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経済一般 General Economics in 2008
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元のページへ戻る ►2008-03-31 ArtNo.40784(101/531)
◆Steel prices go down by Rs 1,300-2,000 per ton in Punjab
【Chandigarh】A day after the alloy producers agreed to stop export, steel prices on March 26 moved down by Rs 1,000-2,000 per metric tonne in Punjab.
2008-03-31 ArtNo.40785(102/531)
【ニューデリー】インド貨物専用鉄道会社(DFCIL:The Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Ltd)はウッタルプラデシュ州Bhaupurと同州Mandrakを結ぶ区間の鉄道敷設計画の入札意向書提出を関係方面に求めた。(...続きを読む)
◆Rail freight corridor to be called for bids
【New Delhi】The Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Ltd (DFCCIL) has invited for expressions of interest (EoU) for building the stretch between Bhaupur (near Kanpur) and Mandrak (near Aligarh).
2008-03-31 ArtNo.40786(103/531)
【コーチ】Indian Railways(IR)はタミールナド州Chennai/カルナタカ州Bangalore/タミールナド州Coimbatore/ケララ州Kochiを結ぶ高速鉄道を建設する可能性を検討している。(...続きを読む)
◆Railways evaluates a plan to set up high-speed corridor in South
【Kochi】Indian Railways is evaluating the plan to set up a high-speed rail corridor connecting Chennai, Bangalore, Coimbatore and Kochi.
2008-04-02 ArtNo.40793(104/531)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は、マハラシュトラ州Nagpurに目下建設中のものに類似した、商業航空会社に奉仕するだけでなく貨物処理やMRO(maintenance, repair and overhaul)設備も備えた『複合国際空港ハブ(multi-modal international airport hub)』を国内6都市に建設する計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Multi-modal airport hubs to be developed in six metros
【New Delhi】India will soon boast of multi-modal international airport hubs in six metros that would cater not only to commercial airlines but will also have cargo and MRO (maintenance, repair and overhaul) facilities, just as the one proposed in Nagpur.
2008-04-02 ArtNo.40794(105/531)
【ニューデリー】国際協力銀行(JBIC:Japanese Bank for International Cooperation)が貨物専用鉄道西部路線に対する融資を、全行程の2分の1の区間に限って引き受ける意向を表明しため、Indian Railways(IR)は、貨物専用鉄道(DFC:dedicated freight corridor)の資金調達計画に再度見直しを強いられそうだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Rlys may revisit its plan for JIBC's not-willingness
【New Delhi】The Japanese Bank for International Corporation (JBIC) is willing to provide loans only for building half of the western corridor project. Therefore the Indian Railways may have to review their financing plan for the dedicated freight corridor once again.
2008-04-02 ArtNo.40798(106/531)
◆New telcos may soon to start services
【New Delhi】In what seems to be signalling that spectrum will be distributed soon to start services, new telecom licensees have been allotted 5-digit codes (as a prefix to 10-digit cellular numbers) by the Department of Telecommunications.
2008-04-02 ArtNo.40804(107/531)
【ニューデリー】インフレを抑制し、国内供給を補強する狙いから、インド政府は鉄鋼/セメント/ある種の鉱物/非バスマティ・ライスを含む50品目近くに対する『免税優待パスブック(DEPB:Duty Entitlement Passbook Scheme)』スキーム下の輸出奨励措置の適応を暫時、もしくは恒久的に停止した。(...続きを読む)
◆Export subsidy on 50 items withdrawn
【New Delhi】As a measure to control inflation and boost domestic supplies, the Central Government has withdrawn or temporarily suspended tax refund scheme — Duty Entitlement Pass Book — from nearly 50 items, including steel, cement, certain mineral ores and non-basmati rice.
2008-04-04 ArtNo.40805(108/531)
◆Troika to focus on the situation in central Asia: a Russian official
【New Delhi】A regional formation, RIC or the troika of Russia, India and China, will take up international issues like the reform of the United Nations and the Security Council. Apart from the UN, the troika is focussing on the situation in central Asia and Iraq as well.
