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対日関係 Relation with Japan in 2007
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元のページへ戻る ►2007-06-27 ArtNo.39664(101/229)
◆Japanese delegate sets to announce an investment of $30 bn for core sector
【Mumbai】Japan's minister for economy, trade and industry Akira Amari, who is scheduled to visit India as the head of the largest ever Japanese delegation towards the end of this month, is likely to announce an investment of $30 billion in infrastructure projects during his visit.
2007-06-27 ArtNo.39668(102/229)
【ニューデリー】Suzuki Motorcycle India Private Ltd(SMIPL)は今年9月末までに125ccスクーターを、2008年3月末までに150ccモーターサイクルと1300cc隼を、インド市場に投入することを計画している。(...続きを読む)
◆Suzuki to launch a series of 2-wheeler models in this fiscal
【New Delhi】Suzuki Motorcycle India Private Ltd is planning to roll out a 125cc scooter by September, a 150cc motorcycle and its flagship pro bike Hayabusa by March next.
2007-06-27 ArtNo.39671(103/229)
◆Japan CBM plans to sell 1.5 lakh Q&Q watches
【Chennai】Japan CBM Corporation (India) Pvt.Ltd plans to sell 1.5 lakh Q&Q brand of watches in India during this fiscal.
2007-06-29 ArtNo.39681(104/229)
【ニューデリー】インド第2の二輪車メーカーBajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)は海外パートナーと提携し、800cc以上の大型バイク市場を開拓する準備を進めている。(...続きを読む)
◆BAL plans to foray into big bike segment
【NEW DELHI】India's second-largest two-wheeler maker Bajaj Auto is looking at foraying in the 800cc and above big bike segment with an overseas partner.
2007-07-02 ArtNo.39690(105/229)
【ニューデリー】甘利明経済産業相の訪印に先立って、日本とインドのオフィシャルは先週『包括的経済提携協定(CEPA:Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement)』問題を協議したが、双方の意見の相違の大きいことが改めて確認された。(...続きを読む)
◆India, Japan differ on trade pact
【NEW DELHI】Before Japanese Economy, Trade and Industry minister Akira Amari's arriving in India, officials of two countries met here last week holding discussions on Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement between the two countries. However the official-level talks ended with wide differences.
2007-07-02 ArtNo.39691(106/229)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は、甘利明経済産業相に対し『デリー/ムンバイ産業回廊(Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor)』の投資規模を2倍の1000億米ドルに拡大するよう求める意向だ。(...続きを読む)
◆India expects more Japanese funds into the corridor project
【NEW DELHI】India and Japan have stepped up negotiations on the Delhi-Mumbai industrial corridor with Trade Minister Akira Amari beginning a five-day visit here Saturday. The Indian government wants to double the size to 100 billion dollars and ask the Japanese side to increase funding for the project.
2007-07-04 ArtNo.39700(107/229)
【ムンバイ】日本貿易振興会(JETRO)の林康夫理事長とインド商工省のAjay Dua次官は3日、インドを訪問中の甘利明経済産業相の立ち会いの下、『デリー・ムンバイ産業回廊(DMIC:Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor)』の建設に関わる覚書を取り交わした。(...続きを読む)
◆India, Japan sign MoU for Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor
【Mumbai】Mr Yasuo Hayashi, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Japan External Trade Organisation, and Mr Ajay Dua, Secretary of Ministry of Commerce and Industry, on July 3 signed a memorandum of understanding for construction of the proposed $90-billion Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor in the presence of Mr Akira Amari, Japan's Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry.
【孟买】正在公式访问印度的甘利明经济贸易工业部长在场见证下,日本贸易振兴会董事长林康夫先生和印度贸工部常人秘书Ajay Dua先生7月3日代表两国签订『德里-孟买工业走廊』发展计划备忘录。
2007-07-04 ArtNo.39701(108/229)
【ニューデリー】デリー/ハリヤナ/マドヤプラデシュ/ラジャスタン/グジャラート/マハラシュトラ6州をカバーする『デリー・ムンバイ産業回廊(DMIC:Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor)』の開発には、インフラの整備だけで向こう7年間に900億米ドルを必要とする。日本には今後5年間に100億米ドル以上の投資を期待する。(...続きを読む)
◆Japan is expected to contribute $10 b for Delhi, Mumbai corridor
【New Delhi】Japan is expected to contribute US$10 billion over the next five years in the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor project, passing through six states Delhi, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat and Maharashtra, which is expected to see total investment of $90 billion over a seven-year period.
