兴建年产300万吨总合性钢厂。钢铁部长Ram Vilas Paswan以及查蒂斯加尔州首席部长Raman Singh9月3日共同举办奠基典礼。
2008-09-08 ArtNo.41414(177/246)
【チェンナイ】インド最大の銅・亜鉛製造会社、Vedanta Resources Plc(VRP)は、主にザンビアのKonkola銅鉱山の年産量を50万トンに拡張することを通じ、グループの銅年産量を2010年までに100万トンに拡大する。(...続きを読む)
◆Vedanta to reach 1 m tonne of copper capacity by 2010
【Chennai】Vedanta Resources Plc, India's biggest copper and zinc manufacturer, is planning to reach one million tonne of copper production capacity by 2010 with the expansion of capacity at Konkola Copper Mines(KCM), Zambia, to five lakh tonnes.
2008-09-10 ArtNo.41419(178/246)
【メルボルン】オーストラリアのSimon Crean貿易相は、「オーストラリアは原子力供給国グループ(NSG:Nuclear Suppliers Group)の対インド禁輸解除を支持するが、インドを含む核不拡散協定(NPT)未調印国に対するウランの輸出は引き続き認めない」と語った。(...続きを読む)
◆Australia not to sell uranium to India;Minister
【Melbourne】Australia will not sell uranium to India and other countries that have not signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, despite welcoming Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) decision to end the embargo on nuclear trade with India, Trade Minister Simon Crean said.
【墨尔本】根据报道澳大利亚贸易部长Simon Crean说,该国虽然支持核供应国集团解除对印度核禁运,不过它还是不要向印度或其他没有签署不扩散核武器条约的国家卖铀矿。
2008-09-10 ArtNo.41421(179/246)
◆75 coal blocks identified for the next round of allocations
【New Delhi】The Centre has identified 74 to 75 coal blocks and 20-odd lignite blocks to be handed over to private companies for captive use in the next round of coal and lignite block allocations.
2008-09-15 ArtNo.41430(180/246)
◆Industrial production revives to 7.1%
【New Delhi】Propelled by buoyancy in the production of consumer durables and capital goods, the Index of Industrial Production (IIP) growth recovered to a five month high of 7.1 per cent, even though it moderated compared with 8.3 per cent recorded a year ago.
2008-09-15 ArtNo.41431(181/246)
◆Core sector grows 4.3% in July
【New Delhi】Growth in six core infrastructure industries dropped to 4.3 per cent in July 2008-09 against 7.2 per cent in July 2007. However it has been the highest in this fiscal so far. The growth number was 3.6% in April, 3.5% in May and 3.4% in June.
2008-09-15 ArtNo.41432(182/246)
【ムンバイ】Vedanta Resources Plc(VRP)は、グループ企業の競合を回避する狙いから、①銅/亜鉛/鉛事業を中核とするSterlite Industries Ltd(SIL)、②アルミニウム/エネルギー事業を中核とするVedanta Alumina Ltd(VAL)、③鉄鉱石事業を中核とするSesa Goa Ltd(SGL)の3グループに組織を再編する。(...続きを読む)
◆Vedanta restructures group cos under three roofs
【Mumbai】Vedanta Resources Plc has restructured its corporate group into three commodity-focused verticals: copper & zinc-lead (Sterlite Industries Ltd), aluminium & energy (Vedanta Alumina Ltd) and iron ore (Sesa Goa Ltd) in order to eliminate conflicts of interest between the different group companies.
2008-09-15 ArtNo.41433(183/246)
【ムンバイ】Vedanta Resources Plc(VRP)は2012年までに98億米ドルを投じ、アルミニウムの年産能力を現在の40万トンから260万トンに拡大、世界第5位のアルミ製造会社になることを目指す。(...続きを読む)
◆Vedanta to invest $9.8 b for expansion plan
【Mumbai】Vedanta Resources plans to invest $9.8 billion by 2012 to increase its aluminium production capacity to 2.6 million tonnes, over six times its current capacity of about 0.4 million tonnes and emerge as the world's fifth largest producer of the metal.
2008-09-15 ArtNo.41434(184/246)
【ムンバイ】Vedanta Resources Plc(VRP)は今後5年間に鉄鉱石の年産能力を8倍の1億トンに拡大する計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Vedanta plans 8-fold rise in iron ore mining capacity
【Mumbai】Vedanta Resources is planning to ramp up iron ore mining capacity eight-fold to 100 million tonnes in five years.