2008-04-04 ArtNo.40809(109/531)
【コルカタ】チャッティースガル州地質学鉱業総局(DGM:Directorate of Geology and Mining)は、最近の調査と探査活動ハじ石炭、鉄鉱石、ボーキサイト、石灰岩の新鉱床を発見した。(...続きを読む)
◆New coal, iron ore deposits found in Chhattisgarh
【Kolkata】Chhattisgarh state's directorate of geology and mining announced that new deposits of coal, iron ore, bauxite and limestone had been discovered in the mineral-rich state in a recent survey and prospecting conducted by them.
2008-04-07 ArtNo.40817(110/531)
◆Inflation hits 3 year high at 7%
【New Delhi】The inflation rate based on wholesale price index accelerated to a more than three-year high of seven percent for the week ended March 22, on higher prices of food, vegetables, minerals and manufactured items.
2008-04-07 ArtNo.40818(111/531)
◆Exports register 35% growth in February
【New Delhi】Showing resilience against strengthening rupee, India's exports grew by an impressive 35.25 per cent in February 2007-08 fiscal to 14.23 billion dollars, while the growth for the April-February period posted a growth of 22.9 per cent to 138.42 billion dollars.
【新德里】印度出口贸易额2月成长35.25%到142亿3000万美元,证明了对卢比汇率上升的抵抗力。年首11个月的出口额也成长 22.9%到1384亿2000万美元。
2008-04-07 ArtNo.40819(112/531)
◆Six core sectors growth bounces back in Feb
【New Delhi】High growth in the production of coal, power and cement pulled up the Index of six core infrastructure industries output to 8.7% in February compared to 7.6% in the same month last year and much higher than a downwardly revised 3.1% in January 2008.
2008-04-07 ArtNo.40820(113/531)
【ニューデリー】Tata Steel Ltd(TSL)とRashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd(RINL)は4月3日、TMT鉄筋のトン当たり価格を2000ルピー引き下げることを認め、JSW Steel Ltd(JSL)も、波形鋼板のトン当たり価格を500~1000ルピー下げる方針を決めた。(...続きを読む)
◆Steel majors agree to roll back prices
【New Delhi】Tata Steel and Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd on April 3 agreed to reduce prices of TMT bars by Rs 2,000 per tonne and Jindal Steel too decided to roll back the prices of corrugated sheets by Rs 500-1,000 per tonne.
2008-04-07 ArtNo.40824(114/531)
【ニューデリー】経済問題閣僚委員会(CCEA:Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs)は、情報技術(IT)産業、取り分け電子ハードウェア製造業を振興する狙いから、4月3日の会議で、『IT投資地域(ITIR:information technology investment region)』政策を承認した。ITIRは最低40平方キロの地域をカバーする。(...続きを読む)
◆IT investment region policy cleared
【New Delhi】To give a boost to the information technology industry, especially electronics hardware manufacturing sector, the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs on April 3 approved a policy to create information technology investment regions (ITIRs), each having an area of at least 40 sq km.
2008-04-09 ArtNo.40829(115/531)
◆FDI in Feb hits $5.67 b, up 712%
【New Delhi】India received $5.67 billion as Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in February 2008, jumped by a whopping 712% over the $698 million inflows in February 2007.
2008-04-09 ArtNo.40830(116/531)
◆Coking coal import costs set to rise 200%
【Kolkata】If a steel company wants to import coking coal which accounts for 50 per cent of the raw material cost for steel, will have to shell out Rs 12,000 per tonne, 200 per cent, or Rs 8,000 a tonne, more than the price for the previous contract at $98 a tonne, or about Rs 4,000 a tonne.
2008-04-09 ArtNo.40832(117/531)
【ジャランダール】鋼(alloy steel)のトン当たり3000ルピー値上げと、炭素鋼の同2000ルピー値上げは、パンジャブ州の基幹産業に打撃を与えており、二次鉄鋼メーカーによる新たな値上げは工具/部品/自転車部品業界を窮地に陥れる。(...続きを読む)
◆Fresh increase in steel prices blows Punjab industry
【Jalandhar】Steel producers have increased the rate of alloy steel by Rs 3,000 per ton and carbon steel of Rs 2,000 per ton .Tthe rise would break the backbone of Punjab state industry and the fresh increase in steel prices by secondary steel producers will prove a big blow to the hand tool, auto parts and cycle parts industry in the state.