2007-07-04 ArtNo.39702(109/229)
【ニューデリー】『デリー・ムンバイ産業回廊(DMIC:Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor)』概念報告書(concept paper)を準備中の合同専門委員会(JTF:joint task force)は、2008年1月から2012年12月までの第1期計画で開発する各最低11平方キロの『産業地区(industrial areas)』10カ所と、各最低200平方キロの『投資地域(investment regions)』5カ所をリスト・アップした。(...続きを読む)
◆Task force identifies 5 investment regions and 10 industrial areas
【New Delhi】A joint task force which is preparing a concept paper on the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor project has identified 5 investment regions, covering a minimum area of 200 sq km and 10 industrial areas, with a minimum area of 11 sq km, which will be developed in the project's first phase, between January 2008 and December 2012.
2007-07-04 ArtNo.39703(110/229)
【ニューデリー】デリー・ムンバイ産業回廊(DMIC:Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor)には、高品質なインフラ/鉄道・道路・港湾・後背地への接続/ロジスティク・ハブ/ナレッジ・シティー/農産品加工施設/工業団地/特別経済区(SEZ)等を備えた『市場指向ノッド(market driven nodes)』を約10カ所に設ける。(...続きを読む)
◆10 market driven nodes in the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor
【New Delhi】The initial plan is to build about 10 market driven nodes in the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor, equipped with high quality infrastructure, enhanced connectivity to dedicated freight corridor, highways, ports and hinterland, having a logistics hub, a knowledge city and agri-processing zone besides industrial areas and special economic zones.
2007-07-04 ArtNo.39704(111/229)
【ニューデリー】Manmohan Singh首相は2日、甘利明経済産業相に率いられる日本ビジネス代表団を前に、インド投資に対する日本企業界の関心が再度高まりを見せていることに歓迎の意を表明するとともに、『デリー・ムンバイ貨物専用鉄道(DMDRFC:Delhi-Mumbai Dedicated Rail Freight Corridor)』計画や『デリー・ムンバイ産業回廊(DMIC:Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor)』プロジェクト等、より多くのプロジェクトに積極的に投資するよう呼び掛けた。(...続きを読む)
◆PM seeks more Japanese investments
【New Delhi】Addressing a high-powered business delegation, including chairmen of major Japanese companies, led by the Japan's Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, Mr Akira Amari, the Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh on July 2 welcomed the renewed interest among Japanese Companies for investing in India and said that he hoped that Japan would invest in more projects like the Delhi- Mumbai Industrial Corridor and Dedicated Rail Freight Corridor.
2007-07-04 ArtNo.39705(112/229)
◆Japan waits and sees Indo-US nuke deal
【NEW DELHI】Japan on July 2 declared that it would wait for the India-US civilian nuclear agreement to get through before deciding about its support for the programme.
2007-07-04 ArtNo.39707(113/229)
◆Hero Honda、6月の二輪車販売8%下降
【ニューデリー】Hero Honda Motors Ltd(HHL)の2007年6月の二輪車販売台数は25万5200台と、昨年同月の27万8660台に比べ8.4%下降した。(...続きを読む)
◆Hero Honda's two-wheeler sales skid
【New Delhi】Hero Honda's two- wheeler sales declined by eight per cent at 2,55,200 units in June 2007 against 2,78,660 units in the same month last year.
2007-07-09 ArtNo.39713(114/229)
【ニューデリー】日本とインドは、世界貿易機関(WTO)の多角的自由貿易交渉における協力の他、両国間の包括的経済協力交渉を加速することで合意した。甘利明経済貿易産業相とKamal Nath商工相は、貿易協定問題を協議後、交渉担当者に所定の期限内に協議を妥結させるよう指示した。(...続きを読む)
◆Japan-India to expedite CEPA talks
【NEW DELHI】Japan and India have decided to speed up negotiations on a comprehensive economic pact, besides cooperating on multilateral trade talks under the WTO. Commerce Minister Kamal Nath and his Japanese counterpart Akira Amari discussed the trade pact and asked officials to complete talks within the stipulated time.
