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経済一般 General Economics in 2007
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元のページへ戻る ►2007-09-10 ArtNo.39978(301/427)
【ムンバイ】インド第2の二輪車メーカー、Bajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)がマハラシュトラ州Pune近郊Akurdiに設けた工場の操業停止を決めたことに、予想外に深刻な波紋が生じている。(...続きを読む)
◆Bajaj's Akurdi plant issue causes a serious ripple
【Mumbai】Bajaj Auto's decision to stop production at its Akurdi plant near Pune has caused a more serious ripple than many had expected.
2007-09-10 ArtNo.39979(302/427)
【ムンバイ】Bajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)のマハラシュトラ州Akurdi工場の操業停止を巡る紛糾は、8日の政労使三者会談でもBALが操業再開の言質を与えず、州政府も工場の転用を認めぬ方針を堅持したことから、鎮静する兆しは見られない。Akurdi工場は9月1日以来閉鎖されている。(...続きを読む)
◆Bajaj Auto refuses to restart Akurdi plant
【Mumbai】With Bajaj Auto on September 8 declining to make any formal commitment on restarting production and the state government on the other hand refusing to go back on its earlier stand of not allowing the auto major to shut production and start any other business activity at Akurdi, the row over the closure of the company's two-wheeler plant at Akurdi intensified.
2007-09-10 ArtNo.39982(303/427)
【ニューデリー】Indian Railways(IR)は公共民間協力(PPP:public-private partnership)方式により高速鉄道(high-speed train corridors)を建設する可能性を検討する。(...続きを読む)
◆Public-pvt partnership for high-speed train corridors
【NEW DELHI】Indian Railways will explore the option of public-private partnership to build high-speed train corridors.
2007-09-10 ArtNo.39988(304/427)
◆Tamil Nadu may get two ultra power projects
【Chennai】Tamil Nadu seems to get two ultra mega power projects with a combined capacity of 8,000 MW power and costing Rs 32,000 crore.
【金奈】泰米尔纳德州可能获得两个超级大型发电项目,总投资额3200亿卢比,总发电能力 8000MW。
2007-09-12 ArtNo.39998(305/427)
【ニューデリー】国内最大の電力会社National Thermal Power Corporation(NTPC)と国内最大の重機メーカーBharat Heavy Electricals Limited(BHEL)は10日、電力部門におけるEPC(engineering procurement and construction)活動を手掛ける50:50の合弁会社を設ける覚書を交換した。(...続きを読む)
◆NTPC, BHEL to form JV for power sector EPC deals
【New Delhi】National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC), the country's largest power generator, and Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL), the country's largest equipment manufacturer, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on September 10 to set up the 50:50 JV and will implement engineering procurement and construction (EPC) activities in the power sector.
2007-09-17 ArtNo.40001(306/427)
【ニューデリー】今年7月の工業生産指数(IIP:index for industrial production)伸び率は7.1%と、昨年同月の13.2%に比べ顕著に鈍化、昨年10月の4.4%に次ぐ、過去9ヶ月来の最低を記録した。(...続きを読む)
◆Growth of industrial output sharp falls at 7.1 per cent in July
【New Delhi】The growth of the index for industrial production (IIP) slipped sharply to 7.1 per cent against 13.2 per cent in July last year. This has been the slowest growth in the index in the last nine months. It had slumped to 4.4 per cent last October.
2007-09-17 ArtNo.40002(307/427)
◆Rs 5 lakh crore to be plowed into steel sector
【Kolkata】The Indian steel industry is set to invest more than Rs 5 lakh crore, which is over six times the total money plowed into the sector since independence.
2007-09-19 ArtNo.40013(308/427)
【コルカタ】西ベンガル州のBuddhadeb Bhattacharjee首席大臣は、大型店襲撃事件が頻発する中で、小売市場近代化計画を放棄、政策を180度転換し、外資の食品小売ビジネス進出や、組織部門大型店の都市進出を禁じる方針を打ち出した。(...続きを読む)
◆West Bengal shifts to anti-Walmart, anti-large store stance
【Kolkata】With attacks occurring in stores belonging to retail majors one after another, West Bengal chief minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee seems to give up his plan to foster modern retail sector but let foreign players not to sell foodgrains and organised Indian retailers to stay out of the city proper.