2008-04-14 ArtNo.40841(118/531)
【ニューデリー】工業生産指数(IIP:Index of Industrial Production)をベースにした2月の工業成長率は1月の5.8%から過去4ヶ月来最高の8.6%に回復したが、昨年同月の11%の伸びを依然下回った。アナリストらは2月のIIP成長率が1月に比べ復調したことから、中央銀行は、過去40ヶ月来最高の7.41%に達したインフレ抑制に対処するゆとりができたと評している。(...続きを読む)
◆IIP growth at 8.6% in February
【New Delhi】Industrial output growth in February recuperated the fastest rate in four months at 8.6% from January's upwardly revised 5.8% rise. However this was still lower than the 11% recorded during the same month a year ago. The performance gives the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) much needed headroom to tighten monetary policy, as is widely expected, to arrest rising inflation, which hit a 40-month high of 7.41%.
【新德里】以工业生产指数为基础的工业成长率今年2月记录了8.6%,显著复原从1月的 5.8%。不过还比不上去年同月的11%。分析家说,现在中央银行获得空间对付急升到40个月来最高的7.41%的通货膨胀。
2008-04-14 ArtNo.40842(119/531)
◆Inflation hits a 40-month high of 7.41%
【New Delhi】The annual Wholesale Price Index-based inflation during the week up to March 29 hit a 40-month high of 7.41%, i.e. the highest since the week ended November 12, 2004, when it recorded 7.68%. It is faster than the previous week's 7% rise and 6.7% a year earlier.
2008-04-14 ArtNo.40843(120/531)
【ニューデリー】Kamal Nath商工相は4月11日『2004-09年外国貿易政策年次補足(the annual supplement to Foreign Trade Policy (2004-09))』を発表するとともに、良好な評価を得た輸出奨励措置の期限を1年延長すること、ルピー高に悩む輸出業者には輸出義務を免除すること、インフレ抑制のためセメントとスチールに対する輸出奨励措置を廃止することを明らかにした。(...続きを読む)
◆New Foreign Trade Policy withdraws some export incentives
【New Delhi】Commerce and Industry Minister Kamal Nath on April 11 announced the annual supplement to Foreign Trade Policy (2004-09) and said popular export benefit schemes would be extended by a year, relief on export obligation would be given to exporters groaning under the rising rupee and incentives on cement and steel exports would be withdrawn to curb inflation.
【新德里】Kamal Nath工商部长4月11日披露『2004-09年外贸政策年度补遗』同时发表以下的一系列措施。评价良好的出口奖励措施的期限延长一年,卢比汇率提高而被打击的行业被免除出口义务,为了控制通货膨胀而取消水泥与钢材的出口奖励。
2008-04-14 ArtNo.40844(121/531)
【ニューデリー】政府が2週間前に閣議承認した全国鉱物政策(NMP:National Mineral Policy)には探査活動を促し鉱物の供給を拡大する方策が盛り込まれている反面、鉄鉱石等の鉱物輸出を規制し国内資源の保存を図る案は採用されなかった。(...続きを読む)
◆Mineral policy sidestepping the issue of capping export
【New Delhi】The Cabinet two weeks ago cleared the National Mineral Policy (NMP) which had suggested steps to push up mineral exploration to boost availability, while sidestepping the issue of capping export of minerals like iron ore and conserve it within the country.
2008-04-14 ArtNo.40849(122/531)
【ハイデラバード】送電網に接続した大規模な太陽発電プラント(solar photovoltaic power plants)を設けようと言う新エネルギー及び再生可能エネルギー(NRE: New and Renewable Energy)省の努力に、積極的反応が生じている。(...続きを読む)
◆Solar power plan receives positive response
【Hyderabad】The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy has promoted to set up large, grid-connected solar photovoltaic (SPV) power plants. The efforts already have received positive response.