【新德里】日本与印度同意除了在世贸组织多边贸易谈判过程中的合作之外,加速全面经济合作协定磋商。印度贸工部长Kamal Nath先生和日本经济贸易产业部长甘利明先生谈论全面经济合作协定事宜之后,向双方的谈判员指示预定的时间内达成协议。
2007-07-09 ArtNo.39714(115/229)
◆Nomura hints at buyout
【Mumbai】Nomura Holdings, one of Japan's biggest financial institution, is looking at the acquisition route to enter India "as soon as possible" which is turning out to be the world's most attractive market.
2007-07-09 ArtNo.39715(116/229)
【ニューデリー】日本能率協会(JMA)はインド産業連盟(CII:Confederation of Indian Industry)と共同で『インド・リーン・クラブ(Lean Club of India)』を組織、インド産業界に卓越した競争力あるサービスを提供する。(...続きを読む)
◆JMA,CII set to launch Lean Club of India
【NEW DELHI】Japan Management Association and Confederation of Indian Industry will launch the Lean Club of India to provide services in excellence and competitiveness to Indian industry.
2007-07-09 ArtNo.39718(117/229)
◆Hero Honda、Haridwar工場の操業開始延期
【ニューデリー】Hero Honda Motors Ltd(HHML)はウタラカンド州Haridwarに建設中の第3工場をスケジュール通り今年8月に完成するが、操業開始を次期会計年度に延期する方針を決めた。(...続きを読む)
◆Hero Honda postpones opening of Haridwar plant
【NEW DELHI】Hero Honda Motors has deferred starting production from its upcoming plant at Haridwar to next financial year as demand has slowed, although the project was on schedule for completion in August this year.
2007-07-11 ArtNo.39726(118/229)
◆Toyota to augment India capacity to more than ten-fold by 2015
【NEW DELHI】Toyota Motors plans to increase its production capacity in the country more than ten-fold to six lakh units from the current 50,000 units by 2015.
2007-07-11 ArtNo.39727(119/229)
【チェンナイ】三洋とBPL2ブランドのカラー・テレビジョン(CTV)を手掛けるSanyo-BPL Pvt. Ltd(SBPL)は、三洋ブランドの販促に一層力を入れる計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Sanyo-BPL to push Sanyo brand in a big way
【CHENNAI】Sanyo-BPL Pvt. Ltd., which makes two brands –Sanyo and BPL- colour television sets, has decided to push the Japanese brand in a big way.
2007-07-13 ArtNo.39747(120/229)
【ブーバネスワル】オリッサ水力発電公社(OHPC:Orissa Hydro Power Corp)は、Hirakud Power Stationの第5/第6発電機の修理・近代化工事を見合わせ、新設備を据え付ける方針を決めた。このため近く改めて入札が募集される。(...続きを読む)
◆OHPC goes for fresh bidding for installation of new units
【Bhubaneswar】The Orissa Hydro Power Corp (OHPC) decided to cancell the international competitive bidding (ICB) for the renovation and modernisation (R&M) of units 5&6 of the Hirakud Power Station and to go for fresh bidding for installation of new units.
2007-07-16 ArtNo.39750(121/229)
【コルカタ】新日本製鐵とArcelor Mittalが国際的な戦略提携覚書を取り交わしたことから、Tata Steel Ltd(TSL)が新日鐵との間で進めている合弁交渉の行方が不透明になっている。(...続きを読む)
◆Tata-Nippon joint venture becomes uncertain
【Kolkata】Tata Steel's proposed venture with Nippon Steel has become unclear, given the Japanese company signing a memorandum of understanding with the world's largest steel firm, Arcelor Mittal, for a global strategic alliance.
2007-07-23 ArtNo.39772(122/229)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は日本に2億5000万米ドルの『デリー・ムンバイ産業回廊開発プロジェクト支援基金(project development assistance fund for the Delhi-Mumbai industrial corridor)』の半額を拠出するよう求める方針を決めた。(...続きを読む)
◆Delhi asks Japan to fund 50% of corridor cost
【NEW DELHI】India has decided to ask Japanese government to contribute half of the proposed $250-million project development assistance fund for the Delhi-Mumbai industrial corridor (DMIC).