【加尔各答】西孟加拉州首席部长Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee先生看到大型零售店抢略事件频频发生之后,似乎放弃零售业现代化计划,反而禁止外资进军农产品零售市场,而且不允许本地组织部门零售店在大城市里经营店铺。
2007-09-19 ArtNo.40017(309/427)
◆Guidelines for semiconductor policy issued
【New Delhi】The Government on September 14 issued guidelines for the operation of semiconductor manufacturing policy, paving the way for companies to formally apply for incentives under the scheme.
2007-09-19 ArtNo.40021(310/427)
◆Hydel tenders to include new security clause
【New Delhi】In the wake of the bid applications submitted by Chinese companies for participation in the construction of hydel projects only 200-300 km of India's borders, the power ministry has directed its state-owned power utilities to include a national security clause in all tender documents issued to invite financial and technical bids from pre-qualified bidders.
2007-09-19 ArtNo.40022(311/427)
【ジャムシェドプル】ジャールカンド州政府はSteel Authority of India Ltd(SAIL)のニーズに応じ鉄鉱山を同社にリースする用意がある。(...続きを読む)
◆Jharkhand is in favour of leasing mines to SAIL
【Jamshedpur】Jharkhand government is in favour of leasing iron-ore mines to Steel Authority of India (SAIL) according to its requirement.
2007-09-19 ArtNo.40023(312/427)
◆Six core sectors' growth dips sharply to 6.3%
【New Delhi】The higher interest rates which curbed the demand for manufactured goods, housing and commercial real estate has led to a sharp decline in overall growth in the six core infrastructure sectors to 6.3 per cent in July 2007 from 10.9 per cent in July 2006.
2007-09-19 ArtNo.40024(313/427)
【ニューデリー】南アジア地域協力連合(SAARC:South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation)加盟8カ国の蔵相は14日ニューデリーで会合し、南アジア経済連合(SAEU:South Asian Economic Union)を組織する問題等を話し合った。(...続きを読む)
◆Saarc aims to form South Asian Economic Union
【New Delhi】The finance ministers of the eight-nation South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation(Saarc) met here on September 14 and held formation of the South Asian Economic Union.
2007-09-21 ArtNo.40034(314/427)
◆Digicams, flat monitors treated as IT products with nil customs duty
【New Delhi】The Finance Ministry has clarified that flat panel monitors and digital cameras will be treated as IT products with nil customs duty.
2007-09-21 ArtNo.40035(315/427)
【ニューデリー】広帯域サービスとインターネットの普及速度が目標を遙かに下回る中、インド電気通信監督局(TRAI:Telecom Regulatory Authority of India)は17日、補助金支給、フランチャイズ方式の導入、新築ビルに対する広帯域インフラの整備義務づけ等、一連の施策を盛り込んだ『広帯域サービスの成長(Growth of Broadband)に関する提言草案』を発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆TRAI recommends a train of measures to boost broadband growth
【New Delhi】Apprehensive of low broadband and Internet penetration in the country, the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai) on September 17 suggested a train of measures such as the subsidy for broadband services, appointing franchisees for providing broadband services and the mandates that all new commercial and residential units have broadband-ready infrastructures in a draft recommendation on Growth of Broadband.
2007-09-24 ArtNo.40037(316/427)
◆India categorically rejects FDI in retail services
【Geneva】At the World Trade Organisation's Doha Services negotiations, India has categorically rejected any market-opening in retail services for foreign giants like Wal-Mart, Carrefour, or Tesco.
2007-09-24 ArtNo.40038(317/427)
【ニューデリー】大手小売店チェーンをターゲットにした反対運動が終にデリーに波及した20日、農産品マーケッティングに関する会議の開幕式を主宰したSharad Pawar農相は、組織部門小売業の成長は農民に大きな恩恵を及ぼすと強調した。(...続きを読む)
◆Anti-retail rally reaches Capital
【New Delhi】Even as the unending rallies targeting retail chains touched Delhi on September 20, agriculture minister Sharad Pawar, inaugurating the national conference, emphasised that organised retail would tremendously benefit the farmers.