2008-04-14 ArtNo.40850(123/531)
【ニューデリー】中国企業による電力設備市場支配に対する懸念が高まる中、Manmohan Singh首相は9日、外国電力設備メーカーにインド国内に製造施設を設けることを義務づける新政策にゴー・サインを出した。(...続きを読む)
◆Domestic manufacturing norm for foreign power equipment cos
【New Delhi】Concerned over proliferation of Chinese equipment suppliers in the power sector, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on April 9 put his stamp on a significant policy initiative to insist on domestic manufacturing as a yardstick for power equipment supplied by foreign manufacturers.
2008-04-14 ArtNo.40852(124/531)
◆Salaries of management graduates jump 22%
【New Delhi】Across top 20 campuses, the average salary offered this year is about 22 per cent more than what was offered last year, according to a report prepared by MBAUniverse.com.
2008-04-16 ArtNo.40853(125/531)
【ニューデリー】大蔵省が石油精製プロジェクトに対する税制優遇措置の有効期限を2009年3月31日とし、2009年4月1日以降に稼働する製油所には最早免税優遇を認めない方針を決めたことから、石油天然ガス省は新探査ライセンス政策(NELP:New Exploration Licencing Policy)下の第7次入札にも深刻な影響を及ぼすとし、Manmohan Singh首相に同方針の見直しを求めた。(...続きを読む)
◆Withdrawal of tax holiday to impact NELP-VII too
【New Delhi】In view of a 'poor response' to the Seventh Round of New Exploration Licensing Policy (NELP), the Union Petroleum and Natural Gas Ministry has taken up a sunset clause withdrawing the tax break for refineries that begin commercial production after April 1, 2009 with the Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh.
2008-04-16 ArtNo.40854(126/531)
◆Ministries lock horns over gas E&P sops
【New Delhi】The finance ministry's position that exploration & production of natural gas does not qualify for tax breaks has irritated the Petroleum and Natural Gas Ministry which has warned that it might result in legal wrangles, besides jeopardise investments worth over Rs 1 lakh crore to 2012.
2008-04-16 ArtNo.40856(127/531)
◆Govt may relax oilseeds import
【Chennai】It is projected that the Union Government may relax import of oilseeds in 2009 to take the heat out of an overheated domestic oil and oilseeds market.
2008-04-16 ArtNo.40858(128/531)
◆Uttarakhand to seek bids for 50 hydropower projects
【Dehra Dun】The Uttarakhand government is likely to float open tenders for nearly 30 to 50 hydropower projects by the end of this month.
2008-04-16 ArtNo.40859(129/531)
◆New airports policy explicates guidelines for airport projects
【New Delhi】In a bid to make it easier to set up an airport in the country, the ministry of civil aviation has moved a Cabinet note on Greenfield airports policy with explicit guidelines for approval of airport projects, including those within and outside the 150-km mark.
2008-04-16 ArtNo.40863(130/531)
【ニューデリー】インド政府とインド商工会議所連盟(FICCI:Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry)は、新会社『Invest India Company(IIC)』を設立、インドにおける投資機会を探る外国企業に支援を提供するとともに、外国直接投資を促進することで合意した。(...続きを読む)
◆Govt, Ficci to set up 'Invest India Company' to boost investment
【New Delhi】The Centre and industry body Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry(Ficci) has decided to join hands to set up a company called 'Invest India Company' to promote inward investments and provide 'hand holding' services to foreign investors scouting for investment opportunities in India.
2008-04-16 ArtNo.40864(131/531)
◆India Inc's total investments in Spore to cross $10 b
【Mumbai】Singapore has emerged as the top destination for overseas investment by Indian companies. So far Indian companies have invested more than US$10 billion in Singapore.
2008-04-18 ArtNo.40865(132/531)
【ムンバイ】中央銀行Reserve Bank of India(RBI)は4月17日、支払い準備率(CRR:cash reserve ratio)を、4月26日と5月10日の2段階に分けて各25ベイシスポイント引き上げ8%にすると発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆RBI hikes CRR by 50 bps in two phases
【Mumbai】The Reserve Bank of India on April 17 announced a hike in banks' cash reserve ratio (CRR) by 50 basis points to 8 per cent in two phases effective from April 26 and May 10.
2008-04-18 ArtNo.40866(133/531)
◆Inflation eases to 7.14%
【New Delhi】The annual Wholesale Price Index-based inflation for the week ended April 5, 2008 recorded 7.14%. It is faster than 6.44% a year earlier but lower than the previous week's 40-month high 7.41%.