2007-07-23 ArtNo.39776(123/229)
◆Tata Metaliks/クボタ/メタルワン、合弁契約に調印
【コルカタ】Tata Metaliks Ltd(TML)/クボタ/メタルワンは、150クロー(US$3659万)を投じて西ベンガル州Kharagpurにダクタイル管(ductile iron pipe)製造施設を設ける合弁契約に調印した。(...続きを読む)
◆Tata, Kubota, Metal One signed a JV agreement
【Kolkata】Tata Metaliks Ltd, Kubota Corporation and Metal One Corporation have signed a joint venture agreement for setting up a 1.1-lakh tonnes per annum capacity ductile iron pipe manufacturing plant at Kharagpur in West Bengal at an estimated investment of Rs 150 crore.
2007-07-23 ArtNo.39777(124/229)
◆Sona Koyo、ダイカスト/鍛造施設建設計画
【ニューデリー】ジェイテクトが20.1%出資するSona Koyo Steering Systems Ltd(SKSSL)はビジネス・スコープを拡大する狙いからアルミニウム・ダイカスト/鍛造施設を設ける計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Sona Koyo plans to set up aluminium die casting, forging unit
【New Delhi】Sona Koyo Steering Systems Ltd, in which JTEKT Corporation holds 20.1% stake, is looking to set up an aluminium die casting and forging unit in order to expand the scope of its business.
2007-07-30 ArtNo.39800(125/229)
【バンガロール】三菱重工業はカルナタカ州Bangaloreを拠点にするVST Tillers Tractors Ltd (VST)と合弁でカルナタカ州Mysoreに小型ディーゼル・エンジンの製造施設を設ける。(...続きを読む)
◆Mitsubishi Heavy, VST to set up a JV for small diesel engines
【Bangalore】Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd, Japan, and Bangalore-based VST Tillers Tractors Ltd have agreed to set up a manufacturing facility for small diesel engines in Mysore, Karnataka.
【邦加罗尔】三菱重工业与总部位于邦加罗尔的VST Tillers Tractors有限公司已经同意设立联营公司而在卡纳塔克州迈索尔制造小型柴油内燃机。
2007-07-30 ArtNo.39804(126/229)
【ハイデラバード】Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited(BHEL)とAlstomの合弁チームは、アンドラプラデシュ州Krishnapatnamにおける1600MW(メガワット)発電プロジェクトに超臨界圧設備を納入するEPC(engineering, procurement, construction)契約の獲得を目指し、東芝と競争しており、Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation (APGenco)は、両者の競争のお陰でプロジェクト・コストを大幅に引き下げることができそうだ。(...続きを読む)
◆BHEL-Alstom cometes with Toshiba to bag a super-critical power project
【Hyderabad】Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited-Alstom joint venture is competing with Toshiba of Japan to bag the EPC (engineering, procurement, construction) contract for the 1,600-Mw super-critical thermal power project at Krishnapatnam. As a result, the Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation (APGenco), the state-owned corporation which is developing the plant, is expected to get a benefit from a substantially lower project cost.
2007-07-30 ArtNo.39807(127/229)
◆Mitsui, Marubeni intend to invest in India
【New Delhi】Japan's Mitsui & Company and Marubeni Corporation intend to invest in the transport and power sectors in India.
【新德里】正式访问日本的Ashwani Kumar工商部政务部长报告说,日本综合商社三井物产和丸红很感兴趣在印度运输和电力部门投资。
2007-08-08 ArtNo.39855(128/229)
◆カシオ、Reliance Retailと提携し売上げ拡大目指す
【ニューデリー】カシオ計算機(CCL)の完全出資子会社Casio India Co Pvt Ltd(CICPL)は、インドの小売ブームに乗じ売上げを5倍に拡大する狙いから、Reliance Retail Limited(RRL)と提携するとともに、他の小売プレーヤーとも接触し、流通網の拡張を図っている。(...続きを読む)
◆Casio joins hands with Reliance Retail
【NEW DELHI】Casio India Co Pvt Ltd, a fully-owned subsidiary of Casio Computers Ltd, has tied up with Reliance Retail and is in talks with other players to expand its distribution network so that it can achieve a five-fold increase in revenues on the back of retail boom in India.