【新德里】正当反对大规模零售连锁店营业的抗议活动9月20日终于波及到德里时候,农业部长Sharad Pawar主持农产品流通会议的开幕说组织部门零售业的发展对农民带来很大的优惠。
2007-09-26 ArtNo.40049(318/427)
◆DoT will not accept licence applications from Oct
【NEW DELHI】Amid the rush of applications seeking telecom licenses, the government said the new applications would not be accepted after October 1, 2007.
2007-09-26 ArtNo.40050(319/427)
【ニューデリー】電気通信局(DoT:Department of Telecom)は急増するテレコム事業申請に応じるため、申請の審査と免許の授与について新たな指針を作成する。(...続きを読む)
◆DoT to frame new guidelines to screen applicants
【NEW DELHI】Facing a flood of applications from new companies planning to start telecom operations, the Department of Telecom will prepare new guidelines to screen applicants.
2007-09-26 ArtNo.40053(320/427)
【ニューデリー】インド最大のインフラ開発事業、見積もりコスト900億米ドルの『デリー・ムンバイ工業回廊(DMIC:Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor)』プロジェクトは民間企業の手で実行される。(...続きを読む)
◆Private co to handle Delhi-Mumbai corridor project
【NEW DELHI】 The $90-bn Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC) project, the biggest ever infrastructure initiative in India, will be managed by a private company.
2007-09-26 ArtNo.40054(321/427)
【ニューデリー】デリー・ムンバイ貨物鉄道(Delhi-Mumbai freight corridor)プロジェクトに採用した方式をDelhi-Kolkata間にも適応すると言うインド政府の計画は、国際協力銀行(JBIC:Japan Bank for International Co-operation)が後者に対する融資に消極的なことから、暗礁に乗り上げた形になっている。(...続きを読む)
◆Delhi-Kolkata freight corridor runs into Japanese speed breakers
【New Delhi】The decision to use a copy of the proposed Delhi-Mumbai freight corridor for Delhi-Kolkata could become a headache for the Centre. Since the Japan Bank of International Cooperation (JBIC) is not keen to finance the new corridor.
2007-09-26 ArtNo.40058(322/427)
【ニューデリー】電力省は、電力プロジェクトを迅速に実行する狙いから、既存のメガ発電政策(mega power policy)の適応基準の大幅緩和を提言する内閣通達(cabinet note)を関係省庁に送付した。(...続きを読む)
◆Power Min to ease mega power policy norms
【New Delhi】In a bid to facilitate speedy execution of power projects in the country, the ministry of power has moved a cabinet note proposing crucial amendments in the existing mega power policy.
2007-09-26 ArtNo.40060(323/427)
【ニューデリー】スウェーデンのコンサルタント会社Kairos Futureの最近の調査によれば、インドの労働者は欧州の労働者より貧しい生活に甘んじているものの、財政状態や就労の見通しに関して欧州の労働者より遙かに高い満足感を抱いている。(...続きを読む)
◆Indians are more confident of good job prospects than Europeans
【NEW DELHI】Workers in India may be a poorer than ones in the developed Europe, but Indian youth are more satisfied with their financial situation and their prospects for getting a good job as compared to their counterparts in the European nations, says a new survey carried out by Sweden-based Kairos Future, a futures research and consulting firm.
【新德里】瑞典Kairos Future研究机构在最新民调报告里说,印度工人可能比欧盟工人处于贫穷的生活。不过印度年轻人比欧州的同世代更有满足财政情况和工作机会。
2007-10-01 ArtNo.40069(324/427)
◆Ultra mega projects given a free hand to hike capacity
【MUMBAI】The promoters of the 4,000 mw ultra mega power projects have been given a free hand to hike generation capacity.
2007-10-03 ArtNo.40073(325/427)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は9月28日、今後5年間に石油化学部門に約3万6000クロー(US$89.20億)を投資することになる新国家石油化学政策(NPP:National Policy on Petrochemicals)を発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆New National Policy on Petrochemicals unveiled
【New Delhi】Union Chemicals and Fertilisers Minister Ram Vilas Paswan on 28 Sep released a new National Policy on Petrochemicals that envisages an investment of around Rs 36,000 crore in the petrochemical sector during the next five years.
2007-10-03 ArtNo.40074(326/427)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は220MW(メガワット)の小型国産加圧重水炉(PHWR:pressurised heavy water reactor)を発展途上国に輸出する機会を探っている。(...続きを読む)
◆India exploring export opportunities for indigenous nuclear reactors
【New Delhi】The Indian government is actively exploring the possibility of exporting indigenous 220 MWe Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors (PHWR) to developing nations.