【新德里】以批发价为基的通货膨胀在今年4月5日为止的一个星期上升 7.14%.,比去年同一期的6.44%来得高,不过比前一个星期记录的40个月来最高的7.41%稍微钝化。
2008-04-18 ArtNo.40867(134/531)
◆Govt to import 1 mt edible oil, 1.5 mt pulses to fight price rise
【New Delhi】The Indian government plans to import one million tonne edible oil and 15 lakh tonne of pulses in order to bring down prices of essential commodities.
2008-04-18 ArtNo.40868(135/531)
【チェンナイ】今年3月の食用及び工業用の植物油輸入量は50万2827トンと、昨年同月比28%増加、年初5ヶ月(oil year:2007/11-2008/3)の輸入は226万4497トンと、前年同期の164万2951トンに比べ38%増加した。(...続きを読む)
◆Vegetable oils import post 28% growth in March
【Chennai】Import of vegetable oils, for cooking and industrial use, in March 2008 at 5.02827 lakh tonnes were 28 per cent higher than March 2007. Cumulatively, overall shipments into the country during the first 5 months of the current oil year (November 2007-October 2008) at 22.64 lakh tonnes were 38 per cent higher against 16.43 lakh tonnes in the corresponding period of the previous oil year.
【金奈】印度2008年3月进口50万2827吨食用与工业用植物油,比去年同一月增加28%。今年(oil year:2007/11-2008/3)首5个月的进口量从去年同一期的164万2951吨增加到226万4497吨,成长了38%。
2008-04-18 ArtNo.40869(136/531)
【ニューデリー】インフレ抑制を巡る閣内の意見不一致、取り分け鉄鋼価格抑制策を巡る鉄鋼省/商工省/大蔵省の対立から、4月15日に予定されていた価格問題閣僚委員会会議(CCP:Cabinet Committee on Prices)が延期された。(...続きを読む)
◆Split wide open, CCP meet postponed
【New Delhi】The internal differences within the Government, especially between Steel, commerce and finance ministries, over steps to rein in increase in steel prices forced the government on April 15 to postpone a crucial Cabinet Committee on Prices (CCP) meeting.
2008-04-18 ArtNo.40871(137/531)
【ニューデリー】鉱物産地の州代表等から成る作業委員会が『1957年鉱山鉱物開発及び規則法(MMDR法:Mines and Mineral -Development and Regulation- Act, 1957)』の修正に関して依然として合意が得られないことから、新全国鉱物政策(NMP:National Mineral Policy)の発効は再度遅延するものと予想されている。(...続きを読む)
◆Mineral policy likely to be delayed again
【New Delhi】In a development that could act as the postponement of the implementation of the new National Mineral Policy (NMP), the working group comprising officials of mineral-rich states is yet to reach a consensus over the proposed amendments to the Mines and Mineral (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957 (MMDR Act).
2008-04-18 ArtNo.40872(138/531)
◆The share of hydro power from 25% to at least 40% in 20 years
【New Delhi】The ministry of power has decided to give a major push to the development of hydel power projects in India. A plan has been drawn to increase the share of hydro power in India from the existing 25%, or even less, to at least 40% in the next 20 years.
2008-04-18 ArtNo.40874(139/531)
◆Market for two-wheelers and cars remains lacklustre
【Mumbai】The worst phase of volume decline and stagnation in profitability has been negotiated, demand for two-wheelers and cars is yet to gather momentum.
2008-04-21 ArtNo.40877(140/531)
【ニューデリー】鉄道省は民間業者がそれ自身のニーズに合わせてその製品を輸送する鉄道ターミナルを建設することを奨励する『ターミナル開発スキーム(terminal development scheme)』を立案した。(...続きを読む)
◆Rlys to set up bulk terminals with pvt players
【New Delhi】The railway ministry has come out with a terminal development scheme for private players to build their own terminals for transporting their products keeping in mind their specific requirements.