2008-09-15 ArtNo.41435(185/246)
【ムンバイ】Vedanta Resources Plc(VRP)は、非鉄金属及び鉄鉱石事業に力を集中する戦略に基づき、オリッサ州に2万クロー(US$44.33億)を投じて年産400万トンの製鉄所を建設する計画を棚上げしたようだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Vedanta may withdraw Orissa steel project
【Mumbai】Vedanta Resources seems to have decided not to pursue a proposal to build a Rs 20,000-crore five-million-tonne steel project in Orissa in view of its strategy to focus on non-ferrous and iron ore businesses.
2008-09-15 ArtNo.41436(186/246)
◆JSW /Ispat、鋼材値下げ
【ムンバイ】インド第3位の鉄鋼メーカー、JSW SteelとIspat Industriesは国際鉄鋼価格の軟化に伴いトン当たり製品価格を9月1日から最大2000ルピー引き下げた。他社も追随するものと予想されている。(...続きを読む)
◆JSW, Ispat Industries cut steel prices by Rs. 2,000
【Mumbai】India's third largest steel manufacturer JSW Steel and Ispat Industries have cut prices of its products by up to Rs 2,000 a tonne with effect from September 1 following softening of the rates of the commodity in global markets. Other steel makers are also expected to follow suit.
2008-09-17 ArtNo.41445(187/246)
【ムンバイ】韓国の多国籍企業2社、PoscoとDaewoo Logistics Corporationは、地元企業Balaji Infra Projects Ltd (BIPL)と合弁会社を設立、マハラシュトラ州Dighi港に港湾インフラを開発するとともに、鋼材物流センター(SDC:steel distribution centre)を設ける計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Posco, Daewoo, BIPL to set up a steel distribution centre
【Mumbai】South Korea-based Posco and Daewoo Logistics Corporation will form a joint venture company with Balaji Infra Projects Ltd (BIPL) for developing port infrastructure to set up a steel distribution centre (SDC) within Dighi Port in Maharashtra.
2008-09-22 ArtNo.41459(188/246)
【ランチ】Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group(ADAG)は4万クロー(US$88.65億)を投じ、ジャールカンド州に年産1200万トンの製鉄所を建設する。(...続きを読む)
◆ADAG lines up $8.9b for steel plant in J'khand
【Ranchi】Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group(ADAG) gears up plans to invest Rs 40,000 crore ($8.865b) to set up a 12 million-ton per annum steel plant in Jharkhand.
2008-09-22 ArtNo.41460(189/246)
◆Tata Steel/日鉄ハード、技術契約に調印
【コルカタ】Tata Steel Ltd(TSL)と東京拠点の日鉄ハード株式会社は、熔接技術の移転に関する協力契約を取り交わした。(...続きを読む)
◆Tata Steel in tie-up with Nippon Steel Hardfacing
【Kolkata】Tata Steel Ltd(TSL) has got into technical tie-up with Tokyo-based Nippon Steel Hardfacing Company (NSH). Under the agreement TSL can use NSH's welding technology.
2008-09-22 ArtNo.41461(190/246)
◆Iron ore exports increase despite imposition of duty
【New Delhi】Export of iron ore from India has gone up despite the fact that the Government had tried to restrict exports by imposing export duty.
2008-09-24 ArtNo.41473(191/246)
◆ArcelorMittal may set up 6 mt steel plant in Chhattisgarh
【New Delhi】Although the projects for setting up steel plants in Orissa and Jharkhand have not taken off, ArcelorMittal is in talks with the Chhattisgarh government for setting up another 6-million tonne (mt) integrated steel plant in the state for close to $3 billion.
2008-09-24 ArtNo.41474(192/246)
【ムンバイ】Aditya Birla Groupに属するインド最大のアルミニウム製造会社Hindalco Industries Limited(HIL)は今後3年間1万9800クロー(US$43.88億)を投じ、設備能力を拡張する。(...続きを読む)
◆Hindalco investing Rs 19,800 cr for capacity expansion
【Mumbai】Hindalco Industries Limited, India's largest aluminum producer and the flagship company of the Aditya Birla Group, plans to invest Rs 19,800 crore($4.388b) in the next three years in India for capacity expansion.