2007-08-13 ArtNo.39856(129/229)
【ムンバイ】東芝は、Tata Power Company Ltd(TPCL)がグジャラート州Mundraで進める4000MW(メガワット)のウルトラ・メガ発電プロジェクトに各800MWのスチーム・タービン発電機5基を納入するEPC(engineering/procurement/construction)契約を獲得した。(...続きを読む)
◆Toshiba bags ultra mega power EPC contract from Tata
【Mumbai】Toshiba of Japan has bagged the EPC (engineering, procurement, construction) contract for supply of five 800 MW steam turbine generators for the 4,000 MW ultra mega power project (UMPP) at Mundra in Gujarat form Tata Power Company Ltd(TPCL).
2007-08-13 ArtNo.39857(130/229)
【ムンバイ】Tata Power Company Ltd(TPCL)は東芝と近く発電用大型タービンの購買契約を結ぶ見通しで、またフランスのArevaと核発電装置のソーシング交渉を進めている。(...続きを読む)
◆Tata talks to Toshiba on turbines and to Areva on nuclear equip
【Mumbai】Tata Power Company Ltd, is set to sign a contract with Japan's Toshiba for the supply of large-sized turbines and is in talks with French nuclear group Areva about sourcing nuclear power equipment.
2007-08-13 ArtNo.39865(131/229)
【ニューデリー】自動車部品メーカーA.K. Minda Groupは、インド国内のスズキ/ホンダ/トヨタ等の日本企業に奉仕する狙いから古河電気工業株式会社と、合弁会社Minda Furukawa Electric Pvt Ltd(MFEPL)を設立する。(...続きを読む)
◆Minda, Furukawa sign JV agreement
【New Delhi】Auto component maker A.K. Minda Group is setting up joint venture company with Furukawa Electric Co Ltd, a Japanese component supplier to cater to the Japanese companies such as Suzuki, Honda, Toyota in the Indian market. The new joint venture company will be known as Minda Furukawa Electric Pvt Ltd.
【新德里】当地汽车零件厂商A.K. Minda集团为了在印度国内服务铃木,本田,丰田等日本汽车公司,跟古河电工设立联营公司名叫Minda Furukawa Electric私人有限公司。
2007-08-13 ArtNo.39866(132/229)
◆カルソニックカンセイ、Motherson Sumiと合弁会社設立
【ムンバイ】住友電工(275%)/双日(9.7%)/デリー拠点のMothersonグループ(62.8%)の合弁に成る自動車パーツ・メーカー、Motherson Sumi Systems Ltd(MSSL)は、日本の自動車部品会社カルソニックカンセイ株式会社と合弁で自動車用エアコンの製造に乗り出す。(...続きを読む)
◆Japan's Calsonic Kansei in JV with Motherson Sumi
【MUMBAI】Japan's Calsonic Kansei has entered into a joint venture with auto parts maker Motherson Sumi Systems Ltd, the three-way joint venture between Japan-based Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd(27.5%) and Sojitz Corporation(9.7%) and Delhi-based Motherson Group(62.8%), to make automotive air-conditioners.
◆日本卡尔索尼克与Motherson Sumi合作制造汽车空调设备
【孟买】住友电工(27.5%)/双日(9.7%)/位于德里的Motherson集团(62.8%)三方面组成的Motherson Sumi Systems有限公司与日本卡尔索尼克株式会社已经同意设立联营公司而制造汽车空调设备。
2007-08-13 ArtNo.39867(133/229)
【チェンナイ】Mitsubishi Heavy Industries India Precision Tools Ltd(MHI-IPT、旧社名SRP Tools Ltd)は50クロー(US$1239万)を投じタミールナド州Vellore県Ranipetの既存工場に隣接して新工場を設け、歯切り工具の製造能力を2倍に拡大した。(...続きを読む)
◆Mitsubishi's Precision Tool unit in TN to go on stream
【Chennai】Mitsubishi Heavy Industries India Precision Tools Ltd has invested Rs 50 crore to set up a new plant at Ranipet, Vellore district in Tamil Nadu to double production capacity in gear cutting tools.