2007-10-03 ArtNo.40075(327/427)
◆The centre aims to achieve 79k mw target in 11th Plan period
【Mumbai】The Indian government has planned the total capacity-addition of 78,577-mw in the 11th Plan, of which power projects with the capacity of 60,000 mw are under execution—which is three times more than the generation capacity at the beginning of the 10th Five-Year Plan.
2007-10-03 ArtNo.40076(328/427)
◆Plan panel proposes a investment of $492 b for infrastructure
【New York】A massive investment of $492 billion on infrastructure projects is required during the Eleventh Plan period, if India is to attain a sustainable growth rate of nine per cent with emphasis on a broad-based and inclusive approach that would improve the quality of life and reduce disparities across regions and communities.
2007-10-03 ArtNo.40077(329/427)
【コルカタ】Coal India Ltd(CIL)は民間の手に炭坑開発を委ねるため新たに9つの地下型炭坑開発候補地の選考を進めている。(...続きを読む)
◆CIL to entrust 9 new mines to pvt majors
【Kolkata】The Coal India Ltd(CIL) is in the process of identifying nine more virgin underground mines to entrust the private sector to develop these mines.
2007-10-03 ArtNo.40078(330/427)
【ジャムシェドプル】ジャールカンド州Jamshedpurを拠点にするNational Metallurgical Laboratory(NML)は、個々の業界のニーズに応じる『高機能特殊鋼(performance-driven special steel)』の開発を目指すプロジェクトに取り組んでいる。(...続きを読む)
◆NML to develop high-end performance-driven steel
【Jamshedpur】National Metallurgical Laboratory (NML) at Jamshedpur has undertaken a special steel project in order to help the country develop high-end performance-driven steel meant for industry-specific requirements.
2007-10-03 ArtNo.40083(331/427)
【フィラデルフィア】大手小売プレーヤーの進出によりモン・アンド・ポップ・ストア(mom and pop store:家族経営店)のビジネスが脅かされることがないことを、こうした小規模店主に理解させることができたなら、インドは3300億米ドルの小売市場を外国投資家に開放する。一定の時間が経過すれば、地元小規模店主らの恐れは鎮静するものと見られる。したがって国内小売市場への外国直接投資を認める政策の転換は時間の問題と言う。(...続きを読む)
◆FDI in retail a matter of time: Finance Minister
【PHILADELPHIA】India's $330 billion retail market is opened up to foreign investors after mom and pop store owners are convinced that their jobs are not at threat from big players. Their fears will be allayed sometime soon and it is just a matter of time before the policy is tweaked to allow FDI in retail.
2007-10-05 ArtNo.40095(332/427)
◆Exports in Aug up 18.9% in dollar, 4.31% in rupee
【New Delhi】Even as the exchange rate of rupee vis-a-vis the dollar was going up, exports during August 2007 amounted to $12,686.38 million (Rs 51,787.31 crore) against $10,668.78 million, registering a growth of 18.91 per cent in dollar terms and 4.31 per cent in rupee terms during the same month last year. The rupee has appreciated 15 per cent since April this year.
2007-10-05 ArtNo.40096(333/427)
【ムンバイ】公共部門金融機関Central Bank of India(CBI:中央銀行Reserve Bank of Indiaとは別)は、祝祭日シーズンの金利引き下げ措置の一環として各種リテール・ローンの金利を0.50%ポイント引き下げた。(...続きを読む)
◆Central Bank cuts retail loan rates by 0.50 pc
【MUMBAI】Public sector lender, Central Bank of India(different from Reserve Bank of India which works as India's Central Bank), has reduced interest rates by 0.50 percentage point in its several retail loans, as a part of festive season reduction.
2007-10-08 ArtNo.40097(334/427)
◆Infrastructure sector grows 9% in August
【New Delhi】The robust growth in the cement, coal and electricity sectors has pushed up the growth of the six core infrastructure industries to 9 per cent in August as against 6.6 per cent in the same month last year.