2008-09-29 ArtNo.41486(193/246)
【ロンドン】鉱山会社Vedanta Resources Plc(VRP)は、グループ企業を3部門に再編する計画の実行を見合わせた。同社は24日、「世界の金融市場に最近生じた変化と投資家の反応を配慮し、グループ再編計画を実行せぬ方針を決めた」とのステートメントを発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆Vedanta drops restructuring plans
【London】Miner Vedanta Resources Plc has dropped plans to streamline its corporate structure into three units. "In view of the recent changes in global financial markets and investor feedback, Vedanta has decided not to pursue the proposed group restructuring," it said in a statement on Sepember 24.
2008-09-29 ArtNo.41487(194/246)
【ムンバイ】National Aluminium Company (Nalco)は、2008年9月期四半期の売上げを拡大する狙いから、アルミニウム製品購入者に対しトン当たり2000ルピーの追加割引を提供している。(...続きを読む)
◆Nalco offers a top up discount
【Mumbai】National Aluminium Company (Nalco) has offered a top up discount of Rs 2,000 per tonne on its aluminium prices in order to improve sales realisation for the second quarter to September 30.
2008-10-03 ArtNo.41491(195/246)
【シムラー】西ベンガル州Kolkata拠点のSPS Steel & Power(SSP)はヒマチャルプラデシュ州のミニ工業成長センターGwalthaiに製鉄所を建設した。(...続きを読む)
◆SPS inaugurates steel plant in HP
【Shimla】Kolkata-based SPS Steel & Power Ltd has set up a steel plant at the Mini Industrial Growth Centre, Gwalthai in Himachal Pradesh.
◆SPS Steel & Power在喜马偕尔州建制钢厂
【西姆拉】总部位于西孟加拉州加尔各答的SPS Steel & Power有限公司在喜马偕尔州的小工业中心Gwalthai建制钢厂。
2008-10-03 ArtNo.41492(196/246)
【ムンバイ】インド人鉱業家Anil Agarwal氏に率いられるVedanta Resources Plc(VRP)は、世界第5位のアルミニウム製造業者に成ることを目指し98億米ドルを投資する。(...続きを読む)
◆Vedanta plans to invest $9.8-bn
【Mumbai】Anil Agarwal-controlled mining company Vedanta Resources plans to invest $9.8 billion to become the world's fifth-largest aluminum producer.
2008-10-08 ArtNo.41504(197/246)
◆Steel cos mulling output cut on falling demand
【Mumbai】India's major steel companies in the country are said to be considering a cut in their output as slowing demand and falling international prices have made operations at some plants unviable.
2008-10-10 ArtNo.41517(198/246)
【バンガロール】Baldotaグループ傘下のAaress Iron & Steel Ltd (AISL)は、インド南部と西部の乗用車メーカーや自動車部品メーカーに鋼材を供給するため、4700クロー(US$10億)を投じカルナタカ州北部のKoppalに製鉄所を建設する。(...続きを読む)
◆Baldota Group to set up $1b steel plant
【Bangalore】Aaress Iron & Steel Ltd (AISL), part of the Baldota Group, is setting up a new Rs 4,700-crore ($1b) steel plant in Koppal in northern Karnataka. The plant will mostly manufacture products for passenger cars as well as auto parts producers based out of southern and western India.
【邦加罗尔】Baldota集团旗下的Aaress Iron & Steel有限公司计划投资470亿卢比相等于10亿美元在卡纳塔克州北部卡巴尔兴建钢铁厂而向印度南部与西部的乘用气车制造商与零件商供应钢材。
2008-10-13 ArtNo.41526(199/246)
◆August IIP growth slips to 1.3 pct
【New Delhi】India's industrial growth based on the Index of Industrial Production (IIP) nosedived to 1.3 per cent in August 2008 as against 10.9 per cent during the corresponding period last year, mainly on account of poor performance by the manufacturing sector.
2008-10-13 ArtNo.41527(200/246)
◆August infrastructure growth rate plunges to 2.3%
【New Delhi】Slowdown in several segments, including crude oil and petroleum refinery resulted in a plunge in the overall infrastructure growth rate to 2.3 per cent in August this fiscal compared to 9.5 per cent in the corresponding period of the previous fiscal.
金属/鉱物 Metallurgy/Mining in 2008
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