2007-08-15 ArtNo.39873(134/229)
【ニューディー】著名な高級車メーカーで、世界最大のトラック製造会社でもあるDaimlerChryslerのインド子会社DaimlerChrysler India (DCIL)は、三菱ふそう製中型トラック及びバスを発売、インドの商用車市場を開拓する計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆DaimlerChrysler to sell Mitsubishi Fuso trucks and buses
【NEW DELHI】Luxury car maker and and the world's largest truck manufacturer, DaimlerChrysler's local unit, DaimlerChrysler India (DCIL) is planning an entry into the commercial vehicle (CV) segment rolling out medium range CVs - trucks and buses - in India from its subsidiary Mitsubishi Fuso stable.
2007-08-15 ArtNo.39880(135/229)
【ハイデラバード】エーザイ株式会社は500クロー(US$1.24億)を投じてアンドラプラデシュ州Vishakapatnamの製薬特別経済区(Pharma SEZ)内に製造・研究開発(R&D)拠点を設ける。(...続きを読む)
◆Eisai invests Rs 500 cr in Vizag SEZ
【HYDERABAD】Tokyo-based pharma major Eisai plans to set up a new Rs 500 crore manufacturing and R&D centre in the Pharma SEZ at Vishakapatnam, Andhra Pradesh.
2007-08-20 ArtNo.39903(136/229)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は安倍晋三首相の訪印を1週間後に控えた16日、インドと日本が共同で開発する『デリー/ムンバイ産業回廊(Delhi-Mumbai industrial corridor)』プロジェクトを閣議承認した。(...続きを読む)
◆The gov approves Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor
【New Delhi】The Union Cabinet on August 16, a week before the Japanese Prime Minister, Mr Shinzo Abe's official visit to India, approved the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor project, which is to be jointly developed by India and Japan.
2007-08-20 ArtNo.39904(137/229)
◆Abe's visit gives impetus to India-Japan relations
【New Delhi】The official visit of the Japanese Prime Minister, Mr Shinzo Abe, to India beginning August 21 heralds a new chapter in bilateral relations, besides consolidating the existing cooperation on several areas for mutual benefits.
2007-08-24 ArtNo.39905(138/229)
【ニューデリー】安倍晋三首相は21日催されたインド国会上下両院会議の席上、『広域アジア(broader Asia)』構想を提起、国防/安全/経済領域における二国間の協力を拡大し『自由と繁栄の弧(arc of freedom and prosperity)』を形成するよう提案するとともに、包括的経済協力協定(CEPA:Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement)交渉を早期に妥結させ、向こう3年間に二国間貿易総額を200億米ドルの大台に乗せることに期待を表明した。(...続きを読む)
◆Abe addresses joint Parliament session titled 'Confluence of the Two Seas'
【New Delhi】Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who addressed a joint session of Parliament on August 21, unveiling his concept of "broader Asia", pitched in for closer cooperation between his country and India in defence, security and economic fields to create an "arc of freedom and prosperity" in the region and favoured early conclusion of the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) to push economic relations and raise the volume of bilateral trade to USD 20 billion in the next three years.
2007-08-24 ArtNo.39906(139/229)
【ニューデリー】安倍晋三首相は21日、『インド日本協力会議(IJPF : India - Japan Partnership Forum)』の発足式を主宰、両国関係の強化を呼び掛けた。(...続きを読む)
◆Japanese PM launches the India-Japan Partnership Forum
【NEW DELHI】The Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, on August 21 formally launched the India-Japan Partnership Forum floated by the Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industries and called for further deepening of ties between Japan and India.
2007-08-24 ArtNo.39907(140/229)
◆India, Japan to enhance cooperation on environment and energy
【New Delhi】India and Japan on August 22 signed a joint statement to enhance cooperation on environmental protection and energy security.
2007-08-24 ArtNo.39908(141/229)
◆India, Japan set to ink bilateral currency swap agreement
【New Delhi】India and Japan have agreed to sign a currency swap agreement to protect themselves against any sudden fluctuations in their foreign exchange reserves.
2007-08-24 ArtNo.39909(142/229)
【ニューデリー】インドと日本の包括的経済協力協定(CEPA:Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement)交渉は今年12月までに合意に達する見通しだ。(...続きを読む)
◆India, Japan finalize CEPA by Dec: Nath
【New Delhi】The Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) negotiations between India and Japan is expected to be completed by December this year.