2007-10-08 ArtNo.40106(335/427)
【ニューデリー】周波数帯の追加割当を求める民間セル式電話会社の声が高まる中、インド政府は国営電話会社Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd(BSNL)に対し、国内16州におけるGSM周波数帯の追加を認めた。(...続きを読む)
◆BSNL gets additional GSM spectrum, private telcos cry foul
【New Delhi】The Government has allocated additional GSM spectrum to State-owned Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd in 16 States across the country, notwithstanding private cellular operators are clamouring for more radio frequency.
2007-10-10 ArtNo.40109(336/427)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は今月末から11月の第1週にかけて新探査ライセンス政策(NELP:new exploration licensing policy)下の第7次入札を募集する。(...続きを読む)
◆Govt to invite bids under Nelp-VII soon
【New Delhi】The seventh round of bidding for oil and gas blocks under the new exploration licensing policy (NELP) will be launched in the first week of November.
2007-10-10 ArtNo.40110(337/427)
◆SEZ for clean energy equipment to cost Rs 20,000 cr
【NEW DELHI】The proposed special economic zone for manufacturing equipment for renewable eenergy would come up at an estimated cost of Rs 20,000 crore. The Ministry for New and Renewable Energy has received proposals from half a dozen States including Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh for setting up such SEZs.
2007-10-10 ArtNo.40114(338/427)
【ニューデリー】デリーの紙価を高めた『貨物専用鉄道(DRFC:Dedicated Rail Freight Corridor)』プロジェクトは土地収用/コストアップ/採用する技術等、様々な難問に直面している。(...続きを読む)
◆Freight corridor project hit a snag
【New Delhi】The much-touted dedicated freight corridor (DFC) project of the railways has run into a snag owing to problems in land acquisition, cost escalation and concern over technology.
2007-10-10 ArtNo.40115(339/427)
◆K`taka soon to invite tenders for Mono Rail
【Chennai】Karnataka will invite tenders from global infrastructure companies for the proposed Mono Rail project in Bangalore.
2007-10-10 ArtNo.40116(340/427)
◆Excise on big cars may be cut by 8%
【New Delhi】The government is considering to cut excise duty on big cars by 8% and bring it on a par with that on small cars at 16% in view of the current slowdown in the automobile industry triggered by high interest rates against loans.
2007-10-10 ArtNo.40117(341/427)
【ニューデリー】全国22地域のテレコム事業免許申請が400社を超える中で、電気通信局(DoT:Department of Telecom)は免許発給方式を現行の先着順からこれ以前の入札制に戻す方針を決めた。審査には大蔵省やインド証券取引局(SEBI:Exchange Board of India)などが加わり、入札企業の株主構成や資金源などを調べる。(...続きを読む)
◆DoT: Return to bidding for new telecom licences
【New Delhi】The Department of Telecommunications is moving away from the present policy of first-come-first-served basis and returning to bidding for new telecom licences. The finance ministry and Sebi will scrutinise the shareholding patterns and funding sources of all the bidders.
2007-10-10 ArtNo.40118(342/427)
【ニューデリー】電気通信局(DoT:Department of Telecommunications)は電子政府サービスを利用するための『公衆サービス・センター(CSC:Common Service Centre)』を全国5万カ所に設置するため、民間テレコム企業を対象にした入札を募集する。落札企業はUSO基金(Universal Service Obligation Fund)の支援を得られる。(...続きを読む)
◆DoT to invite bids on Common Service Centre
【New Delhi】The department of telecommunications (DoT) will invite bids from private telecom companies for 50,000 e-Governance Common Service Centres. The successful bidders get assistance from the Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF).
2007-10-10 ArtNo.40119(343/427)
【ニューデリー】BPO(business process outsourcing)労働者の健康問題に関する発言を巡りインド情報技術(IT)産業の総本山ソフトウェア・サービス会社全国協会(NASSCOM:National Association of Software and Service Companies)の猛反発を受けたにも関わらず、Anbumani Ramadoss保健相は5日、BPO及びIT産業労働者の就労条件に関するガイドラインを作成する計画を明らかにした。(...続きを読む)
◆Health ministry to issue health norms for IT, BPO industry
【New Delhi】Althoug IT industry body Nasscom had attacked his comments on the health of BPO workers, Union health minister Anbumani Ramadoss on October 5 said his ministry is planning to come out with guidelines for people working in the BPO and IT industry.