2008-04-21 ArtNo.40878(141/531)
【ニューデリー】鉄道省は民間部門が鉄道貨車を所有し、リースすることを可能にする『貨車リース・スキーム(WLS:wagon leasing scheme)』と『より自由な貨車投資スキーム(LWIS:liberalised wagon investment scheme)』を開始した。これらのビジネスはこれまでIndian Railway Finance Corporation(IRFC)が独占経営して来た。(...続きを読む)
◆Private players can enter wagon biz
【New Delhi】The railway ministry has launched the wagon leasing scheme (WLS) and the liberalised wagon investment scheme (LWIS) that will permit private Companies to own and lease wagons, so far the mandate of the Indian Railway Finance Corporation.
2008-04-21 ArtNo.40879(142/531)
◆Metro projects top govt priority
【New Delhi】With proposals for Metro rail projects in several cities lined up, the indian government has decided that it makes efforts to expedite the process and begin work within two years.
2008-04-21 ArtNo.40880(143/531)
◆Delhi plans to sweep streets clean of 15-yr-old cars
【New Delhi】The Delhi government, which cancelled the registration of 1.11 lakh trucks older than 15 years last month, is planning a similar move for passenger cars.
2008-04-21 ArtNo.40885(144/531)
◆NELP bid date may be postponed
【New Delhi】The last date of bidding for the seventh round of New Exploration Licensing Policy (NELP) may be postponed from April 25 to May 23.
2008-04-23 ArtNo.40889(145/531)
◆Sail & Tata、鉄鋼製品価格凍結表明
【ニューデリー】統一進歩連合(UPA:United Progressive Alliance)政府トップの相次ぐ強硬発言を受け、Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL)とTata Steel Ltd(TSL)は4月22日、鉄鋼製品価格を暫時凍結する方針を発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆Sail & Tata freeze steel prices in a few month
【New Delhi】Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL) and Tata Steel Ltd(TSL) on April 22 agreed to freeze steel prices, responding with alacrity to tough talk by the UPA administration's top brass.
2008-04-23 ArtNo.40891(146/531)
【ニューデリー】新全国鉱物政策(NMP:National Mineral Policy)は、鉱物採掘権を保証するだけでなく、鉱業部門への年間25億米ドルの外国直接投資(FDI)誘致につながる。(...続きを読む)
◆New mineral policy to attract $2.5 bn FDI
【New Delhi】The new National Mineral Policy (NMP) not only ensures assured right in mineral concessions but also can attract foreign direct investment (FDI) of $2.5 billion annually, the government told the Rajya Sabha on April 21.
2008-04-23 ArtNo.40892(147/531)
◆Govt may allow captive coal mines to sell 10% of output
【New Delhi】In an effort to open up the regulated coal sector, the government is considering to allow merchant sale of 10% of coal produced by captive mine owners.
2008-04-23 ArtNo.40893(148/531)
◆Nelp-VII deferred till May 16
【Mumbai】India has an estimated sedimentary area of 3.14 million square kilometre, comprising 26 sedimentary basins, of which, 1.35 million square kilometre area is in deepwater. And the petroleum ministry aims at 80% exploration coverage during the 11th Plan period.
2008-04-23 ArtNo.40898(149/531)
【ニューデリー】産業用繊維(technical textile)市場は、業界が抱える問題を適切に処理するなら、2020年までに現在の83億米ドルから4倍以上の370億米ドルに成長する見通しだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Indian technical textile market seen at $37 b
【New Delhi】Indian technical textile market is expected to grow by more than four times to $37 billion by 2020, from the present level of $8.3 billion, if provided issues are addressed.
2008-04-28 ArtNo.40901(150/531)
【ニューデリー】鉄鉱石を含む鉱物の急騰と食品の値上がりで、4月12日までの1週間の卸売物価指数(WPI:Wholesale Price Index)をベースにしたインフレ率は7.33%と、前週の7.14%や昨年同期の6.34%を上回り、3年来の最高水準を維持した。(...続きを読む)
◆Costlier food, steel push inflation up to 7.33%
【New Delhi】A steep hike in mineral prices, including iron ore, and increasing cost of food items led to the wholesale price index-based annual rate of inflation (WPI) rising 7.33 per cent in the week ended April 12, accelerating from the previous week's annual rise of 7.14 per cent and much higher than the 6.34 per cent in the same week last year.
経済一般 General Economics in 2008
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