2007-08-24 ArtNo.39910(143/229)
【ニューデリー】日本政府高官は安倍晋三首相の訪印に先立って、インド政府の国際原子力機関(IAEA:International Atomic Energy Agency)及び原子力供給国グループ(NSG:Nuclear Suppliers Group)との交渉に対する支援を示唆するとともに、インドが関係交渉に関わる情報を提供するよう希望した。(...続きを読む)
◆Japan hints to help India at IAEA & NSG talks
【New Delhi】Ahead of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's visit to India, Japan has indicated to contribute positively to New Delhi's negotiations with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) on the Indo-US nuclear deal and hoped this country would be forthcoming in providing relevant information to conduct the discussions.
2007-08-24 ArtNo.39911(144/229)
【ニューデリー】鉄道省は貨物専用鉄道プロジェクトの一環として、目下、東部回廊(Delhi-Kolkata間)事業の調査に忙殺されているが、国際協力銀行(JBIC:Japanese Bank for International Cooperation)は同省に対して西部回廊(Delhi-Mumbai)の建設計画を先に進めるよう要請した。(...続きを読む)
◆Japan asks to construct western freight corridor first
【New Delhi】While the railway ministry is busy conducting survey work for the eastern corridor (Delhi-Kolkata) as a part of its programme for the building of the dedicated freight corridor project, the Japan Bank fo International Cooperation (JBIC), has asked Rail Bhavan officials to take up the construction of the western corridor (Delhi-Mumbai) first.
2007-08-24 ArtNo.39912(145/229)
【ニューデリー】デリー地下鉄(Delhi Metro)プロジェクトに対する協力が成功したことから、日本はデリー地下鉄の拡張計画にも支援を提供する意向を表明した。(...続きを読む)
◆Japan willing to aid Delhi Metro expansion
【New Delhi】Encouraged by its successful partnership for the Delhi Metro, a senior Japanese government official said it was ready to work for the expansion of the project.
2007-08-24 ArtNo.39913(146/229)
【ガンディナガール】グジャラート州のNarendra Modi首席大臣は22日、デリー/ムンバイ産業回廊(DMIC:Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor)に位置する同州を『ミニ・ジャパン』にする構想を披露した。(...続きを読む)
◆Modi asks Japanese investors to make Gujarat "Mini Japan"
【Gandhinagar】The Gujarat Chief Minister, Mr Narendra Modi, on August 22 invited Japanese companies and investors to contribute to the State's economic development to enable it to emerge as "Mini Japan", in the context of the proposed Indo-Japanese project of Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor(DMIC) passing through the western State.
2007-08-24 ArtNo.39914(147/229)
◆India, Japan complement each other: KPMG
【New Delhi】There are various factors that would lead to a growth of Indo-Japan relations. Japan's relatively labour-scarce, capital-abundant economy complements India's advantage in human capital. This is one of them.
2007-08-27 ArtNo.39920(148/229)
◆Hitachi may invest in India nuclear sector
【New Delhi】Hitachi Ltd president and CEO Kazuo Furukawa on August 22 indicated that it was willing to consider investing in India's nuclear energy sector.
2007-08-27 ArtNo.39924(149/229)
【コルカタ】三菱化学(MCC)が西ベンガル州Haldiaに設けた高純度テレフタル酸(PTA:purified terephthalic acid)製造合弁会社MCC PTA India Corp Pvt Ltd(MPI)は2009年までに製造能力を3倍に拡大する。(...続きを読む)
◆Mitsubishi to triple Haldia plant capacity: Abe
【Kolkata】MCC PTA India Pvt Ltd, a subsidiary of Japan's Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation, will triple production of purified terephthalic acid at its Haldia plant by 2009.
2007-08-27 ArtNo.39926(150/229)
【ニューデリー】自動車コンポーネント・メーカー、日信工業とタイ子会社Nissin R&D Asia Co Ltdの合弁に成るNissin Brakes India Pvt Ltd(NBIPL)は21日、ラジャスタン州Neemranaに二輪/四輪車用ディスク・ブレーキの製造・開発拠点を設けると発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆NISSIN sets up a brake-manufacturing unit in Rajasthan
【New Delhi】Nissin Brakes India Pvt Ltd, a joint venture between Japanese component maker Nissin Kogyo and its Thai-based subsidiary, Nissin R&D Asia Co Ltd, on August 21 announced setting up a manufacturing facility for production and development of disc-brakes for two- and four-wheelers at Neemrana in Rajasthan.
対日関係 Relation with Japan in 2007
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