【新德里】虽然印度国家软件和服务公司协会猛烈批评保健部长的有关业务流程外包业工人健康问题的谈话,Anbumani Ramadoss保健部长10月5日再说,保健部计划写业务流程外包业和信息科技业工人工作守则。
2007-10-10 ArtNo.40120(344/427)
【バンガロール】カルナタカ州政府は見積もりコスト6万クロー(US$148.66億)のBidadi総合団地計画(BITB:Bidadi Intergrated Township Project)を地元不動産開発大手DLF Ltdに発注した。DLFは100社が応札した国際入札に勝ち残り契約を獲得した。(...続きを読む)
◆DLF bags US$14.8 b K'taka township project
【Bangalore】Real estate major DLF Ltd was picked up from among 100 companies which had submited requests for qualification for a global tender and was awarded the Rs 60,000-crore Bidadi Intergrated Township Project (BITP)by the Karnataka government.
2007-10-12 ArtNo.40121(345/427)
◆『Quit Retail』決起集会に7千人が集合
【ムンバイ】マハラシュトラ州の州都Mumbai南部の『Azad Maidan』広場で10日催された大型小売店の参入に反対する『Quit Retail』決起集会には約7000人が集合したが、主催者側が目標とした10万人には遠く及ばなかった。(...続きを読む)
◆Quit Retail rally draws about 7,000
【Mumbai】About 7,000 joined "Quit Retail" rally at the Azad Maidan on October 10 to oppose organised retail into the domestic market but the number of people attended the rally were far below the organisers' expectation of over 1,00,000.
◆大约7千人参加Quit Retail誓师大会
【孟买】反对大企业进入零售市场的『Quit Retail誓师大会』10月10日在孟买举行而大约7000人参加。不过比举办者预料的10万人差得很远。
2007-10-12 ArtNo.40125(346/427)
【ニューデリー】電気通信局(DOT:Department of telecommunications)は、合併買収(M&A)規則を一層厳しくし、合併後の市場シェア上限を現在の67%から30%に引き下げる方針を決めた。(...続きを読む)
◆DoT tightens M&A norms for telcos
【New Delhi】The department of telecommunications (DoT) has decided to tighten M&A norms in the telecom sector and regulated that the marketshare of operators after a merger or acquisition should not exceed 30%. At present, the cap stands at 67%.
2007-10-15 ArtNo.40144(347/427)
【ニューデリー】インドの8月の工業生産指数(IIP:index of industrial production)の伸び率は10.7%と、昨年同月の10.28%を上回った。IIP成長率は7月に7.1%に鈍化し、景気の冷却が懸念されていた。因みに7月の伸び率(暫定予測)も、7.5%に上方修正された。(...続きを読む)
◆Industrial output back to double-digit growth in August
【New Delhi】The Index of Industrial Production (IIP) bounced back in August this year to notch a year-on-year growth of 10.7 per cent compared to 10.28% in August 2006. The growth had slipped to 7.1%(now revised to 7.5%) in July fuelling concerns that economic growth was moderating.
2007-10-17 ArtNo.40147(348/427)
◆Power capacity addition target of this year lowered
【New Delhi】The less than a third of the targeted 10,000 Mw power capacity has been added in the first half of this year (April-September 2007).
2007-10-17 ArtNo.40148(349/427)
◆100% foreign direct investment likely in oil marketing
【Mumbai】The government may allow 100% foreign direct investment in oil and petroleum marketing companies, based on a review of the FDI norms by the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion.
2007-10-17 ArtNo.40154(350/427)
【ムンバイ】テレコム事業への新規参入を望む多くの企業が国防省の周波数域(20-25MHz)開放を待ち望む中、電気通信局(DoT)は年内に既存の民間テレコム事業者4社(Bharti Airtel/Idea Cellular/Vodafone Essar/Aircel) に周波数域を追加する。(...続きを読む)
◆4 mobile operators to get spectrum soon
【Mumbai】 When new telecom aspirants are eagerly waiting for the release of spectrum by the defence forces, the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) will soon award spectrum to existing 4 mobile operators by the end of the year.
【孟买】电信局将给4家移动电话公司(Bharti Airtel、Idea Cellular、Vodafone Essar、Aircel)分配新的无线频率。
経済一般 General Economics in 2007
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